Phase 1



  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    Started day 1 today. Taking pics tonight. Wish me luck! The no cardio will give me nightmares.
    Is anyone here NOT doing this at a gym? Anyone using bands in conjunction w/the weights at home?


    Hello! I hope you enjoy this program - I'm loving it. I really enjoyed not having cardio in the first phase, and it made me want to do it more when it came back into the plan. I do use a gym, though. Good luck!
  • vickystrand1
    vickystrand1 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks! So far so good. I have a "home gym" so that is working well and have been finding good alternatives online.
    I'm pretty sore, but it's manageable. Can someone tell me how to figure "how much/how many lbs" I should be lifting?
    I know it's like 60% but 60% of what?
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Thanks! So far so good. I have a "home gym" so that is working well and have been finding good alternatives online.
    I'm pretty sore, but it's manageable. Can someone tell me how to figure "how much/how many lbs" I should be lifting?
    I know it's like 60% but 60% of what?
    It's here!~
  • cocoa_cutie513
    cocoa_cutie513 Posts: 41 Member
    Today was the start of Week 3, Day 1. I enjoyed leg day up until I got to walking lunges. I haven't done any since I was in the army, so I'm thinking my former may have been off.

    Anyway, after finishing the wide leg stance, it was darn near impossible to lunge. Also, it's 3 sets of 10. So is the 10 lunges per leg???

    I only completed 2 sets of lunges. I started to feel sharp pain, almost like I was pulling muscle in my quad. Anyone else felt that?
  • kari574
    kari574 Posts: 99 Member
    Hello all! Day 1, phase 1 today! Who all is following the diet part of the plan? I plan on following this whole thing as close as I can, to see how good of results I can get. But the diet part is difficult. If you're following it, what do you have for lunches, if you take lunch to work? I could make a salad with chicken or tuna on it. Or maybe a lean meat sandwich, but I can only have one slice of bread. Hmm, what else?
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Hello all! Day 1, phase 1 today! Who all is following the diet part of the plan? I plan on following this whole thing as close as I can, to see how good of results I can get. But the diet part is difficult. If you're following it, what do you have for lunches, if you take lunch to work? I could make a salad with chicken or tuna on it. Or maybe a lean meat sandwich, but I can only have one slice of bread. Hmm, what else?
    Hi I am not doing this program anymore. I do believe most weight lifting programs pretty much incorporate clean eating and that can be done alot of different ways. When I did, I did follow her eating plan pretty closely. Her Italian Turkey burgers are awesome and taste just as good warmed up as they do when you cook them. They would be great for lunch! The turkey/chicken muffins are good too and easy to eat on the go! The things you mentioned would be great. And you can always bring leftovers from the night before!

    Good luck!
  • GirlMeetsCamera
    GirlMeetsCamera Posts: 5 Member
    Natalie Hodson has a few sample meal of how she eats through the day.

    This is where prepping your food for the week will come in handy. Make a bunch of the turkey muffins, a pan of the monster meatloaf, salsa chicken, or just cook up a bunch of chicken/turkey and keep it in the fridge. Also roast/grill/steam a lot of veggies and pack them into ziplock bags or just chop them up and pack them raw if you like them that way (I dont :P). Also beans, rice, couscous, cubed sweet potatoes can all be cooked and packed up ahead of time. Throw some of each into a container and take it with you.
  • kari574
    kari574 Posts: 99 Member
    Oh candy, how I miss you already!
  • GirlMeetsCamera
    GirlMeetsCamera Posts: 5 Member
    How are/did yall split up the workouts? All 4 days in a row (when it is only 4 days) or did you split it up? Im not sure what to do when it moves to 6 a week since the gyms daycare is only open 5 days a week. Either find a sitter or do the at home emergency workout she has...
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    How are/did yall split up the workouts? All 4 days in a row (when it is only 4 days) or did you split it up? Im not sure what to do when it moves to 6 a week since the gyms daycare is only open 5 days a week. Either find a sitter or do the at home emergency workout she has...
    Yes that's what I did...then maybe walked some on the other days. But no major cardio
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    How are/did yall split up the workouts? All 4 days in a row (when it is only 4 days) or did you split it up? Im not sure what to do when it moves to 6 a week since the gyms daycare is only open 5 days a week. Either find a sitter or do the at home emergency workout she has...
    Yes that's what I did...then maybe walked some on the other days. But no major cardio

    I think I split up the four day routines over 5 weekdays - I didn't even attempt anything on the weekends. So my 5 days stayed within the work week as well. Right now I'm on the 6 days, and honestly I miss some. I try to make up for it and do two workouts in one day (legs and chest/abs/cardio, etc), or just cut out one of the leg days because there are two. 6 isn't manageable for me a lot of the time - I have places to be : )

    Right now what I'm doing is 12 days in a row and then two days off. I do the first 6 day set Monday - Saturday and then the next 6 Sunday - Friday.The weekend I work out is when my bf has his daughter, and I can give them some time together and get away to the gym. The next weekend I take off because it is just he and I, and I know that I'm not going to work out aside from our walks or disc golf, and I like knowing that my workouts are already done for that week so I don't feel bad about missing them. Because I know I don't go if I have the option to stay home and snuggle : )
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member

    Haha, I would never pass up snuggling time either!! :bigsmile:
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member

    I think I split up the four day routines over 5 weekdays - I didn't even attempt anything on the weekends. So my 5 days stayed within the work week as well. Right now I'm on the 6 days, and honestly I miss some. I try to make up for it and do two workouts in one day (legs and chest/abs/cardio, etc), or just cut out one of the leg days because there are two. 6 isn't manageable for me a lot of the time - I have places to be : )

    Right now what I'm doing is 12 days in a row and then two days off. I do the first 6 day set Monday - Saturday and then the next 6 Sunday - Friday.The weekend I work out is when my bf has his daughter, and I can give them some time together and get away to the gym. The next weekend I take off because it is just he and I, and I know that I'm not going to work out aside from our walks or disc golf, and I like knowing that my workouts are already done for that week so I don't feel bad about missing them. Because I know I don't go if I have the option to stay home and snuggle : )
    During Phase 2 I never got the 6 workouts in either. I did the same thing, double up on one of the days. I did try to get the legs in twice a week though because they are biggest muscle, therefore burn alot of fat! Plus, they need the extra work! Seems like I always missed shoulder and abs....but that is the easiest one to catch up at home.

    Haha, I would never pass up snuggling time either!! :bigsmile:
  • Ayla68
    Ayla68 Posts: 5 Member
    I finished Day 3 today and my legs are sore lol goes with my sore arms and chest. Still feels weird to not do cardio at the gym. Im looking forward to building a support system with like minded people !
    I have decided to do Tuesday to Friday for my workouts....leaves me my weekends for hiking and spending time with the grandson and kids :)
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    I finished Day 3 today and my legs are sore lol goes with my sore arms and chest. Still feels weird to not do cardio at the gym. Im looking forward to building a support system with like minded people !
    I have decided to do Tuesday to Friday for my workouts....leaves me my weekends for hiking and spending time with the grandson and kids :)
    Hi!! I'm not doing this program anymore but I am still lifting 3 times a week, HIIT in between those days during the week, and trying to be active with hiking as well! This was a great program for me though! Good luck!

    PS sending a friend request!
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Just starting after finding the program on line. I work out at home and have done Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper videos, did about a month of NROLFW (modified for my basement). I don't think I will quit other workouts including cardio, but plan to use this about 3 times a week... I look forward to reading posts in this group!
  • GirlMeetsCamera
    GirlMeetsCamera Posts: 5 Member
    I did the NROLW program and got to Stage 6 I think before we moved. It has been 4 months now since Ive lifted weights or used a gym at all! Instead of jumping back in at the end of NROL I'm starting on Live Fit. Trying REALLY hard to stick to it as much as I can!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Just starting after finding the program on line. I work out at home and have done Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper videos, did about a month of NROLFW (modified for my basement). I don't think I will quit other workouts including cardio, but plan to use this about 3 times a week... I look forward to reading posts in this group!
    Welcome aboard and good luck to you!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    After doing Phase 1, 2 and then going back to Phase 1, getting to the 3rd week of Phase 2 again, I decided to change up completely by doing Body for Life. Well since then and after straining my ligaments in my left ankle, I've been resting up and re-thinking my weight lifting program yet again. Itslessofme has started doing James Wilson, who worked with Jamie. I checked out his Facebook page and have decided to restart on Monday doing his 12 week program. He will be my personal trainer, customizing workouts, and helping with nutrition as well! I've been enjoying my time in the mountains but sure miss lifting! My body needed this time off though! I encourage you all to stay strong in your goals, lift heavy and listen to your body and what it needs!!
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    After doing Phase 1, 2 and then going back to Phase 1, getting to the 3rd week of Phase 2 again, I decided to change up completely by doing Body for Life. Well since then and after straining my ligaments in my left ankle, I've been resting up and re-thinking my weight lifting program yet again. Itslessofme has started doing James Wilson, who worked with Jamie. I checked out his Facebook page and have decided to restart on Monday doing his 12 week program. He will be my personal trainer, customizing workouts, and helping with nutrition as well! I've been enjoying my time in the mountains but sure miss lifting! My body needed this time off though! I encourage you all to stay strong in your goals, lift heavy and listen to your body and what it needs!!

    Oooh, James Wilson. I should remember that. I'm going to need a new program when this one is over, and I want it to be more weight loss focused since I still have a lot more to lose. Let us know how it goes!