Phase 1



  • cindaboo1
    cindaboo1 Posts: 150 Member
    So I'm on week 3 of Phase 1 and I decided to measure myself just for the fun of it over the weekend to see if there's been any changes yet (my plan is to measure/weigh every 2 weeks and take pics every 4) I was pleasantly surprised!! I've lost inches just after a couple of weeks I was so excited!! Don't have my measurements with me right now but will post them as soon as I get em from home. Can't WAIT to see the end results!! m:bigsmile:
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    So I'm on week 3 of Phase 1 and I decided to measure myself just for the fun of it over the weekend to see if there's been any changes yet (my plan is to measure/weigh every 2 weeks and take pics every 4) I was pleasantly surprised!! I've lost inches just after a couple of weeks I was so excited!! Don't have my measurements with me right now but will post them as soon as I get em from home. Can't WAIT to see the end results!! m:bigsmile:
    Awesome!! Keep up the good work!
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    Hey everyone! I started this on Monday, so I've only done a few workouts, but I have exactly 12 weeks until my trip to Vegas and I intend to use this plan to kick *kitten*! I have some weight to lose, but I'm mostly interested in getting in better shape. I'll just see what toning and weight loss comes of this. I love lifting, so I'm thrilled about this first phase, although I probably will end up doing some occasional cardio. I have knee issues, so leg days will have to be modified. But my upper body feels awesome after the first two days! And I didn't even get any sore shoulders and tension headaches, yay!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Hey everyone! I started this on Monday, so I've only done a few workouts, but I have exactly 12 weeks until my trip to Vegas and I intend to use this plan to kick *kitten*! I have some weight to lose, but I'm mostly interested in getting in better shape. I'll just see what toning and weight loss comes of this. I love lifting, so I'm thrilled about this first phase, although I probably will end up doing some occasional cardio. I have knee issues, so leg days will have to be modified. But my upper body feels awesome after the first two days! And I didn't even get any sore shoulders and tension headaches, yay!
    Congratulations for starting this! It is an awesome program and so easy to follow!! Good luck and keep us posted! Feel free to friend me!
  • ahodge0502
    ahodge0502 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I just started Phase 1 Day 1- Chest/triceps today. Im really excited to see the results by the end of the 12 weeks. im going to measure myself tonight.

    I know it says no cardio but im training for a half-marathon so I have to follow my training schedule for that. Im only hoping for faster results :)
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    Hello! I just did chest/triceps this morning at the beginning of week 2. I obviously can't really see results yet, but I do know i was nice and sore last week. I'm hoping to start feeling it again tomorrow : )
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Hello! I just did chest/triceps this morning at the beginning of week 2. I obviously can't really see results yet, but I do know i was nice and sore last week. I'm hoping to start feeling it again tomorrow : )
    Hello and welcome! I know you were sore! I have to admit that every week since I started, my legs are always sore after my workouts for at least a couple of days! I love that feeling!!
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    This is my last week of Phase 1! I wish I knew you guys were out there sooner! But so far I'm loving it, I put up my before pic and I'll be doing progress pics for each phase I'm hoping to drop my body fat down 2 more percent to 15% and maybe even lose a couple lbs. I love legs days!
  • ahodge0502
    ahodge0502 Posts: 14 Member
    congrats on going to phase 2!! your before and after pics look amazing! yay

    i can't wait to see my results
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    congrats on going to phase 2!! your before and after pics look amazing! yay

    i can't wait to see my results

    thanks!! I cant wait to see everyones results! I saw some great before and afters on her facebook page she made an album of people who tagged her to their progress pics! I would post the link but its blocked at work :-p
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    Awesome job! I'm a bit nervous about this program right now and if it's what I need - I'm still looking to lose weight and the first two phases pretty much prevent it. I'm wondering if I should start incorporating cardio anyway, and when I get down to goal weight redo the program with more focus on the muscle building. Right now I have a bit too much fat for it all to show through!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I just started Phase 1 Day 1- Chest/triceps today. Im really excited to see the results by the end of the 12 weeks. im going to measure myself tonight.

    I know it says no cardio but im training for a half-marathon so I have to follow my training schedule for that. Im only hoping for faster results :)
    Welcome!! Be sure to measure because I didn't lose any weight, in fact, I gained a little! I did lose 6 inches overall!!
    Good luck and keep us posted!!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    This is my last week of Phase 1! I wish I knew you guys were out there sooner! But so far I'm loving it, I put up my before pic and I'll be doing progress pics for each phase I'm hoping to drop my body fat down 2 more percent to 15% and maybe even lose a couple lbs. I love legs days!
    Welcome and you look great! I love leg days too! I have to tell you that I have continued to be sore after each leg workout...not like the initial leg workout, but every one since!! Let's me know I am working those muscles!! Good luck and keep us posted!!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Awesome job! I'm a bit nervous about this program right now and if it's what I need - I'm still looking to lose weight and the first two phases pretty much prevent it. I'm wondering if I should start incorporating cardio anyway, and when I get down to goal weight redo the program with more focus on the muscle building. Right now I have a bit too much fat for it all to show through!
    I am in the last week of Phase 2 and will measure, weigh and have my body fat analyzed this weekend. I have just under 30 lbs to go, and have been thinking that I should re-do Phase 2 before moving on to Phase 3. I do think that you should follow her plan as much as possible through Phase 1 and 2 and then start re-thinking where you need to go at that time! Just my thoughts!! Good luck!!
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    Awesome job! I'm a bit nervous about this program right now and if it's what I need - I'm still looking to lose weight and the first two phases pretty much prevent it. I'm wondering if I should start incorporating cardio anyway, and when I get down to goal weight redo the program with more focus on the muscle building. Right now I have a bit too much fat for it all to show through!

    for phase 1, I've been doing a ten min cardio warm up daily which is a mile run at least but just to warm my muscles. Looking ahead to phase 2 though there is enough cardio and strength to make up for phase 1's lack of cardio. The strength training actually builds muscle which burns more fat than cardio because it causes your body to burn fat for a longer period of time. So I would say stick with the program and as is and if anything may be do 2 rounds of phase 2 once you get there to continue cutting.
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    This is my last week of Phase 1! I wish I knew you guys were out there sooner! But so far I'm loving it, I put up my before pic and I'll be doing progress pics for each phase I'm hoping to drop my body fat down 2 more percent to 15% and maybe even lose a couple lbs. I love legs days!
    Welcome and you look great! I love leg days too! I have to tell you that I have continued to be sore after each leg workout...not like the initial leg workout, but every one since!! Let's me know I am working those muscles!! Good luck and keep us posted!!

    Thanks for the warm welcome and compliment! I definitely will keep everyone posted :-) and I share the continued muscle soreness which I agree lets me know I'm doing something right! lol
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    Okay, I'll try to stick with it for the most part. Since I'm still on the second week and there are only 4 days scheduled to workout I may throw a day of cardio in this weekend. 3 days off makes me eat too much lol. But after that the plan schedules for 5 days, and I'm a lot more comfortable with that. Other than that, I'll stick with the strength and just try to watch my calories. I'm not able to follow her food plan due to limited groceries, but staying with calorie limits should help a lot, as long as I'm getting enough protein.
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    I know right, Kieva!! I am sore just about everywhere this week!!
    Tasha, definitely get that protein in!! I don't really think her program calls for expensive food, etc.... I've been making a lot of her recipes and they are very good! Definitely beats paying for store bought protein bars, and eating out!
  • ahodge0502
    ahodge0502 Posts: 14 Member
    I completed my 1st week! OUCHIES, my body is super sore but I'm excited to feel it :)

    I took measurements and took tons of before pictures so I will do this for every phase. I am not anticipating weight loss but looking forward to a leaner body! Good luck to everyone in their current phase.
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    I completed my 1st week! OUCHIES, my body is super sore but I'm excited to feel it :)
    Great feeling!