Phase 1



  • stenochick0417
    stenochick0417 Posts: 124 Member
    Phase 1, week 2

    Did my first workout of this week this morning. The hubs came with me to show me the gym equipment. Last week, he slept in and I wussed out when I saw so many people there already -- it was kind of intimidating so I just came home and did the at-home versions. That being said, having done my workout today in the gym (with hubs's encouragement, bless his lil' heart) I sure felt it. Like I posted on my page earlier, now I KNOW why she designed this workout around a gym environment. I felt a huge difference by the end. My arms were wobbling so badly towards the end of my lat pushdowns -- I know I'm going to feel it tomorrow, for sure. OH and since I'm so stinkin' self-conscious, I didn't want to do my god-awful weenie pushups in the gym, I thought I'd just do them at home when we got back. Bad idea. I could only do maybe 5 tops. Those lat pushdowns really made my arms rubbery and useless. So. I'm guessing there is a reason for the different exercises being in the order that they are, and from here on out, I'll quit being stubborn. I mean, everyone has to start somewhere, right?
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Hey stenochick041,

    Congrats on making it to week two. Yes, I am self conscious too. At least your boyfriend comes with you some times. I have to go it alone which was kind of awkward at :blushing:

    One thing I do is, not look at other people. I know it sounds weird but it helps me stay focused on myself and why I'm there. The push ups were/are very hard and embarrassing to do in the gym but I personally know if I make it home, I prob won't do them. So I try and get them in. I've been posting all about those push ups in my blog though too and how I'm handling those, so please read if you get a chance!

    Basically though I am just trying to start on my toes, do as real ones as I can, even if it's just 1 or 2, than I drop to my knees and do the rest in girly push up form.

    Just keep at it though, that burn is a good feeling, that means you are building muscle. Just make sure you are eating enough and letting your body heal!! :wink:

    Keep us posted!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Starting Phase 1, Workout 1 today! I meant to start this last week but can't get any of my friends to join me! So I am looking for support from you ladies! Excited to get started!!
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Congrats and keep us posted on your progress!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    So glad to have received this invite to be in this group! I did go to the gym this morning and did my first workout...Phase 1, work out 1 and it wasn't easy either! I'm with you fitgirl on the pushups.....I started out doing regular ones but couldn't make it all the way through! And the narrow ones were even harder!!

    A little about me

    I'm 50 yrs old and live in North Carolina for almost 3 years now, after living most of my entire life in Georgia! Back home in Ga, I had gotten very heavy and hired a personal trainer and with his help got to around 160 lbs...not where I wanted the scale to be but I had alot of muscle and looked pretty good! After breaking all 3 bones of my right ankle in Dec of 2006, needless to say my time at the gym came to screeching halt! After some time I was able to start back. Then just over 3 years ago, I was in a car accident and hurt my neck pretty bad. Then shortly after that, we moved here and everything changed! I was in the best shape I had been since high school weighing about 147, but the injuries to my neck left me pretty sedentary. I still have pain and some days are worse than others, but decided I had to do something about the weight that I've gained since moving away from my hometown, family and friends. So, back in the summer, I downloaded the MFP and used it some, but it was summer time, so vacations got in the way, family visits, friends coming for visits, days at the lake, etc.....So January 2012 rolled around and I decided its time to get my life back together and lose the weight for the last time! I started using MFP again and really watching my food intake, concentrating on eating plenty of protein and drinking lots of water. Gym time has been sporadic....I really wish I had friends here in NC. Only a few and they just aren't going to do what I'd decided I was determined to do!

    Which let me to this group!! I knew from my time working with a personal trainer, that its lifting that truly burns the fat, so I looked here to find a group to hang out with!! To share my thoughts, support, ask questions, share recipes and who knows what else!! So I am not entirely right on with the nutrition part of it as this time, but I intend to make some of her protein bars and even bought the turkey to make the muffins! So girls, let's get to the gym and kick some butt and burn some fat!!!

  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Tomorrow will be my last day on week two. I'll be starting week three!!:tongue:
    I just wanted to post my progress:

    One thing I didn't realize is that in phase 1, all of the work outs, seem to be the same?? The amount of weight doesn't change, the repetitions don't change. I guess I just thought it would slowly get harder with each week. I'm not complaining though, it's nice and the workouts from week one seem to be getting a little easier too, so that was a pleasant surprise.

    As far as weight goes, I actually lost about 2 lbs last week! I was so happy because I wanted to lose that by early Feb and that 2 lbs was just hanging around until last week, so it was a relief when finally fell off. I haven't measured myself yet which I definitely want to do by the end of phase 1 at the latest and I will post any additional progress on loss in inches/weight.

    P.S. I do feel a little toner, nothing anyone else would notice but I can tell, not to get graphic but the cellulite on the back of my legs already seems to diminishing a lot and my arms don't seem to bulge out as much! :laugh:
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Tomorrow will be my last day on week two. I'll be starting week three!!:tongue:
    I just wanted to post my progress:

    One thing I didn't realize is that in phase 1, all of the work outs, seem to be the same?? The amount of weight doesn't change, the repetitions don't change. I guess I just thought it would slowly get harder with each week. I'm not complaining though, it's nice and the workouts from week one seem to be getting a little easier too, so that was a pleasant surprise.

    As far as weight goes, I actually lost about 2 lbs last week! I was so happy because I wanted to lose that by early Feb and that 2 lbs was just hanging around until last week, so it was a relief when finally fell off. I haven't measured myself yet which I definitely want to do by the end of phase 1 at the latest and I will post any additional progress on loss in inches/weight.

    P.S. I do feel a little toner, nothing anyone else would notice but I can tell, not to get graphic but the cellulite on the back of my legs already seems to diminishing a lot and my arms don't seem to bulge out as much! :laugh:

    Awesome, weigh to go on the 2 lbs!! I would think that if lifting the same weight is getting easy, then up it! I haven't plowed all the way through the workouts that are outlined but knew they were the same. Just with any program, if it's too easy, up it!! Good luck on the 3rd week!!
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    I didn't think of that, thanks for the tip!
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    First leg work out done! I know I'm going to be sore because the rest of my body is still sore from the first workout!! Btw, I made the turkey muffins...wasn't to sure I'd like them, but they really aren't that bad!!
  • stenochick0417
    stenochick0417 Posts: 124 Member
    I started week 3 today -- wow. Just -- wow. My legs are *still* telling me about it! I guess this is where we get to take the training wheels off, huh? I pushed myself to go heavier and although I'll be paying for it tomorrow, it feels pretty good to accomplish what I did. :) I'm actually looking forward to my 3:30 wake up call tomorrow. :)
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    I just noticed I made a mistake.
    I'm at the end of week 3 but I did weeks 1 & 2 workouts for week 3. Do you think I should just re-start week 3, or just continue on to week 4???:frown:
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    I just noticed I made a mistake.
    I'm at the end of week 3 but I did weeks 1 & 2 workouts for week 3. Do you think I should just re-start week 3, or just continue on to week 4???:frown:
    If it were me, I would do it over.
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Yes, I decided I'm going to. I want to give each week 100% so I will start week 3 over on weds. or thurs.
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239

    Yea, that was a good read. She basically covered everything we've talked about on this blog. I wonder if she made it to phase 3.
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Yes, I decided I'm going to. I want to give each week 100% so I will start week 3 over on weds. or thurs.

    Omg...I was just writing down the workouts for week 3 because I will be starting fresh with week 3 tonight. Wow- They really do pick up now and change a lot. I had to look up a lot of alternate exercises for this week because my gym doesn't have some of that equipment.
    Also, to be frank, some of those exercises look a little embarrassing, like the Bent over two arm long bar row. Also, I tried doing the barbell lunge the other day, I nearly dropped the barbell in the gym lol... So awkward:embarassed:

    OH WELL... I'll figure it out. I'm going to start out with small weights just to get comfortable with the movements etc. Than I'll move right up to big ones.

    I'll let you guys know how it goes :laugh:
  • debwaid
    debwaid Posts: 573 Member
    Yes, I decided I'm going to. I want to give each week 100% so I will start week 3 over on weds. or thurs.

    Omg...I was just writing down the workouts for week 3 because I will be starting fresh with week 3 tonight. Wow- They really do pick up now and change a lot. I had to look up a lot of alternate exercises for this week because my gym doesn't have some of that equipment.
    Also, to be frank, some of those exercises look a little embarrassing, like the Bent over two arm long bar row. Also, I tried doing the barbell lunge the other day, I nearly dropped the barbell in the gym lol... So awkward:embarassed:

    OH WELL... I'll figure it out. I'm going to start out with small weights just to get comfortable with the movements etc. Than I'll move right up to big ones.

    I'll let you guys know how it goes :laugh:

    I don't know if she finished the program either. I have decided to re-do week 2 since I've got this pulled muscle and I wasn't able to do all the exercises. Plus hubby says he wants to start the program, so I will help him through it! LOL On top of that, I feel like I'm just getting comfortable with what I've done and I can improve on it as well! Seriously, my body does need the rest from this little (maybe big injury), it sucks to be old!! So I doubled up on today's workouts, which means I did my legs and calves, and then included shoulders today. I just can't do the abs right now and seeing that I'm going out of town in the morning, I figured get the weight workouts done and then let my body rest through the weekend!
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Yes, I decided I'm going to. I want to give each week 100% so I will start week 3 over on weds. or thurs.

    Omg...I was just writing down the workouts for week 3 because I will be starting fresh with week 3 tonight. Wow- They really do pick up now and change a lot. I had to look up a lot of alternate exercises for this week because my gym doesn't have some of that equipment.
    Also, to be frank, some of those exercises look a little embarrassing, like the Bent over two arm long bar row. Also, I tried doing the barbell lunge the other day, I nearly dropped the barbell in the gym lol... So awkward:embarassed:

    OH WELL... I'll figure it out. I'm going to start out with small weights just to get comfortable with the movements etc. Than I'll move right up to big ones.

    I'll let you guys know how it goes :laugh:

    I don't know if she finished the program either. I have decided to re-do week 2 since I've got this pulled muscle and I wasn't able to do all the exercises. Plus hubby says he wants to start the program, so I will help him through it! LOL On top of that, I feel like I'm just getting comfortable with what I've done and I can improve on it as well! Seriously, my body does need the rest from this little (maybe big injury), it sucks to be old!! So I doubled up on today's workouts, which means I did my legs and calves, and then included shoulders today. I just can't do the abs right now and seeing that I'm going out of town in the morning, I figured get the weight workouts done and then let my body rest through the weekend!

    Well I hope you feel better after this weekend. That is SO awesome your hubby is doing it with you!! I can't even get my bf to come to the gym one time! :angry: He works a very physically exhausting job though so I guess I'll let it slide. I'm sure having the hubby do it too will make it much more fun. I'll let you guys know what I think of week 3 and keep us posted on your injury.
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    I started week 3 today -- wow. Just -- wow. My legs are *still* telling me about it! I guess this is where we get to take the training wheels off, huh? I pushed myself to go heavier and although I'll be paying for it tomorrow, it feels pretty good to accomplish what I did. :) I'm actually looking forward to my 3:30 wake up call tomorrow. :)

    Wow! You weren't kidding, week 3 kicks your butt. Especially if you do 80% like she suggests.:sick:
    I just got back and I was sweating like a pig but I do think I impressed this one girl lol...she kept staring at me with amazement, her guy came up and she was pointing at me...haha.. I was doing the wide squats things with the dumbbells. I guess it looked like I was lifting a lot....that felt good :smile:
    Those lunges are hard!! What did you think of those?
  • twinsmom903
    I started this past Saturday (2/25) and very excited about the program. Had to break up my days though since I have previous classes that I've paid and signed up for (yoga). So basically have been doing Day 1, next day yoga, Day 2 next day, etc. It seems to be working out for me this way (so far).

    Started Clean Eating 2 weeks ago and already seeing a MAJOR difference in my skin, clothes are looser, feeling an extra pep in my skip.

    Glad to be a part of this group!
