Phase 1


Okay, I finished day 1 today. I can't believe how full I've been all day and I think I still have almost 300 calories left (not on purpose). It is so crazy how filling all of this protein is! Who knew....

As for the work out- wow! It felt good but I can not do push ups for the life of me....I did end up doing all of the required sets but in girl push up form and that still killed me lol... Hopefully by the end of this 12 weeks I will be able to do normal push ups with no problem...


  • stenochick0417
    stenochick0417 Posts: 124 Member
    Starting this on Sunday when I can go to the gym early and have my hubby show me how to use the equipment. So how are you feeling today? I'm preparing myself for a lot of soreness. :)
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    That's awesome you are new at this too! When you do start, please post your progress as much as possible for me and other people interested to look at.

    Your hubby is nice, that will help to have him there, it was a little awkward trying to figure out the new equipment and weights I'm not used to using haha...but I just acted like I do it all the time :tongue:

    This is day 2 for me, I will do the second work out tonight. I feel great though! The 1st day you are basically doing push ups and arms....I definitely feel a little sore but its a good feeling.
  • stenochick0417
    stenochick0417 Posts: 124 Member
    Only reason I'm having him come with me is I feel pretty intimidated going to the weights side of our gym. I know, it's all in my head. . .

    Yeah, I'll definitely post my progress. I really *need* to take before pics. I'll put that on my list of things to do tomorrow. . .
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was intimidated by the weights side of things too and made my husband go with me so I totally understand. You will get to feeling more comfortable, I bet!
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Haha...yes, there are nothing but guys over there but like I said, I just acted like I do it all the time.
  • stenochick0417
    stenochick0417 Posts: 124 Member
    Day 1 -- okay, feeling pretty darn good. Got my workout done early, so it's out of the way. The workout so far wasn't too terribly difficult; some of the exercises I've done using the Chalean Extreme videos, so I didn't have to worry a lot about what I was doing or if I did it right. The only thing I really *can't* do are pushups, but if I keep at it, they'll get easier. I tried and that's a start. :)

    Only other thing is, man, I'm stuffed because I ate a Luna bar before my workout (wasn't ready for breakfast yet) my protein shake and then breakfast immediately after working out. It's going to take a little getting used to eating more than I normally do, I think. :\ It's also going to take some getting used to only burning a little over 100 calories per workout. I'm used to burning a ton more w/ cardio, but I guess that's the point, isn't it?

    How's everybody else's experiences going?
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    I feel stuffed too girl...I'm still trying to adjust myself.
    Also, I definitely can't to a push up yet either lol, hopefully we will be able to do those eventually. How do you know how many calories you are burning with the work outs?
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Okay, I completed week 1 of the exercises!! I feel good. I feel like a yo yo with the food still though, I haven't adjusted to that yet. As far as the work outs, the biggest thing I can say about that is that you feel like it really isn't much when you are doing it but than several hours later or the next day you are SOO sore! At least that's how it's been for me....The worst were the legs so far because I can lift a lot with my legs so I think I was being macho or but I should have only lifted the 60% of my total weight as she recommends. Also, you can't rest the legs as well because you obviously have to walk on them, so they hurt for a while. Overall though I feel fantastic. I hope everyone is doing good.

    Please post thoughts/ideas on the nutrition food because I need all the feedback I can get on that!
  • ehsquared
    Hey everyone! Just finished my first day of phase 1. I can tell you that my arms are killing me which to me seems weird because I have been liftin weights for several months. It's nice to know that this routine is going to take me places I haven't been before.

    I have talked to me husband who has been an athlete all his life and he thinks the nutrition plan is a little hard to maintain for me. We live in a very rural community and getting some of the products is not going to be possible.He figures as long as I take the supplements and get in as much protein as I can handle and eat clean as much as I can, I should see the results I am looking for. But he also says that if you fall off the wagon for day it isn't gonna set you back, just know that you shouldn't be falling off the wagon all the time. ( he also told me that if I ever make the turkey muffins that I am to be sleeping in the spare room cause he says they look gross haha ) I am going to be making a bunch of protein bars though. They look really good and my mind might think that some of them are even little cakes :) I make sure to drink plenty of water and not eat to close to bed time. ( I will let you ladies know if the future if the protein bars are worth it )

    Let keep our heads up and push through this. Keep supporting each other and make this the first phase fly by!
    BTW add me if you want a friend
  • stenochick0417
    stenochick0417 Posts: 124 Member
    Sorry -- I'm a little slow getting back to people on here. I wear a HRM because I was curious what I'd burn strength training. Look like not much that's worth even wearing the HRM for. :) But, burning calories isn't the point (well, not so much) with this program.
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    I should get a HRM....because I was wondering the same thing, I know it's not the point but it would still be good to know, especially when it came to logging work outs.
  • stenochick0417
    stenochick0417 Posts: 124 Member
    Yeah, when I do cardio, I wear mine and use it religiously. It's a bit of a shock seeing such a low number there (weight lifting) than what I'm used to doing cardio. Oh well. It'll all come together and it's just a guideline anyway.
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Yes, hopefully it will all come together.
    Speaking of calories, it reminds me of something I read about most people not even losing weight until about 6 weeks in.
    I think at about 6 weeks we should be the same weight but just more sculpted and strong.
  • jbeil384
    Do any of you have recipes on myfitnesspal for any of Jamie's recommended foods?
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    asjerven might, maybe send her a message asking. I know she's tried quite a few of her recipes. Other wise I think it's definitely listed under her foot/nutrition section of the bodybuilding website. I'll post a link soon.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't think I made them public, though, I entered my own for the pumpkin but the turkey muffins were already in there, based on her recipe and macros.
    Nice new pic, Crystal!
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Thanks asjerven. I'll try and find a link or something tot he recipes or maybe post them under foods/nutrition. I'll let you know.
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    Okay I posted some info under recipes.
  • ehsquared
    Hey ladies... I know im a day late cause i had some issues earlier in the week with my gym schedule but i finished week one tonight! Shoulders are like jelly and I feel great! Cant wait to start week 2
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    That's cool, you are right behind me. I'm on week 2, day 3.

    I think all of phase one is the same work outs and same intensity. I'm not sure, I haven't looked at it to closely but I'm pretty sure week 2 workouts are the same as week one.