SarahClaireB Member


  • wellI havent remembered to take them after every meal, and am still not sure if they are doing anything - first week i lost 3.5lb and I weighed in today and I have lost another 3lb!!! Normally on the first week I can loose anything between 3-5lbs and the 2nd week I only normally loose 1lb at best! - I will give u another…
  • I have just bought some today so although I cant help now I will give my opinion in a couple of weeks :D
  • I used to weigh myself every day infact most times I went into the bathroom to the point of obsession but would only record once a week, but normally on week 2 I would only loose a small amount and it normally left me feeling fed up and deflated and would reguarly fall off the wagon. This time around I am only weighing in…
  • feel free to add me, as my attitude is whatever works for you as long as you are healthy and happy x
  • hey I am also on my 2nd week ur welcome to add me :happy:
  • hey I have also got to loose 42lb well 38lb now, this is my 2nd week you will love it here, everyone really supportive! feel free to add me if you want and good luck! :happy:
  • do you mean the the difference between weighing on ur new scales to your old ones is a 5lb difference or that the scales are faulty? x
  • welcome its a really good site, with lots of great people! I am pretty new as well your welcome to add me if you want :happy:
  • after reading posts on here and after alot of thought, I ordered one yesterday so although I cant really give an opinion now give me a week :laugh:
  • have gone for it and just ordered one! am quite excited now hope it gets delivered quickly thanks again everyone x
    in Fitbit Comment by SarahClaireB May 2012
  • thanks everyone, still not sure whether to get one or not as they are £79.99 in the UK how accurate are they? I just want an accurate pedometer but think £80 maybe to much money for one
    in Fitbit Comment by SarahClaireB May 2012
  • yeah I know how you feel, when I am 'on the wagon' it doesnt seem to last for long until the cravings start, willpower goes out of the window and the eating crap starts, I can me as full as anything but I carry on and on.... The part of me that gets upset about my weight wants to loose the weight but then there is…
  • I am not very good but I used to do some cross stitch, that is a pretty good idea I am sure I have a half finished one somewhere, think I will finish it off, anything to keep my hands out of the biscuit tin lol! :bigsmile:
  • hey I am also starting again, (braving the scales in the morning) I am a 42 year old mother of 3 boys, I eat out of boredom mostly by worse things are biscuits, choc, and takeaways, but I know I can do this :happy: good luck and look forward to hearing your weight loss news
    in hi :) Comment by SarahClaireB May 2012
  • hey and welcome I am on my 2nd day and so far so good I am also from the UK, Leicestershire good luck x:happy:
  • Thanks everyone, feeling abit more confident about it now. I have put my menu in for tomorrow so fingers crossed I can stick to it! :smile: