hi :)

Hi, I'm Jen, I'm a married 36 yr old mum of 3 and I'm new to this dieting lark..lol

I've never been a skinny girl but I've never been worried about my weight really either.. I'm a total comfort eater and I have to admit I have piled the weight on since the loss of my Dad 4 years ago.. it went on really easily but it's tough to get it off again isnt it? :/

Anyway, thought I'd drop in and introduce myself, they say its easier with support.. :D


  • raayfrancy
    raayfrancy Posts: 100
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me (: the more friends you have, the more inclined you are to sticking to your new lifestyle, it's true. xo

    Best wishes,
  • mmessamo
    mmessamo Posts: 23 Member
    Hi I'm Megan and i am new as well. I started this about a week ago and have lost about 2 pounds. Im also a comfort eater and between my mom being diagnosed with cancer, losing both of my Maternal Grandparents and my last living great grandmother, it all added up to about 70 pounds. I am recently engaged and i don't want to look back on my wedding photos feeling grossed out like i do looking at pictures of myself now. Im looking for support too so feel free to add me. :)
  • jenjensav
    jenjensav Posts: 10
    Thank you both for your replies, I've sent you both friend requests... its nice to know there are others out there in the same boat that are willing to help each other. :)
  • TinaTurtlez
    TinaTurtlez Posts: 86
    HI Jen! Tina here and yes it goes on nicely but getting it off is hard! lol Please feel free to add me as well! I am new too, and I noticed that I get awesome support from my friends I now have and I give it right back! :smile:
  • DeniseChilver
    DeniseChilver Posts: 185 Member
    Hiya Welcome to MFP, I'm sure you will have fun, feel free to add me and anyone else that comes along :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • hortshop
    hortshop Posts: 2
    Hi. I'm a 30 year old mom of 3. Married for 10 years this July. I had all 3 babies in 3 1/2 years, so there wasn't much time to get the "baby" weight off! I, however, have never been skinny. I am also a comfort eater. I'm finding now that I've been working out and dieting, I'm realizing that I'm scared of food! I'm afraid that if I eat, I'll lose all that I worked for the days before! I believe I have a food obsession! I'm not necessarily following a diet, just eating healthier. I'm also not counting calories because I don't know how. I have been finding myself very overwhelmed and disgusted with myself! Please feel free to add me, as I sure could use some support! Thanks!
  • SarahClaireB
    SarahClaireB Posts: 20 Member

    I am also starting again, (braving the scales in the morning)

    I am a 42 year old mother of 3 boys, I eat out of boredom mostly by worse things are biscuits, choc, and takeaways, but I know I can do this :happy:

    good luck and look forward to hearing your weight loss news
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
  • jenjensav
    jenjensav Posts: 10
    Have to admit I'm a bit of a boredom eater too.. these days it just seemed to be any excuse.. i think thats what made me stop and think.

    I have 3 kids now.. a 10 yr old son and 7 yr old twin girls.. so I feel your pain whoever it was said they had their children in a short space of time..

    its so hard sometimes.. my husband is a chef, which you might think is great and it can be but it also works against me sometimes as he never realises how much cream/butter/fat he puts in things.. and I can think i'm eating healthy and then find out how he made something and I'm defeated once more..

    I'm always going over on my fat content on the food tracker.. I'm usually under the calorie intake though.. I'm hoping they balance each other out!!!
  • Peter3465
    Peter3465 Posts: 20
    Hi I am Peter , I too am new here but I am also a major comfort eater. Mine started after a loss of my family . Glad to meet you.:happy:
  • jenjensav
    jenjensav Posts: 10
    Glad to meet you too Peter :)
  • tammisr32
    tammisr32 Posts: 38 Member
    Im sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my mom in 2007 and still miss her everyday! I tend to eat when I am happy, sad, bored...I just like food. It doesn't help that my husband is such an awesome cook, and I really hate to cook. I hope you are able to get all the support you need from MFP, and maybe we can motivate each other!
  • jenjensav
    jenjensav Posts: 10
    I hope so too, thnx for the add :smile: