

  • My advice would be to up your calories to 1,500 since you are doing that much exercise. Weigh yourself only once a week on the same preferably good quality scale wearing more or less the same thing. You may be losing fat but gaining muscle which would affect the weight loss but is good for your metabolism. You need to eat…
  • I try to do about 50-60% raw. I too get real intestinal distress from too much raw veggie eating. I think even if you cut back on raw you can still be very healthy. I do not eat meat or fish but I do eat eggs for protein which of course are cooked. I think eating raw is much easier in the warm weather. In the winter I need…
  • I think this group is much more friendly than any WW groups I've ben to and I love the exercise portion. Really forward to getting back to water aerobics. I hope eventually more people get into the MFP way of keeping in touch and keeping track. See you soon
  • In the past I used to weigh myself all the time while trying to lose weright. I made myself crazy and eventually had to get away from the whole plan. now I've gotten rid of my scale. Weigh in once a week at a group meeting always on the same scale and can deal with a weight loss way of life with much more peace and…
  • I went for my 6 month check-up today. My bloodwork has gotten better. Triglycerides well within normal range, cholestrol went down again, etc. This makes me very happy. There are so many stories like this in our Village Losers Club
  • Give yourself time to be a "big whiny baby". You've earned it. You're right - you shouldn't have brought those cookies into the house. It may seem terrible wasteful but if I just have to have something I buy it, eat some while in the store and throw the rest out before I can take it home and empty the container. I have…
  • Mybe you'll be lucky and someone will give you an exercise DVD for a gift while in Maine. Then you won't have to go out to exercise in the cold air
  • Good luck to all of us! If you go to a potluck bring a small plate. That will remind you not to take too much. Bring to the potluck something that is healthy and that you will eat. And let's not forget exercise. It would be too easy to put exercise aside when so many other things are placing demands on our time. And weigh…
  • Yes Sweatin to the Oldies is difficult at first but since we will be doing the same DVD every month hopefully we will learn to better anticipate the moves in the routine. Yesterday I did Walk Away the Pounds with my DVD at home. Today I went to beginner lince dance at Laurel Manor and enjoyed it very much. I'm trying to…
  • Please keep in touch until we see you again. I think we can all help each other through this food eating season. Best of luck
  • I would say don't get involved with all that. You lost 60 lbs with a reasonable change in lifestyle why mess things up now? I take vit B12 tablets for health. Those injections you mentioned are controversal and it is debatable who they help aside from those who sell them. I would say to change up your exercise regime, eat…
  • Hopefully I'll get better as the week wears on. Had a very topsy turvy day and ate on the run. Also no exercise. Tomorrow will be better
  • Planning a vegetarian Thanksgiving. Roasted veggies, sweet potato, brusslels sprouts with cheese. Oh and some apple cider
  • I like Walking away the Pounds, Line Dancing, walking my dog, Sweating to the Oldies and Chi Gong. I want to start going regularly to Zumba Gold with Barbara on Thursday at Sea Breeze
  • I agree with you completely tattoedtwin. Animals are abused and filled with abnormal chemicals. Also the flood of stress chemicals in their bodies probably affect the humans that eat them. Vegetarian for me. And it is a more sustainable diet in a 7 billion people world
  • Congratulations on your terrific weight loss! Good job
  • I used to belong to a group here called "Eating in the Raw" and felt better and lost weight. Then the group moved further away and I don't go so I have gone back to old habits. Very interested in sharing experiences/recipes with others. I am primarily a vegetarian/part time vegan
  • This sounds very good. I will definitely try it and before Thanksgiving. Thank you
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