i need to stop weighing myself 24/7



  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    I use to put my scale in the trunk of the car. Sure I *could* still get it, but then I'd have to really look myself in the eye and admit that I was putting on clothes, shoes, and going out to the car just to get the scale and weigh myself. That was just enough of a barrier to break the habit.

    Also, if your scale is in the bathroom...sometimes just moving out of sight will help you break the habit. Mine, though no longer in the car, is in the closet. Behind stuff. Now that its not in a place where I have to look at it 6 times a day, I'm not so compelled to hop on it.
  • carleyfunk
    carleyfunk Posts: 59 Member
    I weigh in every day. I think it's just because I want to make sure I am doing the right thing.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Yes you do!!! There are so many things that cause your weight to fluctuate. One thing I've noticed and susequently learned about is how much water your muscles will retain while they are repairing themselves. I have seen the scale move up and down 3 pounds within the same 24 hour period. One thing I always do is keep the exact same routine 18 hours before my weigh-ins on Wednesday. By doing this I know that the weight displayed is true and not because of fluid retention from working out or excessive sodium intake. Hope this helps, it sure has kept me from tossing my scale through the bathroom door.
  • villos50
    In the past I used to weigh myself all the time while trying to lose weright. I made myself crazy and eventually had to get away from the whole plan. now I've gotten rid of my scale. Weigh in once a week at a group meeting always on the same scale and can deal with a weight loss way of life with much more peace and serenity. And I'm losing weight
  • mtppatrick
    Once a day is sufficient enough for me, I do it shortly after I wake up. Dont beat yourself up too much and try my method...
  • Churble
    Churble Posts: 85 Member
    I had the exact same problem, it was a compulsion. I actually took my scale to my mother's house and put it in her sunroom, so if I wanted to step on the scale I had to be at my mother's house and willing to strip to my underwear in plain view of her neighbor's driveway. It definitely serves as a deterrent.

    Now that I've trained myself to only weigh once a week or less, I've moved the scale to her bathroom. Still can't trust having it at home.
  • Katherinematos2
    This is how I weight myself. In the morning before breakfast and after a bowel movement. After you start eating there is no point on weight yourself. I know this is easier said than done. I do weight myself everyday but I do it with the knowledge that during the week your weight fluctuates during the week. Everyday is not gonna be great but when you get feed up on being fat and eating crap you make the decision to lose weight the healthy way and you never go back. Period.
  • gatecityradio
    I've been weighing once a day, in the morning first thing. I notice it goes up and down but I think that is part of it. Over all I lose every week, but seeing it go up sucks.
  • Paulapumpkin
    I found myself doing it too, its like an annoying itch in the back of my mind can't stop myself, then i get angry coz ive either put pound on or stayed the same,
    So chick your not alone, x
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    I'm obsessed with weighing myself also and it has triggered nothing but negativity.
    This time around, I am going by how my clothes fit and seeing muscle tone.

    It's a lot less stressful, or at least in my opinion. :p
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    I only do it once a week..
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    "I'm afraid I'll put five pounds on if I weigh myself once a week".... you do realize that is 17,500 calories or 32.5 Big Macs. Weigh yourself at the same time every week under the same conditions. I do mine first thing Friday morning after making a trip to bathroom (hey, every little bit helps).
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I do it everyday, and I love seeing the yo-yo effect, that remind me that our body ain't a machine.
    Eating less a day won't mean weight less the next day :)

    What matters is what you see in the mirror, visual changes indicate the progression (and don't focus on the belly, since the fat is NEVER burn on specific zones if you overwork them :) )