Weight loss clinics/phentermine/B12 shots

What's everyone's take on this? Weight loss clinics have become popular, especially here in my area. I started MFP this week because I'm plateau-ing (is that even a word?) and a weight loss clinic was actually on my list of options. I have never been one for diet pills, but I called a weight loss clinic in my area. They let me know the way their program works - meal plans, vitamins, weekly weigh-ins, diet pills (phentermine), and B12 and lipotropic injections. Why should I pay for something I already know? I have a grip on my meals, sometimes I have cheat days, but I've lost 60 of the 120lbs. I'm aiming to lose. I'm halfway there! So, I just want to know if anyone has done this and what your thoughts/opinions are of weight loss clinics. I would also like to know what people think of phentermine and B12 and lipotropic shots. I took a lipotropic shot once before, and all it did was made me gain weight - it's supposed to help your liver metabolize fat and give you energy, but I don't think it worked for me. :(


  • rainydayboys
    B12 shots help with weight loss??? I've had them in the past (and just a week ago) because my B12 is low. I've been feeling very energetic since then - which makes sense, because if B12 is low, energy is low.

    But that's all I have to add to your question. I think if you already feel you have a handle on your weight loss (and being at 50% of your goal is AMAZING!) that you're already doing the right things. As you lose, you need to work hard to get the remaining pounds off. Increase your activity and I bet you'll see that plateau end.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Shots and Pills are an automatic NO girl!

    There is only ONE way to fitness and it has to be sustainable (you know this!!!)

    forget the clinic and it's magic and get on board with what is real!! Diet is 80% and Exercise is the rest! Just do this the natural and healthy way and YOU WON'T BE SORRY!

    Why? Because you can't lose weight their way and keep it off for good....my 80 year old mother is proof! that non-sense has been around since the 70's.

    I think you are smart and you can gird your loins and do this!!!
  • mrsxbrightside
    B12 shots help with weight loss??? I've had them in the past (and just a week ago) because my B12 is low. I've been feeling very energetic since then - which makes sense, because if B12 is low, energy is low.

    But that's all I have to add to your question. I think if you already feel you have a handle on your weight loss (and being at 50% of your goal is AMAZING!) that you're already doing the right things. As you lose, you need to work hard to get the remaining pounds off. Increase your activity and I bet you'll see that plateau end.

    According to this clinic, yes, but I always thought B12 made you gain weight - because it increases appetite. This was sort of a last resort, getting frustrated, so I considered it... but I don't think a clinic is for me. I don't like diet pills, and being injected with something every week seems ridiculous. :(
  • mrsxbrightside
    Shots and Pills are an automatic NO girl!

    There is only ONE way to fitness and it has to be sustainable (you know this!!!)

    forget the clinic and it's magic and get on board with what is real!! Diet is 80% and Exercise is the rest! Just do this the natural and healthy way and YOU WON'T BE SORRY!

    Why? Because you can't lose weight their way and keep it off for good....my 80 year old mother is proof! that non-sense has been around since the 70's.

    I think you are smart and you can gird your loins and do this!!!

    Thank you!! I agree with your post, this was kind of a last resort for me.. I was getting really hopeless this week, so I considered it. I have heard after you leave a weight loss clinic, the weight comes back... & I've done this naturally so far, I know what I'm doing, I just think relying a pill and shot is fake... I agree with ya, I just wanted to hear others' thoughts :)
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    I wish people would stop talking about weight loss and start talking about lifestyle changes. Weight loss programs is a recipe for failure - and if it sounds too good to be true - it is. If someone is making money on it... you get the drift.
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    I don't really like the idea of diet pills. B12 shots may give a needed boost on an otherwise "Blah" day, and don't hurt you. I've never really done the research on the injections, though. My mother in law took phentermine. It works, but in her case, if you don't learn to change your eating habits in general, you will gain it back plus more. You have your mind set, and I think you are doing great without the clinic help! :) Bravo on your weight loss!!
  • felicity866
    that combination for weight loss would be a NO for me...i have had B12 shots in the past but that was because i was anaemic...had nothing to do with weight loss!!!

    you are already on the right track and the people on MFP are full of great ideas to push through plateaus...save your money for the new clothes you will need...:flowerforyou:
  • fabulousfebe
    Congratulations on losing 60lbs!! There are weight loss clinics in my area that offers the same... I wanted to check them out as well....I did go to a weight loss clinic that only offered phentermine..I lost the weight along with the Atkins diet plan (proteins and veggies); however, I gained the weight back plus some... :/ for plateaus...I've read that you should "trick" your body by eating a slightly higher calorie diet a few days as well as change your exercise routine because your body adjusts to the same routine, but when you push it beyond the "normal" limit/routine, your body will go back into fat burning mode. Best wishes on losing the plateau pounds! :smile:
  • LittleFootHafner
    My opinion doesn't count very much, as I have never tried any of these options.

    All I CAN say is that I feel SO super proud of myself as I lose weight, knowing that I am the one that I accomplished this on my own. Having lost 60 pounds on your own, you MUST know the feeling that I am speaking of!! ;) Aren't you proud to answer someone's question of how you lost the weight by saying "Hard Work!"

    You are correct --> You already know HOW to do this, it's just time to kick yourself in the butt and do it.

    I know exactly how you feel right now - as I have lost 70 pounds, and I am just getting out of a short lull myself.

    I personally feel that if you are looking to spend money to help you lose weight, then spend it to help you get back on track again, and finish this journey on your OWN! Hire a nutritionist, or a personal trainer. I have been paying for a gym membership for a little while now, and I just enrolled myself in a special Better Body Exchange program at the gym that cost $220.00 above my membership for 13 sessions. You have a group workout with a trainer twice a week, and they weigh you in weelkly for 6 weeks - I am hoping that this will help me out.

    Just a suggestion...

    Best of luck no matter what you decide! ;)
  • BrandyRelaxing
    BrandyRelaxing Posts: 68 Member
    I know B12 gives you energy, because it increases blood cells that carry oxygen. There is no harm in taking extra B12 because you pee out what your body doesn't need.

    I think the one thing to do is switch up your routine. Changing your type and duration of exercise. It'll use different muscles. The one question I have is how long you've been plateau-ing? I don't know how long the minimum is, but sometimes what seems like a plateau to one person isn't for another.

    You can do this!!
  • angeawilliamson25
    the phentermine works but a lot of people gain back the weight and I have been on them and they make me super cranky and irritable that its not worth it!!!
  • villos50
    I would say don't get involved with all that. You lost 60 lbs with a reasonable change in lifestyle why mess things up now? I take vit B12 tablets for health. Those injections you mentioned are controversal and it is debatable who they help aside from those who sell them. I would say to change up your exercise regime, eat different foods at different times and you'll probably start losing again. Best of luck to you.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    YOU are smart! My advice is to continue to research this site...tweak your numbers.......and keep at it. I knew you knew better....

    In my opinion and what has helped me the most is to be accurate with weighing food (not just measuring with cups or trusting labels... and really nailing the exercise calories -

    do you eat them back (or at least 80% of them?)

    do you use a heart rate monitor with chest strap?

    and do you subtract off of this your BMR/resting calories?

    accuracy is everything in the weight loss game! we guestimate too much....

    tighten it up and I know you can lose the rest of the weight....

    (my friends who are stalled out are lazy about their accuracy!)

  • MissHellsing
    MissHellsing Posts: 133 Member
    I can't knock them because I got my start in one. Basically where I went they slowly re-introduced my food groups to me. Like First I had my meats, then my veggies,then my fruits and so on and so forth. They took my measurements etc once a week and the staff was really nice and helpful since a couple of them has been where I was. I did take the B12 shots etc cause they had reduced my calorie intake GREATLY. I don't go to them anymore cause I have MFP now and an even greater support group along with being more educated but I'm glad I did it to get me started. I lost my first 20 with them and that gave me the motivation I needed to keep going after so many failed attempts in the past.
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    When I saw my doctor in October I had gained back a good portion of the baby weight I had previously lost. I was moaning and complaining about it and she mentioned the B12 shot. I didn't take her up on it but it has been in the back of my head since then. I got serious about losing the weight, have successfully ditched all the baby weight (and 13 bonus pounds) and am going to try to do it on my own before seriously considering it. I guess in the back of my mind I feel like it's a back up plan if I get stuck, which sounds like is where you are. If the B12 will boost your energy, therefore giving you the ability to increase your activity, give it a try!
  • braves1girl
    braves1girl Posts: 189 Member
    I have done the phentermine, vitamins, B6, B12 diet and paid more than I would ever want to admit. I lost the weight, but look where I am now....on this website doing it the smart way! If there is one thing I have learned from all of my diet clinics (I've either taken phentermine and/or shots) is that they are a band-aid for a long term problem. Patience was NEVER a virtue of mine so I chose the "quick" weight loss routes. I did lose the weight, but to be honest I was never at my lowest weight long enough to really see myself (and remember myself) as thin. Besides that, I didn't do nearly as much exercising as I am now, so I wasn't toned. It made me temporarily happy, but ultimately I've always gained it back and then some. I am 45 yrs old and finally have the wherewithall to do it MY WAY! I'm still learning patience, but I'm better than I have ever been in that department! I have lost 5.5 lbs and 5.5 inches in 1.5 mos on this website by simply counting calories and exercising. I will tell you that I am currently participating in a challenge that ends in Nov. and have signed up for one for Dec. called Peppermint Place. Maybe joining a challenge will help with the plateau. It has really helped me to stay on course and focused to know that I have to be accountable to others who are supporting me.

    I agree with the advice that someone gave you to "trick" your body by eating a few more calories (that's Bob Harper's advice straight from his book) and then switch up your exercise routine. I also agree with everyone else...you know how to do it...my gosh you've lost 60 lbs! That is so wonderful! You can totally do this!

    I hope this helps...Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions...Best of luck on your journey!
  • ramon3
    ramon3 Posts: 10 Member
    i don't know if this is the same deal, but i know a woman that went to my church that was going to a doctor to get help with weight loss and so she was getting some sort of shots. i dont know too many details as she was a friend of my mom's. did they work? yes after some time, but...shes gained it all back. you need to be the one to know how to control yourself and monitor things and exercise and do things properly, not your doctor controlling things. so i would also say no to it.
  • mrsxbrightside
    Thanks to all for the replies! This was mostly a last-stitch effort... I was getting hopeless (I've been at the same weight this whole month). I took a lipotropic shot this month and I actually GAINED weight with it, so I don't think it's worth it. Studies have shown that it is possible the effects of these injections are placebo. Deep down, a weight loss clinic is not something I would ever consider... my problem is that I've stalled & I'm impatient. & I agree with someone else's response, I take pride in knowing I haven't relied on a pill or a doctor for my weight loss. It's been all ME, busting my *kitten* every day.

    I once saw this quote:
    "I didn't need a pill to get fat, why do I need one to lose weight?"

    & I always really like it. A little motivation for the down times.
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    I'm on a low dose of phentermine and I love it.

    I take 15 mg once a day.