KaliH310 Member


  • When I do indoor walking I like "JessicaSmithTV" on Youtube. She does a lot of intervals and some are high intensity but it's usually a good mix to keep your heart rate up. But I walk all year around no matter the elements. But when it gets down in the single digits you'll find me inside sweating up a storm. ;)
  • I haven't a clue what "Jawbone" is but you can add me on MPF. :)
  • I have the FitBit HR Charge and I love it. It does everything I need it to do. Look into the different models to see which one best suits your needs. :)
    in Fit bit Comment by KaliH310 January 2016
  • I'm new to the FitBit world, add me if you want. //www.fitbit.com/user/3YZ62M
  • My rule of thumb is do what works for you and make modifications if need be.
  • Also the tension on mine is ridiculous! Level 3 feels like your trying to move threw concrete so it's a total body workout.
  • I bought (and currently trying to sell due to moving) a "Livestrong" elliptical about 4 years ago and I love it! It didn't feel cheaply made to me. I tested out my fair share and I hated how wobbly they were. I shelled out a pretty penny for mine but it was worth it. My best friend bought one for a couple hundred dollars…
  • Hey I LOVE "Yoga With Adrienne", that girl is good for one's soul in my opinion. I haven't started this year's 30 days of yoga because of another challenge I'm finishing. But she's my next one for sure! My day 7 (and sometimes day 6) is always active recovery. "JesssicaSmithTV" has some great stretching videos, check out…
  • I agree with the above post of "why not do both". I've heard and read from multiple sources that intervals of high and low impact does a body good. And I tend to agree from my own experience. For example I do power walking/running intervals and I'm very happy with my progress. :)
  • In-n-Out Burger (animal style!) with a small fry, and a chocolate milkshake. Why did I move from CA again? I haven't had fast food in 5 months but my inner fat lady wants the hell out! Hahaha!
  • I've cut refined sugar from my life and it was the best decision I've made for myself in a long time. It's very hard to do however and having a support system is key. The only sugar I allow myself to have is from raw honey and pure maple syrup. Good Luck to you!
  • As long as you're not reheating fish in a work spaces mircowave I don't care. It baffles me why people think it's okay to do that...the smell doesn't leave for weeks! :-D
  • I've been refined sugar free for months and it's been amazing! I'm no longer suffering from constant headaches, low energy, or mood swings. And my waist has dropped by 2 inches. I still have sugar from raw honey and pure maple syrup but that's it. It was the best decision I've made for myself in a long time. But I won't…
  • We're actually having leftovers tonight. New Year's Day is our big food day. I'm from PA where you always have pork with sauerkraut to give the New Year good luck and fortune. However I HATE sauerkraut so I'm doing Crockpot pork chops with brown rice and a veggie. It's huge hit with my 2 year old. Happy New Year everyone!
  • Walked the dog a bit ago and when my son naps I'll hit the elliptical and weights. It's just another day to me.
  • Fitz and The Tantrums - Tell me what ya here for
  • YES! I have seen a tortilla less than 120 calories. Mission makes them I think, but if I remember right it has a flavor to it. Do what I did, go through all the packaging till you find one. Time consuming yes but it gets the job done. :) As for low-cal dinner, I'm a chicken and fish type gal so you can't go wrong with…
  • My husband and I both did it, you do see results but not in the way the people on the DVDs did. Plus some of the equipment you need has to be bought and it's not always cheap. But it's a great workout, but painful as all hell. Some people need pain to feel as though they're doing something worthwhile, I don't! :) If you do…
  • They say if you're not getting enough sleep that it can increase the amount of stress on your body. And as we all know or hopefully know stress (for women more it seems) can make our weight go up. Honest to pete can't we catch a break!? LOL
  • I usually get at least the 1300 in but I can't seem to get to 1650. But I agree with the above post, try to get in some extra fruits and veggies. And maybe a small extra healthy snack. :)
  • I work for a weight loss company and the men always lose faster than us females. Has a lot to do with testosterone, muscle, or overall built. Plus they don't hold onto H2O like us or have the monthly cycles and hormone chemical changes. Lucky them right? No way! Men tend to lose fast but put on weight even faster, because…