Inclined walking or speed walking?

What do you think is more beneficial workout wise?
Also which burns more calories?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    don't overthink this
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Why not mix it up and do both. You can also combine the two into an interval workout.. for example - 30 seconds fast incline walking.. 30 seconds recovery (slower walking).. repeat..
    If you're able to run for 30 seconds, you can do intervals of that instead. That burns more calories for walking. :+1:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    If you have no interest in running, Incline walking is usually better tolerated and will give you a greater capacity for growth and improvement. Keep the speeds lower (i.e. 2.5-3.5 mph) and crank the incline up to 8% and above.

    Unless you go to something like race walking speeds, walking on level tends to become self-limiting at modest intensity levels.
  • KaliH310
    KaliH310 Posts: 22 Member
    I agree with the above post of "why not do both". I've heard and read from multiple sources that intervals of high and low impact does a body good. And I tend to agree from my own experience. For example I do power walking/running intervals and I'm very happy with my progress. :)
  • pbandz
    pbandz Posts: 128 Member
    I've started c25k which is every other day running. On my days off I walk a lot but I want to have at least 30 minutes of more intensity than walking. So far I've done both incline and speed walking. I was just curious if one was any better than the other. Thanks for the responses
  • pbandz
    pbandz Posts: 128 Member
    Not more intensity than walking. I mean more intense than my casual strolling I do
  • KaliH310
    KaliH310 Posts: 22 Member
    My rule of thumb is do what works for you and make modifications if need be.
  • LargeFoot
    LargeFoot Posts: 28 Member
    pbandz wrote: »
    What do you think is more beneficial workout wise?
    Also which burns more calories?

    Without a doubt incline walking will have the biggest returns. Good luck!
  • bubble_wrap0428
    bubble_wrap0428 Posts: 88 Member
    Walk on incline. Just don't hold onto machine at all!! But I'd say why not do both??
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    pbandz wrote: »
    I've started c25k which is every other day running. On my days off I walk a lot but I want to have at least 30 minutes of more intensity than walking.

    Do you do strength training? If not, that's what i would do on non-c25K days. That would give a more complete fitness plan than straight cardio. :+1:

  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    I would like to know if incline walking is ok for sore knees and back
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    sugar297 wrote: »
    I would like to know if incline walking is ok for sore knees and back

    Incline walking is low-pact which is a plus, but, depending on your back and knee issues, the incline might be an issue. I have a herniated disk in my back, and I don't have any problems; my wife has a bulging disk in the same place and she struggles. Part of it also has to do with weight as well.

    Best advice is to always start easy and increase gradually at first to let the body adapt. Walking at steeper inclines can cause some achiness at first but that is usually muscle fatigue.

  • feralkitten1010
    feralkitten1010 Posts: 219 Member
    I like both. I agree with the sentiment about mixing it up and not overthinking things.