New Year's Eve dinner plans?



  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    The usual - hot Hungarian sausage, pork roast, sauerkraut, and mashed potatoes.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Chicken and veggies. And I bought frozen chocolate-covered bananas today.
  • bettermistakes87
    bettermistakes87 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm going to attempt reverse searing my Christmas gifted beef tenderloin with a cauliflower casserole on the side and lay around in a meat coma until 2015 rolls in.
  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    My Mum is coming over and we're planning to embark on a DVD marathon whilst chowing down on a Chinese takeaway! Perfect!
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    At the minute I'm thinking homemade pizza. I'll let the kids pick their own toppings and make their own. I'll have red onion, tomato, spinach, goats cheese and basil on mine with a drizzle of basil oil mmmmyummy! I was gonna have a few glasses of wine too but over did it last night and right now I can't see me drinking EVER AGAIN
  • Chines03
    Chines03 Posts: 42 Member
    New Years Eve will be breakfast after church this afternoon.....sausages, bacon, grits, eggs, pancakes, and biscuits. New Years Day will be the traditional collard greens, black eye peas, baked turkey wings.
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    We order Indian takeout for NYE. Been doing that the last 6 or 7 years now.
  • KaliH310
    KaliH310 Posts: 22 Member
    We're actually having leftovers tonight. New Year's Day is our big food day. I'm from PA where you always have pork with sauerkraut to give the New Year good luck and fortune.
    However I HATE sauerkraut so I'm doing Crockpot pork chops with brown rice and a veggie. It's huge hit with my 2 year old. Happy New Year everyone!
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    Today we are eating normal foods like it's any other day. For my family it's a good luck tradition to eat pork, sauerkraut and potatoes on new years day. Locally it's common to eat Pork with pierogies stuffed with potato and sauerkraut.

    It's neat to see what others eat traditionally. Heritage and region really mixes things up.
  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    Probably just a salad with meat leftovers. I'm DEFINITELY having lunch after dinner, though. That might put me just a bit over calories.
  • Arianera
    Arianera Posts: 128 Member
    Our tradition is chili and cornbread to accompany a night of board games and movies on New Years Eve. Black-eyed Peas and Collards on New Years Day. My CSA gave us an enormous blue pumpkin/squash during the final distribution, so this year we are roasting a stuffed squash as the main dish.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Just nailed some reservations for 9pm at this local wannabe tapas place I like. Only creative thought being applied to cooking on this side of the state, and it's small plates so I like it. Now I just hope I don't have to teach them that it's a crime to drown bourbon in sugar when making an old fashioned...
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Haha I'm in Scotland. Hogmanay dinner here is a few bottles of whisky, maybe some shortbread. Steak pie tomorrow :)
  • We are making taco for dinner.
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    Hubby and me are enjoying a quiet night in with our new couch and some movies. One last hoorah before cracking down again: wine, cheese, prosciutto, baguette...or as I like to call it, Lunchables for adults. Happy New Year, everyone!
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    We are going to family's and she always makes a big spread. I know I'll go over my calorie goal but will be back at it for the new year. New Year's is only once a year....I think it's okay to indulge a little.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    I'm a kitchen widow (my husband's a chef), so I will be alone until he gets home, and then it's movies and pajama time. Alone for dinner, too, so probably just sweet potato, chicken and avocado. Pity me, and my sad dinner plans.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    For the first time in ever, hubby and I both have to work tomorrow, so we won't be going out and partying our @$$es off. Which means dinner is just gonna be some random leftovers for him and a salad with tuna for me. I could make us fruit smoothies as a treat though. Bananas, strawberries, yogurt, splash of vanilla... hmmm.... yeah I think that's gonna be what we do.
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    We always do lobster. I'm thinking broccoli and some red potatoes with rosemary and thyme sounds good. Happy New Year to everyone!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    So cool to see how everyone is different. We're going to have leftover cauliflower leek soup, grilled catfish, and broccoli I think. Very light (good thing, considering I had a 900 calories lunch).

    You guys made me hungry for kielbasa and sauerkraut though so that's going in the crockpot soon with some potatoes and beer.