Do you take a day off when you're sore?



  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    spzjlb wrote: »
    I do not, however, I change my workout and do something else to allow the sore muscles (or calluses, bruises, etc) a day or two to recover.

    Like others have said, however, if it's a true injury, then you might need treatment. Joint injuries need to heal or they'll get much worse. Likewise, arthritis and serious inflammatory problems need special attention from the get go.

    Thanks! I don't think it's an injury, but maybe joint fatigue. I've had knee injuries last year, and I know what that feels like. I didn't at the time lol, but now I do - if I can't walk on it, I should probably go to the doctor. That's why I'm trying to be attentive, it doesn't bother me walking/writing/holding things/sitting. Just hands & knee poses. From what ppl have said, I think a day away from yoga will help. It also may be worth investigating modifications & a thicker mat so it's kinder on my knees & wrists.
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    kae612 wrote: »
    spzjlb wrote: »
    I do not, however, I change my workout and do something else to allow the sore muscles (or calluses, bruises, etc) a day or two to recover.

    Like others have said, however, if it's a true injury, then you might need treatment. Joint injuries need to heal or they'll get much worse. Likewise, arthritis and serious inflammatory problems need special attention from the get go.

    Thanks! I don't think it's an injury, but maybe joint fatigue. I've had knee injuries last year, and I know what that feels like. I didn't at the time lol, but now I do - if I can't walk on it, I should probably go to the doctor. That's why I'm trying to be attentive, it doesn't bother me walking/writing/holding things/sitting. Just hands & knee poses. From what ppl have said, I think a day away from yoga will help. It also may be worth investigating modifications & a thicker mat so it's kinder on my knees & wrists.

    Agreed - after a bit of a break, you could try putting your mat over some carpet (assuming that you're at home with carpeting). My friend is a big yoga enthusiast and a penny pincher, but is very happy with investing in a high-quality mat. I see people doubling up the mats at yoga class to protect knees and elbows. Take care.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    kae612 wrote: »
    Hi me again! It sounds like you are experiencing joint pain, which is different than workout fatigue....taking a day off is probably paramount to healing...if next week, you are finding the same pain in the same spots, either stop doing that specific yoga, or modify those particular moves. I used to have issues with wrist pain when doing kb's or pushups; after a good year of modifying those activities, I can do them now painfree, with more strength. Good luck xo

    Hey! Do you mind sharing what kind of modifications you did? I haven't seen anything that limits pressure on knees or wrists, for example cat-cow and downward dog are poses I'm perfectly fine at except the knees/wrists fatigue thing.

    I have an extra thick mat which I put over carpet and do not have knee issues while doing yoga, although in general I am prone to knee pain.

    This article has a lot of wrist modifications:

    You can also get two yoga blocks and experiment with different grips. Google image "yoga blocks for wrist problems"

    Also try this:


    Same idea as these $55 YogaJellies but free:


  • losingitseattle
    losingitseattle Posts: 90 Member
    I take one day off a week, sometimes two if I feel like I need it. Rest is when your body gets stronger. Even if I'm sore I go and that's only because I teach 5-6 classes a week and I have to :smile: Which is one of the reasons I started teaching 10 years ago. Makes me have to be there!
  • KaliH310
    KaliH310 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey I LOVE "Yoga With Adrienne", that girl is good for one's soul in my opinion. I haven't started this year's 30 days of yoga because of another challenge I'm finishing. But she's my next one for sure! My day 7 (and sometimes day 6) is always active recovery. "JesssicaSmithTV" has some great stretching videos, check out her channel on Youtube if you want.
  • amy13a
    amy13a Posts: 32 Member
    I've found that when I'm sore and I work out, it helps. I have started using a foam rolling and have found it helps too so I don't have to take extra time off due to soreness. I stretch like crazy also.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    I've found most yoga poses to help me get less sore, but yeah if it's in your knees then give yourself a bit of a break. Also make sure you're not pushing yourself into poses your body isn't ready for.
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    Of course...resting is part of fitness itself. Trust your organism and rest, relax and cure your muscles in a cold tube or a pool.