

  • :tongue: Oh, Sherbog, you had me laughing out loud. The neighbors probably heard me. Me, a spoon, and a gallon of ice cream. I'd work my way to the bottom over a night or two. I really need MFP. I skipped it for a week or so recently and the scales showed the result. Logging in and tracking my food every day keeps me going…
  • So, stick to California rice.
  • I really don't cook anymore but that looks so good! I may be forced to break out an apron. Anyway, I'm copying the recipe for future use. Thanks a lot.
  • I too have difficulty staying away from the gluten - even though I know better. I am so tired today and it's most likely from having a sandwich yesterday. I think I'll use that idea of taking my own bread to the restaurant. I've never been tested, I just say that I'm allergic to wheat.
  • Oh, I am so waiting for that to happen! Will laugh my butt off. :laugh:
  • I'm putting your picture on my wall. I had been a bit stuck and you're just the inspiration I need. P.S. Don't ever throw away those old pants! They have historic value. :)
  • What a great NSV. I had to go look at my license. I actually gave my correct weight the last time (though not in many years before that). Now I'm below that honest weight and my picture doesn't look a whole lot like me. I actually have a neck now. :) (As for hair color, that was only ever true at the moment of the photo.)…
  • I would not count the food that didn't stay down. After all, your body didn't get to use it so, essentially, no calories were consumed. Hope you feel better soon.
  • Holy cats! You look like two different people. I'll bet you feel like it too. Congratulations and keep up the good work.
  • Hi. I'm new to this topic. Just noticed it was here and so glad I found it. I was aware of being careful about calcium but not sure I knew about the other things. I'll definitely be doing some research. Thanks for all the great info.
  • I'll be wearing a lot of long-sleeve clothes. :bigsmile:
  • Hi, everyone. Thanks so much for all your posts. They have given me a clue that I've been having more symptoms than I was aware. And maybe I'd better look at staying away from more than wheat. I had made a list a long time ago of reasons to stay away from wheat: 1. Breathing - "soggy" lungs, stuff, hard to breathe 2.…
  • I'm seeing a trend of undereating in my food log. My stomach has shrunk so I don't want as much. But I'll bet I'd have more energy if I had a few more good calories. Maybe you don't need as many calories as you think? How does your calorie goal compare to MFP's?
  • Oh, how funny. It occurs to me that I too will one day be at the weight that's on my license. :smile: It's closer now than it used to be. Congratulations on becoming an honest woman! :laugh:
    in Yippee!! Comment by tina990 March 2012
  • Do search on the internet and you'll find lots of treatments. I use a Neti pot or squeeze bottle to wash my sinuses with saline solution. I use a prescription nasal spray every day to open the sinuses (Astepro does not have the backlash swelling that Afrin or others have). I have had two sinus surgeries to widen the…
  • I agree with one of the posters that dropping wheat from your diet may help you. When I eat it, my belly blows up like a beach ball. Try staying away from it for a week and see what happens.
  • Hey, don't beat yourself up. Wait a few days. It may be water weight, that time of the month. Just keep on doing the good things that you have been doing (I didn't look at your food intake but I'm guessing you have been doing something right). Try not to get hung up by the numbers on the scale. (I should take my own…
  • Oh, me too. I'd lost some last year, put half of it back on. Having trouble getting started again. I can definitely use the encouragement. And I will definitely cheer you on.
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