Not loosing weight. Advice, please.

Okay, so I've been at this pretty diligently for a bit over a month. I've only lost a total of 11 lbs, and today I realized I put on 6, yes SIX, pounds in freaking two days!! Bringing me to a net of a 5lb loss after all of that work. :( I did not binge in the last two days, but my god, I'm getting so discouraged. I'm just about to give up and order a pizza or something.
Can anyone take a look at my food diary and tell me what's up? I have a very active job (I'm a waitress), I regularly break sweats, and I also don't log exercises like walking the dog and that stuff. So, that's an explanation as to why I have no recent exercises logged. But with that being said, I still have a calorie deficit so I SHOULD NOT be gaining weight, am I right! I've been watching carbs, fat and protein every day.

Someone help. :(


  • tina990
    tina990 Posts: 18
    Hey, don't beat yourself up. Wait a few days. It may be water weight, that time of the month. Just keep on doing the good things that you have been doing (I didn't look at your food intake but I'm guessing you have been doing something right). Try not to get hung up by the numbers on the scale. (I should take my own advice; I weight nearly every day and freak at one pound up.) And what do you mean you've lost "only" 11 pounds? Way to go, girl! Don't worry, you'll see that number again. :happy:
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
    you definitely didnt gain six pounds in two days.. that means you would have had to consume 21000 calories extra. It could just be water weight, or the time of day you weighed yourself at.. Time of the month.. Try weighing again next week..and see if you are still losing weight
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
    ok i'm no expert but from what my good friends on here tell me is to make sure your eating enough...

    now have you set your activity level to moderate? as you are on your feet loads..

    i changed mine to moderate and i have another 200 odd cals to eat per day as my body needs it from running around..

    its all about trial and error hun and what works best for you..

    Good luck and add me if u like.x
  • mustangmama3
    mustangmama3 Posts: 173 Member
    Water weight! To gain 6lbs of fat , you would of ad to over eat by 18000 cals!! Which you dident! It happens to me once a month!! Dont worry about it! Your doing fine:wink:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Katie is spot on. This is NOT fat that you have put on. You are simply eating too little to add any more mass.

    There are heaps of cases of people who are just starting to eat better and exercise, losing weight rapidly... when all of a sudden their body just basically goes 'WTF are you doing to me?!?' and you put some weight on temporarily. Just remember that this is not fat, and continue to eat well and exercise. I will bet anything that if you keep this up for another week you will have lost weight!
  • tarazona73
    tarazona73 Posts: 13 Member
    Looking at a few days of your diary it looks very healthy. If you have lost 5 pounds in 4 weeks then I think you are right on track. 1-2 pounds per week is healthy weight loss and this is what you have. It takes time. Keep up the good work!
  • methodless
    I'm no expert but I was in a similar boat to you're in.
    Looking at your diary, I am seeing that you've been over on the carbs a few times
    Carbs retain water and will not allow you to burn fat until they are burnt first

    When I started going over for protein and under for carbs, the results came very quickly.
    From what I see, you're not doing anything crazy, so I am thinking the fluctuation likely is just water weight.

    Then again, I'm no expert...
  • KarenBoster
    KarenBoster Posts: 67 Member
    Relax. It could be many things. Water weight, not weighing at the same time of day(you can fluctuate 2-3 pounds in a day), not drinking enough water, too much sodium, or not eating enough. You have a busy job and are not logging dog walks and such. You need to eat your required calories and your exercise calories to keep up the weight loss. Keep working at it I am sure you will drop those pounds and start going towards your goal soon.
  • babyblooeyes
    babyblooeyes Posts: 67 Member
    It looks like you may need to increase your daily intake. Seems you are trying to stay around the 1200 mark. My guess with 76 pounds to lose that you should be eating at least 1400-1500 and that is without exercise. Also, check your water intake and you may want to consider adding some exercise (not just walking the dog).
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    1. You're female
    2. Looks like you like salt. I know I do, so...
    3. Don't worry about it, it's mostly water,
    4. Scales suck, and they are subject to humidity and temperature differences, even the slide ones
    5. Depending on what you were doing before you came here, your body may want you to gain some weight if you're eating healthier than you did before. Some of this will also be water.
    6. Yes, it's thermo-genically impossible to be fat unless you have some extra stomachs.
    7. Thanks for being burdened with direct human population survival protocols, i.e., baring a child. Your body likes to protect you and that ability at all costs.
    8. Don't worry about it. You might want to eat more bananas or get some potassium in you, I can almost guarantee you don't have enough.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Patience! You're going to be at this for a long time and a month is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
    Other people here have good advice: eat enough, set reasonable weight loss/week objectives, move, drink water.
    You'll be fine, just don't give up.
  • Lose25now
    Lose25now Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I gained 7 pounds in three days two weeks ago. When I looked at the food tracker I realized I had eaten alot of soduim I don't usally have . The good news is I kept up my water (never a problem for me) and by day 5 it dissapeared. Keep the water and if you can eat more green vegies like asparagus amd spinach as they help relieve water gain.
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    11 pounds in a month is pretty good. My goals are set for 6 pounds a month, if I lose more than that I am pretty happy. Remember, this is a journey.

    Make certain you are eating enough calories. You are losing weight right now, but sooner or later you will plateau, and then, if you are like a lot of people, you will need to increase your calories in order to lose more weight.

    As far as that six pounds, well, that's most likely 3 quarts of water.

    Remember, this is a journey. A long road with unexpected twists and turns. You can do this. Just stick with the program and don't be afraid to experiment a little. If you mess it up for a day, or a week, don't sweat it. You have years to work this stuff out.
  • krissers9
    krissers9 Posts: 20 Member
    One other thing to consider, I know you are 20, and a waitress. When I was 20 and a waitress, I tended to go out a lot and to parties. Perhaps beverage consumption can play a role.... Keep eating right, and if beverages are obstacles, you may have to adjust your lifestyle ;)