Munched Member


  • That sound like a sensible amount to drink. Your body will tell you if you need more. The advice about the colour of your urine is a good one! Hope you feel better when exercising very soon!
  • Giving blood is an amazing, generous thing to do. By giving blood, you are saving someones life! Forget the calories, enjoy the brownie and give yourself a pat on the back!
  • It stands for blood pressure and should be checked by a trained health professional. Drinking half your body weight in water is dangerous as you risk water intoxication destabilising your electrolyte balance. That along with other things can lead to heart problem!!!!!! DO NOT DO THIS!!!
  • I love eggplant ( aubergine to me ) sliced and baked in the oven or place on a griddlle pan. Blend some anchovies, mint, raw garlic, a small amount of wine vinegar and some olive oil. The sauce has a strong taste so you need very little. Drizzle over the aubergine which can be served hot or cold. Sounds like an odd combo…
  • Thank you!
  • Puking up is a most inefficient way to loose weight but an excellent one to loose your teeth! Stomach acid rots your enamel. Go and see a professional and chat about it. Eat all the calories you have been recommended by this site to eat. You'll be fine if you look after yourself and tell that guilt gremlin to take a…
  • Oooooh, yep it's a prob! With me its about opening that bottle of wine on a friday night whilst my husband and me cook supper together and nights out with the girls. Try White wine spritzers, alternating with low cal soft drinks inbetween and when you are under pressure to drink, just think about how good it will feel to…
  • I gave up smoking about 10 years ago. At that time I bought a treadmill as wanted to get fit and was afraid I would put on lots of weight not smoking anymore. The treadmill was great, it did the job, but I found after some months that my hips and knees really hurt. About 2 years ago I sold it and bought an elliptical…
  • Can only speak for myself but being too lenient on myself got me into the chubby position I now find myself in!! In no way should anything other than workouts be included. Pushing strollers might be hard work but is a normal activity of daily living as is house work. Let's not kid ourselves, let's be kind to ourselves and…
  • I like to soak some porridge oats ( not oatmeal) in yogurt over night then add fresh fruit in the morning. Really filling, tastes great plus oats help lower cholesterol and are good for the digestion. Yum! PS because you make it the night before it saves time when your in a hurry to get out the house for work!
  • Seems like there are plenty of us UK'ers around! I'm from Scotland so hi to you. Have been a member for about a month.Great site but ounces metric but hey what the hell I have my handy "Lakeland" converter on my fridge. I lost 7.5kg before I had heard of this site. Its great to be able to track ones…
  • Hi there, sorry to hear about your difficulty! I can't suggest anything much that has not already been said but could you talk to your employer about getting a little microwave or fridge? Perhaps you and your colleagues could all club together to buy one? I doubt your the only one at your place of work who would like to…