

  • It depends on the trainer I would say. I got a trainer that was AMAZING but only got about a month in and I got pregnant and got put on pelvic rest so had to stop. Went back and couldn't get back with the same trainer and have had a couple different ones and I don't like any of them like I did the first one. Don't be…
  • Assuming you are a women than probably nothing. Honestly. At the beginning of this year my husband and I stopped drinking pop. I am a Dr Pepper-aholic. He drank Diet Pepsi. He did nothing else and lost like 10 lbs in 1.5 months and I lost nothing!!!! Dropping pop is great for your health in the long run but it's not the…
  • Yes I am and let me tell you it sucks! My husband is over weight and he doesn't care. And he smokes and he's a couch potato. AUGH! He gets mad at me when I cook stuff that is healthy cause he says he doesn't like it but won't try it. It's so hard. I could say that he is the reason that I got fat but I can't blame him...he…
  • Yes the protein is super low. I started seeing a trainer and he uses this site and he adjusted all my intake stuff. I am lower on carbs at 100 per day and high in protein at about 170 a day. My calories are at 1600. I used to go over on protein ALL the time and now I hardly can get to where I should be. It's very hard but…
  • Um, i dunno. That looks just like a pedometer. i have heard about something called a body bug. This can't track your heartrate at all which is really how you would figure out how many calories you burn. Or am I wrong? I'm new to this working out thing so I dunno.
  • I have asked my Dr and my trainer and they doesn't matter. whenever you feel like you can. I presonally like to go in the morning first thing. Cause if not then I will make excuses all the rest of the day and put it off and then never go. (Did this yesterday.) But once I start classes back up I am not sure when I…
  • Hi! I am a mom of 2, a wife and a new college student. I turned 30 this year and am sick of the way I feel as well. I am tired and sluggish and just so BLAH! I have really jumped into this new way I'm going to live my life. Please feel free to add me. I hope that this site helps you! (And me!!!) So far it seems great.
  • I live in Buffalo so NYC is quite far away for me. But I will look to see if maybe PA, OH or WNY is doing anything. This does sound like fun!
  • I would like to join. I am new to this so I am not sure what the challenges are about but I am pretty much up for any challenge!
  • Thank you all so much! I just joined a gym this past week so I am hoping to start messuring myself and weigh myself. I'm pretty excited to get down but now I know that it's going to take a bit so not to get so frustrated. It's nice to see the pounds get smaller on the scale but wearing smaller clothes is the better reward!
  • I weigh myself once a week. Thurs mornings as soon as I get and use the bathroom. That way I haven't ate anything and I feel i get the most accurate read. But i guess this comes from having done WW too. But sometimes if I know that I didn't eat really well that week I just won't get on the scale because it will he…
  • I would try maybe the Progresso soups. I used to do WW before this and I would eat those a lot for lunch. They were yummy and filling. Just make sure you get the broth ones and not the cream ones. Also for breakfast you can make scrammled eggs in a coffee mug in the microwave. And add some lowfat cheese...yummy! Good luck!
  • I will try to do it. I remember doing jumping jacks as a kid thinking how easy they were...I do them now and feel like I'm going to DIE! LOL! I hope it works!
  • Oh also if you get good deals on fruits or veggies at the farmers market while things are in season and cheap freeze them. I do it with strawberries because I buy frozen strawberries to put in my slimfast shakes and make a milkshake with them.
  • I would say boneless, skinless chicken. Pretty cheap if you buy it in a family size and you can make it tons of ways. My favorite is to take it and pour some salsa over it in a casserole dish. Bake it til it's done then put some cheese over it and melt that. SO yummy and healthy. I usually make some brown rice with it.