Asking 4 tight budget grocery ideas



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I love ground turkey. walmat uasually has teh frozen Jenn- o at a good price. But check your labels to make sure it's white meat turkey and doens't have the skin mixed in making it more fatty.

    greek yogurt - pricer than reg. but that's all ai eat fro breakfest so 1.00 to 1.25 for breakfest isn't too bad
    nuts (almonds and walnuts are best) buy a big bag inested of teh 100 cal packs that are more expensive
    frozen chicken breast
    lettuce (I can make almost anything into a salad)
    canned tomatos - you can make pasta sauce or top a fajita or taco salad, put in chilli instead of more meat
    generic cheeros and bananas

    feel free to look at my journal and see what I eat. I'm not on a super tight budget but I do watch my pennies. And i'm not perfect I love sweets. I buy a lot of meat in bulk and freeze it. so chicken one week lean ground beef the next etc. in no time you will have all kinds of stuff in your freezer.

    Best of luck to you.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Go to farmer's market at the end of the day. They usually cut prices or will haggle to get sell off the last of their produce. I've also made friends with my local produce stand owner. He sells me ripe produce at a very reduced price. It's a win win situation. He gets rid of produce that needs to be used quickly and I get to save money.

    I'm also a big advocate of saving money in other ways so I can spend more on quality food. One way I save is by making my own laundry and dish detergent which ends up costing me about 3 cents per load I save a lot of money. The bonus is there is a lot less chemicals used, store brands have a lot of unnecessary fillers, and a lot less packaging. The environment thanks me. :) If you'd like the recipes let me know.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Shop the bulk bins for your grains/beans/nuts and seeds. Generally, from the bulk bins I get steel cut oats, quinoa, brown rice, almonds, flax seed, chick peas, black beans, pinto beans, whole wheat pastry flour, wheat bran, lentils. Definitely shop the sales on produce! In addition to being cheaper, the stuff on sale is usually what's in season, so it tastes better too!

  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Black beans! Cheap and delicious. You can do a lot with them!

    True enough, I made some the other night with some cut up sugar plum tomatoes, an onion that was diced up and 'sweated' (grilled to where its sort of translucent) and some cotija cheese, very good and quite filling!
  • Oh also if you get good deals on fruits or veggies at the farmers market while things are in season and cheap freeze them. I do it with strawberries because I buy frozen strawberries to put in my slimfast shakes and make a milkshake with them.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I live on my own, and spend $50/month TOPS on groceries. I have a CSA farm share, which cost me $300 but I get a huge box of fresh produce every two weeks for 5 months, so it was well worth it. With that out of the way, I buy in bulk, bulk, bulk! Much cheaper! I can get a few pounds of different beans, a few pounds of grains like brown rice, quinoa, barley, and a few pounds of whole grain and spelt pasta for around $25. The rest is my "free" money, which I spend on snack foods like chickpeas for hummus, pita, snack veggies like carrots and celery, etc. I'd definitely start browsing your grocers bulk area for sure!
  • arlingtonangel
    arlingtonangel Posts: 73 Member
    Black beans! Cheap and delicious. You can do a lot with them!
    I second this. They are great in salad or by themselves..I also suggest looking for clearance items like greek Yogurt and hummus. They are very expensive here, but I find them on clearance for 75% off usually. I eat them that week and they are always good.
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Unfortunately for me...I don't like fish. I have a bunch of canned chicken breast but need ideas on using it
  • hi! I buy A LOT of chicken because it can be prepared in many ways and its cheap. I never fry of course, only bake and grill. My staples are salmon, tilapia and flounder. Brown rice, green beans, squash, almonds, and sugar free jell o are a few of my favorites as well. I stick to a pretty tight budget in my household as well as it is only my husband and I.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I am totally on teh aldi band wagon as well. I buy my bulk meat and asian stuff at Wegmasn and almost everything else at Aldi
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    I have the same problem. I grow some some stuff in my garden (tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, peppers) during summer months but struggle during the rest of the year. Normally, I buy a giant size carton of 1-2 fruits and eat those all week. I buy seasonal produce as it is less expensive. I've found the club size mixed frozen fruit from Costco and the super markets is great to have on hand for when I'm missing my "frozen" snack.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Unfortunately for me...I don't like fish. I have a bunch of canned chicken breast but need ideas on using it

    I mostly make chicken salad.

    Savory, add 1 tbsp of ranch to 1 can, add celery, onions and carrots, salt and peper to taste

    Sweet, add 1tbsp of ranch to 1 can, add grapes and walnuts
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    I used to buy take out and junk food. NOW THAT was costly.
    Now I shop with the local market add papers. I have a list before I go in.. I never go hungry or thirsty or i'll come back with loads of water and juice.. lol..
    I grocery shop with a deliberate plan. Every Wednesday the sale adds change so I make sure I'm among the first to get there and shop for the sale items ONLY! .. I try to avoid anything else at regular price unless its a staple item or a must have.
    Buy frozen chicken and fish. Lots of fruit and vegetable that are fresh but again .. ON SALE!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    We go to Gordon's Food Service for frozen chicken and fish - tends to be much cheaper and in a larger size than the grocery store. Rice is cheap and can be incorporated into many healthy meals. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, can be made in so many different ways and are CHEAP! Canned tuna fish is a cheap, simple protein option as well. It can be used for salads, sandwiches and pasta if you are creative. Lettuce - you can use leaf lettuce for wraps instead of tortillas, save a lot of calories, and money. Good luck!
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    First & foremost - generic (or store brand) is as good as any. The savings are a major plus.
    & then...
    Frozen fish & chicken.
    Buy your bread in bulk & freeze it.
    Brown rice.
    Whole grain pasta.
    Low fat cheeses / dairy in general.
    Fat Free Yogurt is usually like 10/6$ :] these are a must for me.
    PopChips (these are my staple for a salty crunchy chip-like snack and they're like 2-3$ a 3 serving bag.)
    Whole-grain cereals.
    Dried beans.

    And I know its not really crock-pot season but a pot roast with carrots, celery, green beans, onion, tomato and your meat of choice can usually last me for at least a dinner/lunch/dinner schedule.
    Same goes for chili. Figure out how many calories are in a whole batch you make & portion it out accordingly as you go along. :] Chili goes a LONG way.

    I tend to buy all my meats at costco and freeze them individually so I can grab & go as needed.

    Hmm. I'm drawing blanks now =/
    I shop as needed with a budge for that trip so what I get can vary.
  • kaitlynnesmommy
    kaitlynnesmommy Posts: 166 Member
    Unfortunately for me...I don't like fish. I have a bunch of canned chicken breast but need ideas on using it

    Hungry girl does A LOT of recipes with this in it!
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    I mostly make chicken salad.

    Savory, add 1 tbsp of ranch to 1 can, add celery, onions and carrots, salt and peper to taste

    Sweet, add 1tbsp of ranch to 1 can, add grapes and walnuts

  • No kidding. I am soooo with you. I ask myself that same question each time I shop......
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    When you find out, let me know too!!! LOL. Seriously, eating healthy is expensive as all get out. I spent $20 on frickin' cherries the other day. Fresh fruit is expensive! And I'm trying to avoid pre-packaged foods because of all the sodium... it's practically impossible to eat well and not spend a fortune.
    It stinks doesn't it??? I put back the cherries and still spent over $10 on ONE watermelon that wasn't even all that big. I try to hit the fruit/veggie stands and can get great deals there but its not always convenient to do so.
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Unfortunately for me...I don't like fish. I have a bunch of canned chicken breast but need ideas on using it

    I mostly make chicken salad.

    Savory, add 1 tbsp of ranch to 1 can, add celery, onions and carrots, salt and peper to taste

    Sweet, add 1tbsp of ranch to 1 can, add grapes and walnuts

    Yum...I'll have to try that. Thanks