Exercise... morning or evening?

I've been getting a lot of different answers on "when is the best time for workouts/exercise?". Anyone have any suggestions. what works for you? Maybe a combo of the two... i.e. weights and stretching in the AM and cardio in the evening after I get home from work? Any help would be great!


  • i like morning, then i know what to keep cals at, plus if u work out to hard in the evening its harder for me to wind down to sleep plus im ackey in the morn, iwould cardio in morning and stretch at night
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    From my understanding there isn't any scientific evidence that determines the best time to work out.
    My opinion is anytime. As long as your doing it. This is because when you work out, your metabolism stays high for around 24 hours. So, I would try to work out anytime and try to keep it around the same time everyday. (To constantly keep your metabolism going)

    I like to run at night. I feel like I get the best sleep! :)
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    The answer is whatever works for YOU!! :-)

    For me personally, I really enjoy doing strength training and cardio in the morning. It gets me up, gives me energy, and ensures that I don't make excuses (e.g. too tired) for not exercising after work. I also take exercises classes a lot at night, and I find that the combo keeps my metabolism up all day. But, you have to find what works for you - something you'll stick to and make a routine!
  • mom1520
    mom1520 Posts: 73
    For my exercising in the morning works best. When I try to exercising is the afternoons or evenings I'm usually tired and make any excuse not to do it. I like getting it checked off my list first thing in the morning.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I find I just can't get myself going in the morning, I've tried a couple of times and it leftme feeling tired and awful all day, I'm not sure how people do it! I personally exercise in the evening, Usually around 630, 7pm, I find it de stresses me and leaves me relaxed and ready for bed.
  • The best time to go for a run/jog is about 8 in the evening
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I've been getting a lot of different answers on "when is the best time for workouts/exercise?". Anyone have any suggestions. what works for you? Maybe a combo of the two... i.e. weights and stretching in the AM and cardio in the evening after I get home from work? Any help would be great!
    I do both - 90 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes an hour after dinner.
  • I enjoy ether or but morning is easier for me just so I get it out of the way and I have energy for the rest of my day. Also, I do enjoy evening because unlike a lot of other people I get tired and sleepy so its perfect for me to just fall asleep.
  • allierae14
    allierae14 Posts: 113 Member
    I exercise when I have time, some days it is in the morning, others in the afternoon. I rarely exercise after 5pm, I try to get it done before then.
  • ChloeandGrace
    ChloeandGrace Posts: 1 Member
    I prefer something in the morning whether strength or cardio. I like to have a good walk with the dog in the evening after supper.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    For me I like to do it in the morning for a few reasons (i) if I plan it for the evening after work - I usually won't do it - I will usually come up with an excuse (ii) it allows me to plan my day based on the amount of calories I have burned (iii) it helps me feel better all day long and puts a little pep in my step :laugh: and (iv) if I exercise really hard in the evening I have a tougher time going to sleep than I normally do. (Of course if you had asked me this question when I was single 7 years ago - the answer would have been different and totally flipped flopped - at that time when I had no one at home waiting for me and no responsibilities other than getting up and going to work I would exercise up until 9 p.m.) Good Luck - Try a couple of different times and see what works best for you:flowerforyou:
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    It doesn't matter, unless you are talking about "in relation to when you eat" and you are doing heavy strength training. OR if you are on an Intermittent Fasting protocol of some kind.
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    Both! Nice cardio in the am & then a quickie later to rev the metabolism (15-20 min)
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I prefer the evening - my muscles are already warmer because I've been moving during the day and I feel I've a better chance of getting a good workout in without injury.

    Plus, I already have to get up at 05.30. I don't have the inclination to get up any earlier to work out.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    There is conflicting answers on that in articles I read.

    What I do know is this, do what works for you. If you are a morning person and are able to get it done first thing, then do that.

    For me, I can't roll out of bed an earlier...have tried. So, during the week, for me...afternoon/evening works. But on the weekends, I do it in the morning.

    Find a time that works in YOUR schedule and will stick to.
  • I have been exercising in the evening because I am not a morning person and can't seem to get moving in the morning.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I prefer morning, because then it's over and done with. If you wait for the end of the day you can find that you're too tired and then end up not getting anything done. Sometimes, if I do a workout in the morning, I will have recovered by the evening and will go for an extra walk or something like that :D.
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    I just joined planet fitness and tomorrow is my first workout (?). The gym is an hour away from home, but only 3 mins from work. I am going in the morning, leaving the house at 6am, which will leave me time to check the gym out, do my walking, get cleaned up and changed for work. I am an early riser, and my best time is the first half of the day. When I get off work, all I am thinking of is home.
    and dinner. lol
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I'm really lucky because my work shedule allows me to workout in the afternoon. I always feel really bad when I workout in the morning. I do this once a week so OH can come and LO can go in the creche. I hate it though! I like to workout at about 11am then get home and have lunch before work!

    I have to say though you have to do what works for you! Trial and error! As long as you do it thats the main thing!
  • I have asked my Dr and my trainer and they say...it doesn't matter. whenever you feel like you can. I presonally like to go in the morning first thing. Cause if not then I will make excuses all the rest of the day and put it off and then never go. (Did this yesterday.) But once I start classes back up I am not sure when I will have the time to go...but whenever I do it doesn't matter. You are still burning the same amount of calories if you work out morning, noon or night. Good luck!