How often to weigh self?



  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    Every two weeks for me at the same time, weekly is ok too but any more than that and you will see too many fluctuations on a day to day basis and that is just asking for trouble!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I weigh most days but only log it about once or twice a week, maybe a bit more often, it depends, I know my weight fluctuates a lot and so I record it as it goes down - as long as the trend is down over all I'm happy:O)

  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    I weigh twice a day and log twice a week cause I'm in two challenges, otherwise id log once a week, it really is about finding what works for you xxx
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    mfp set me a weight loss goal of less than a pound a week - I knew I was going to find it demoralising hopping on the scale and seeing next to no movement week after week so I didn't weight at all for the first 6 weeks. I'll probably keep to once a month now just to monitor but I'm more interested in how I feel & how my shape changes over time.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I weigh every day, right after I get up and go to the bathroom. However, I know daily weight fluctuates an I don't freak out if I am 2 pounds heavier on Tuesday as compared to Monday. If you can't handle the daily fluctuations, then weigh once a week, max. I have found by daily weighing I see how my body reacts to certain things. Like I have learned a high sodium day will keep my weight up by 2 pounds or so for 2-3 days. If I drink a fair amount of alcohol one night, the next morning I will weigh less because I am dehydrated. I am in the minority as I like to see these changes and I can accept the ups and downs of daily weighing. Even though I weigh daily, I use Friday mornings as my "official" weigh in, and will only then log any gains or losses in MFP.
  • I weigh myself once a week. Thurs mornings as soon as I get and use the bathroom. That way I haven't ate anything and I feel i get the most accurate read. But i guess this comes from having done WW too. But sometimes if I know that I didn't eat really well that week I just won't get on the scale because it will he discouraging and i will want to give up.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I don't focus on scale weight. I don't care about scale weight. Scale weight loss and fat loss aren't the same thing. I weigh myself and take my measurements once a month. I focus on my body fat percentage/pounds of fat and inches. I'm aiming to lose pounds of fat and inches. I know that it takes time to lose pounds of fat and to reach my pounds of fat goal, it can take a year or a little longer and I'm okay with that.
  • e1izab3th2
    e1izab3th2 Posts: 148 Member
    I weight in on Wednesday morning and look forward to it! I have only done one set of measurements so far, but I will do my next set after I finish the 30 day shred (17 days to go)!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I was going to weigh myself weekly and measure monthly but I know how I am and if I don't keep seeing the results on the scale I'll give up. So I was thinking about getting weighed monthly instead?

    You can weigh yourself as often as you want, but for accurate results you should weigh yourself weekly - for me it's Sunday morning before breakfast after my morning shower - and record that weight in MFP. I just bought myself some WeightWatcher body analyser scales which also gives me body fat % which is very motivational (the higher it is, the more I feel motivated)

    MFP also wants you to take measurements weekly, but I think fortnightly or monthly would be better. And your clothes and how comfortable you feel in them after a meal is also another good indicator. :smile:
  • wow... thanks for eveyone's responses. i think i'm going to weigh in on a friday weekly for the first few weeks then maybes drop down to every other week.

    i do react badly to the scale and if it's not what i want to see i will think 'what's the point'.

    i've been going to the gym a lot though so i think i will take measurements but probably only once in a while.

    thanks everyone for replying! it's helped a lot :) xox
  • wow... thanks for eveyone's responses. i think i'm going to weigh in on a friday weekly for the first few weeks then maybes drop down to every other week.

    i do react badly to the scale and if it's not what i want to see i will think 'what's the point'.

    i've been going to the gym a lot though so i think i will take measurements but probably only once in a while.

    thanks everyone for replying! it's helped a lot :) xox
  • I have to weigh every day. Sometimes 2 - 3 times. I get that it is not always a positive change down but all I have to do is visualize those numbers saying 285 and anything looks better...even if it is a lb. higher than yesterday. I know it is not traditional "wisdom" to do it so often but the weigh ins keep me thinking towards my goal and I start and end my day thinking about what I did right and what I can do differently each day. Not in an incriminating way but in a goal setting/mental exercise way.
  • fatcitizen
    fatcitizen Posts: 103 Member
    I weigh every day, right after I get up and go to the bathroom. However, I know daily weight fluctuates an I don't freak out if I am 2 pounds heavier on Tuesday as compared to Monday. If you can't handle the daily fluctuations, then weigh once a week, max. I have found by daily weighing I see how my body reacts to certain things. Like I have learned a high sodium day will keep my weight up by 2 pounds or so for 2-3 days. If I drink a fair amount of alcohol one night, the next morning I will weigh less because I am dehydrated. I am in the minority as I like to see these changes and I can accept the ups and downs of daily weighing. Even though I weigh daily, I use Friday mornings as my "official" weigh in, and will only then log any gains or losses in MFP.

    this is what I do too.. I even keep a spreadsheet of my weight and what I lost/gained day to day....when I get away from it, I do BAD....
    So as others have said it is about what works for YOU...
  • I only "count" it on Monday mornings, but I usually weigh myself on Thursday or Friday too.
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm seriously surprised how many people weigh themselves EVERYDAY! that isn't good, honestly!
    The average persons weight can go up and down by over 7lbs in a typical day (fluid intake/use, food intake/use etc), weigh yourself in the morning then at night to see a perfect example!

    Weighing weekly at most!, every two weeks is ideal.
  • sgriddler
    sgriddler Posts: 22 Member
    Once a day, Its part of my Morning routine. I can now even know which foods will make me hold weight for a few days.
    I usually just log the weight with mfp once a week. Despite the obvious ups and downs, i have maintained a steady downward trend......
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I'd say weigh yourself once a week, in the morning, before eating breakfast, after using the restroom. I just started MFP 6 days ago and I couldn't wait to see how much weight came off so I got on the scale before the seven days. On day five apparently I lost 3 pounds! It helps to have motivation, seeing the numbers go down but if you get too obsessive about it it'll make losing weight difficult. Remember, it's not ALL about the scale, consider how your clothes are fitting.

    I lost weight in the past, I was originally about 210 or so and worked out like crazy every day (never paying attention to my food intake/what I ate). I was lucky enough to lose about 40 lbs. by just that. I remember feeling even more satisfied by finding my size 16 pants no longer hugged my body and I was ecstatic the day I went clothes shopping and figured out I wore a size 12.

    Unfortunately I gained about 12 lbs. back from my lowest weight (167-169) so now I'm trying this calorie thing out to see if I can continue what I was trying to accomplish 3 years ago. Right now I'm about 178 and wearing a size 14 (on the tighter side) and now I realize 10 lbs. makes a HECK of a difference between clothing size.