No more soda = How much weight lost???



  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Okaaay so I love my soda. I really need to lose weight tho so im starting to drink diet soda and water.
    About how much weight do you think can be lost by just doing that?
    I mean I want to eat better and exercise too but... How much do you think just not drinking soda can help me!?!?
    Thanks!! :)

    ps... don't switch to diet sodas... that may cause you to gain weight... happy to send you the statistics if you want


    Not necessarily BS. Diet Soda increases water retention so if you drink a lot and not enough water, you could be constantly holding on to more water than normal.

    But as far as actual fat from calories in vs calories out ... no.
  • Apple31415
    Apple31415 Posts: 98 Member
    Cut out soda for new year's resolution this year. (actually pledged to drink nothing but water which includes the flavor drops) The biggest immediate benefit was that i no longer felt on a blodd-sugar level yo-yo. That's why one soda always leads to more later in the day. I put my focus on drinking water NOT not drinking soda. That mindset worked for me - have lost about 18 lbs since Jan.1 and i'm sure getting soda out of the equation is partly responsible.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Okaaay so I love my soda. I really need to lose weight tho so im starting to drink diet soda and water.
    About how much weight do you think can be lost by just doing that?
    I mean I want to eat better and exercise too but... How much do you think just not drinking soda can help me!?!?
    Thanks!! :)

    ps... don't switch to diet sodas... that may cause you to gain weight... happy to send you the statistics if you want


    Not necessarily BS. Diet Soda increases water retention so if you drink a lot and not enough water, you could be constantly holding on to more water than normal.

    But as far as actual fat from calories in vs calories out ... no.

    Yea, that's not what she was inferring.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Years ago I remember thinking if I just gave up soda, I'd probably drop all kinds of weight. So I quit cold turkey, and expected amazing results. I may have lost a few pounds, I don't really know, but I wasn't out buying smaller sized clothes because of it.

    It wasn't until I started tracking ALL my calories, all the foods I ate that I finally started seeing weight loss. Eating the right number of calories for my stats (age, height, weight, activity level) has been key - not too many, but not too few either.

    And I've gone back to soda - not the multiple Dr. Peppers I used to drink every day (I can't usually even finish a whole soda now - too sweet!), but the occasional Hansen's root beer or whatever I feel like having. Or regular beer. Or wine. Or a margarita. Ice cream. Cake. :drinker: If it fits in my goals, I eat it and enjoy it.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I have a serious diet coke habit when I'm at work. However I don't even bother to log the 4-6cals from it. If I have a non diet soda I will log that though. I don't think its probably all that good for me in the general scheme of things, but it hasn't made a jot of difference to me losing weight.
    BENNYDOOR Posts: 23
    Soda is full of so many chemicals that your body is not only storing fat from the fake sugar (high fructose corn syrup) but its storing mass amounts of toxins as well. Cola is so acidic that you can clean your toilet and get great results with it :)
  • Soda is basically a huge fat pill, cutting it out of your diet will help progress greatly.
    BENNYDOOR Posts: 23
    Research studies have shown that people who drink diet soda have a 70% bigger waistline then those that drink regular cola. Its because artificial sweeteners trick your brain into believing you just consumed calories, then 20 minutes later, you brain realizes it was tricked, therefore you will start to crave more sugar and more carbs. Not only that but artificial sweeteners cause an array of health problems such as depression & anxiety.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Soda is full of so many chemicals that your body is not only storing fat from the fake sugar (high fructose corn syrup) but its storing mass amounts of toxins as well. Cola is so acidic that you can clean your toilet and get great results with it :)
    Also no. And your stomach acid could clean a toilet nicely as well. However, I don't feel like puking or dumping a coke in my toilet every time I clean it. Instead I bought a cleaner from the store. It works great!
  • superkt
    superkt Posts: 12
    i've done the "no soda" rule twice in my life. the first time, i just replaced with water (this was back in high school around age 16). i dropped about 15 lbs in a matter of ~3 months doing absolutely nothing else. i didn't realize i drank about two 20oz bottles a day. i slowly added it back in my diet and cut it out again around age 20. this time, i cleaned up my diet a lot -- i loved fast food/fried stuff before that. i ended up losing around 30 lbs in about 7 months and kept it off for a few years until i got pregnant. i've since been drinking soda again and REALLY want it out of my diet. it's sooo hard when it's so delicious :(
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    Okaaay so I love my soda. I really need to lose weight tho so im starting to drink diet soda and water.
    About how much weight do you think can be lost by just doing that?
    I mean I want to eat better and exercise too but... How much do you think just not drinking soda can help me!?!?
    Thanks!! :)

    ps... don't switch to diet sodas... that may cause you to gain weight... happy to send you the statistics if you want

    Yes, please post statistics on how drinking diet soda will put someone into a calorie surplus, by itself, without taking other intake into account.

    I think the subject of diet soda may cause weight gain is one that deserves its' own topic. I will post one.

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny On Obesity Group
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    weight loss is about calorie deficit not how much soda you drink …

    eat less + move more = lose weight
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Okaaay so I love my soda. I really need to lose weight tho so im starting to drink diet soda and water.
    About how much weight do you think can be lost by just doing that?
    I mean I want to eat better and exercise too but... How much do you think just not drinking soda can help me!?!?
    Thanks!! :)

    You will find out for yourself... You will lose ALOT of weight and even more when you reduce your sugar all around! It should be at 10 percent of your calories. World Health said maybe 5 percent!! Sugar is a leading cause of obesity because of the fructose that is in it and how it is metabolized. Today, weight loss is less about quantity of calories and more about quality!!!

    Good luck!
    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group

    how long is it going to take for you to realize that this is just wrong? You come into every thread demonizing sugar and saying that "quantity of calories" do not matter…..even though you have been proven wrong every time.

    over eating is the leading cause of obesity, not sugar.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Research studies have shown that people who drink diet soda have a 70% bigger waistline then those that drink regular cola. Its because artificial sweeteners trick your brain into believing you just consumed calories, then 20 minutes later, you brain realizes it was tricked, therefore you will start to crave more sugar and more carbs. Not only that but artificial sweeteners cause an array of health problems such as depression & anxiety.

    i would be interested to see said studies…

    diet soda typically has zero calories so how could that lead to obesity?
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    Research studies have shown that people who drink diet soda have a 70% bigger waistline then those that drink regular cola. Its because artificial sweeteners trick your brain into believing you just consumed calories, then 20 minutes later, you brain realizes it was tricked, therefore you will start to crave more sugar and more carbs. Not only that but artificial sweeteners cause an array of health problems such as depression & anxiety.

    i would be interested to see said studies…

    diet soda typically has zero calories so how could that lead to obesity?

    Please don't misunderstand. What I am saying is that quality of calories matter.... not that they do not matter at all. Less about quantity, more about quality. I hope that the topic I post will help you to better understand the role sugar plays in weight loss.

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Research studies have shown that people who drink diet soda have a 70% bigger waistline then those that drink regular cola. Its because artificial sweeteners trick your brain into believing you just consumed calories, then 20 minutes later, you brain realizes it was tricked, therefore you will start to crave more sugar and more carbs. Not only that but artificial sweeteners cause an array of health problems such as depression & anxiety.

    i would be interested to see said studies…

    diet soda typically has zero calories so how could that lead to obesity?

    Please don't misunderstand. What I am saying is that quality of calories matter.... not that they do not matter at all. Less about quantity, more about quality. I hope that the topic I post will help you to better understand the role sugar plays in weight loss.

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group

    calorie deficit = weight loss ..

    you can eat sugar and lose weight..

    and I so look forward to your post …sarcasm intended...
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    Research studies have shown that people who drink diet soda have a 70% bigger waistline then those that drink regular cola. Its because artificial sweeteners trick your brain into believing you just consumed calories, then 20 minutes later, you brain realizes it was tricked, therefore you will start to crave more sugar and more carbs. Not only that but artificial sweeteners cause an array of health problems such as depression & anxiety.

    i would be interested to see said studies…

    diet soda typically has zero calories so how could that lead to obesity?

    It leads to obesity because of the artificial ingredient/s and the affect it/they have on the body... pretty much well known in the medical community at this point in time
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    Research studies have shown that people who drink diet soda have a 70% bigger waistline then those that drink regular cola. Its because artificial sweeteners trick your brain into believing you just consumed calories, then 20 minutes later, you brain realizes it was tricked, therefore you will start to crave more sugar and more carbs. Not only that but artificial sweeteners cause an array of health problems such as depression & anxiety.

    Don't even know why I'm posting, given that in my opinion the trail this thread has gone down means it should be allowed to die a quiet, dignified death, but...

    Crave. Diet soda doesn't force you to go out and stuff more things in your face. If you personally find that diet soda makes you want to go eat food and you absolutely cannot control yourself, then by all means don't drink it. But don't insist that cutting it out is the best thing for everyone.

    And about the associated health problems--it is SO hard to prove causation in the absence of a randomized, completely controlled trial. Which would be darn near impossible to run in a case like this. Correlation is all that's out there, IF that, and you can't call that causation if you know ANYTHING about good statistics.
  • superkt
    superkt Posts: 12
    Research studies have shown that people who drink diet soda have a 70% bigger waistline then those that drink regular cola. Its because artificial sweeteners trick your brain into believing you just consumed calories, then 20 minutes later, you brain realizes it was tricked, therefore you will start to crave more sugar and more carbs. Not only that but artificial sweeteners cause an array of health problems such as depression & anxiety.

    Don't even know why I'm posting, given that in my opinion the trail this thread has gone down means it should be allowed to die a quiet, dignified death, but...

    Crave. Diet soda doesn't force you to go out and stuff more things in your face. If you personally find that diet soda makes you want to go eat food and you absolutely cannot control yourself, then by all means don't drink it. But don't insist that cutting it out is the best thing for everyone.

    And about the associated health problems--it is SO hard to prove causation in the absence of a randomized, completely controlled trial. Which would be darn near impossible to run in a case like this. Correlation is all that's out there, IF that, and you can't call that causation if you know ANYTHING about good statistics.

    this is a good point. my anecdotal evidence is watching some of my heavier friends. they will get a diet soda with their meal and instead of letting that 200 or so calories be gone from it, they substitute more food in since their drink is now 0 calories. i can only imagine others do this as well. it doesn't prove anything at all, but it definitely happens.
  • Assuming you are a women than probably nothing. Honestly. At the beginning of this year my husband and I stopped drinking pop. I am a Dr Pepper-aholic. He drank Diet Pepsi. He did nothing else and lost like 10 lbs in 1.5 months and I lost nothing!!!! Dropping pop is great for your health in the long run but it's not the key to losing weight.