Trainer: Yay or nay?

BRFMcKay Posts: 80 Member
Hello! So, I just switched gyms, from the YMCA to LA Fitness. I received my free training assessment and of course the trainer kicked my butt.

He tried to get me to get a training package, and you know, for my weight, height and body fat percentage (169 lbs, 5'4", and 34%) I really am considering it, especially at my age (almost 28.)

Do you have a trainer? Is it worth it? Did it help you?

Thanks for your opinions!


  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Hello! So, I just switched gyms, from the YMCA to LA Fitness. I received my free training assessment and of course the trainer kicked my butt.

    He tried to get me to get a training package, and you know, for my weight, height and body fat percentage (169 lbs, 5'4", and 34%) I really am considering it, especially at my age (almost 28.)

    Do you have a trainer? Is it worth it? Did it help you?

    Thanks for your opinions!

    A con do it yourself and buy yourself something nice with the money saved
  • Never used one but if you are unsure of what you are doing or not getting the results you want it is probably worth a try. Just get a minimal package and judge based off of that. When I see people using them in the gym they are usually getting a better workout then when they go at it alone.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Read the fine print very carefully, it is easy to get sucked into long expensive contracts. I've heard horror stories about some gyms in particular.
  • I recently signed on with a personal trainer and it has been a wonderful experience so far for me. I think cost is a factor to take into consideration and make sure you are getting your moneys worth. For me it's $275 per month and that gets me a 30 minute session twice per week, a workout plan for the other days of the week I'm working out on my own, a meal plan with grocery list, and my trainer comes to my house once a week to do meal prep with me, and is available by text or call anytime that she isn't with another client.

    For me it's worth it, but only because I know myself and I need that kind of support right now to get on the right path. If you think you can do it on your own then give it a try and look at your progress in a month or so.
  • JCLondonUK
    JCLondonUK Posts: 159
    I've been working with a trainer for about a month now, and its fantastic. I'm a gym newbie, and before I booked some sessions with him I was just using the easy cardio machines and wondering what on earth all the other equipment was for. Now I'm using TRX kit, kettlebells, Bosu balls etc, and this week we started heavy lifting, which is a blast! He works me really hard, teaches me loads in every session, and pays close attention all the time to helping ensure I've got good form and tailoring the session to my goals (I made it very clear that I wanted to learn compound lifts and work towards overall strength).

    I guess it depends on your goals, and a PT certainly isn't cheap, but for me it's been well worth it, and I plan to continue for some time yet.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    i agree, please read the fine print. i was lured to buying the package at LA Fitness not once, but 3 times.... each time i felt uncomfortable and uneasy. so i took a break from that gym for 3 months and lost 20 lbs before my wedding. i went back to use the cardio machines and the manager of the trainers invaded my workout and tried to sign me up for personal training, called me fat and he said he could toneALLLL that up. the next day i canceled my membership

    So Now i go to Amerikick and taking an adult fitness kickboxing classes 3-4 days a week. ive gotten better results then a trainer ever could :-)

    Good luck!
  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    I've done both on my own and with a trainer and had success both times. For me I went with a trainer just to force myself to go back to the gym and start working out again. It was nice to be able to pay someone to figure out the workouts and an eating plan, saved me the confusion of figuring it out on my own.

    Though at this point my trainer is moving to a new job and I'd almost rather just go it alone now instead of starting with a new trainer. I will work with the new trainer though since I've already paid for it and I'm under contract. Though I am debating seeing how much ending my contract would be...
  • misslaceynicole
    misslaceynicole Posts: 8 Member
    I had a trainer with LA Fitness and I agree with everybody else, read and reread the fine print if you go for it. They closed our gym down and when we tried to stop our contract, they said we couldn't... even though there was no gym! I had a trainer for a few years and he was helpful in someways, but really not in others. It's just like everything else... your mileage may vary.
  • It depends on the trainer I would say. I got a trainer that was AMAZING but only got about a month in and I got pregnant and got put on pelvic rest so had to stop. Went back and couldn't get back with the same trainer and have had a couple different ones and I don't like any of them like I did the first one. Don't be fooled...I thought to be a trainer that they had to have a college degree and stuff...they take like a 12 week course on how to train! I only signed up for 6 months to kind of get my head straight and learn what I need to do and stay motivated til I started losing some weight and I really haven't lost much this time. I'm thinking about going back to the other trainer and seeing if he can fit me in anywhere.