Alatariel75 Member


  • Excess calories from any of the macros will be stored as fat.
    in Protein Comment by Alatariel75 April 22
  • There's no magic menu. Why are sandwiches a must? Convenience? You just really like them? For me, I find I can get more for my calorie buck than sandwiches, but I'm also not that big a bread fan. What do you currently eat and how does that sit with your calorie goal? How can you tweak it the calories of what you have…
    in Question Comment by Alatariel75 April 22
  • I find MFPs default for protein very low and have tweaked mine. It's good to remember that MFP's settings are not the be all and end all. They're the same for everyone, and can be adjusted.
    in Protein Comment by Alatariel75 April 22
  • Sugar is a carb, the way a sweater is an item of clothing.
  • Details on how to cancel for iOs, Android and desktop are contained here.
  • I'm in Australia and it's still free
  • Consistency and persistence. You haven't actually said what your goals are, and no one here knows anywhere near enough to say what's best for you, but everyone who's ever successfully improved themselves long term have stuck with their plan and followed through (even if they've stumbled along the way). Also - educate…
  • I lost over 30kg with MFP and have gained it all back through my own poor choices, so I'm back because it's the only thing that's ever worked for me long term.
  • A bit of fat, mostly water. Cutting carbs will make you lose a lot of water weight, when I go to even moderately low carbs, I can 'lose' 6-7 lbs in a week.
  • You are going to drive yourself completely batty if you start monitoring your weight daily and fretting about what you ate the day before and what it's done to the scale. It just doesn't work that way. Weight fluctuates, no one thing that you eat is going to be solely responsible for an up or a down on the scale, and…
  • Now that you mention it, I'm usually on the higher protein side in my diet, but after the gym we had pizza. I will try consciously ensure I get a high protein meal after.
  • Oh, believe me I want to go! But today, 2 days after the upper body workout, I literally cannot move my arms. My husband had to hook my bra for me, and I've actually had trouble lifting a cup or fork to my mouth. It's SEVERE. I actually don't think I can safely drive. But I'm definitely not waiting to be perfectly fine to…
  • Thank you! I'm just surprised I can be THIS sore. I'm usually pretty tough, but holy hell. I'm trying to work the balance between not going too hard, bit also keeping the routine up enough that I will progress and not just stall in this scenario where the DOMS are bad enough that I don't go often enough to really improve.
  • Thank you! I hope it gets less painful, right now I'm wondering how I'm supposed to progress if I can't even get back into the gym because I hurt so much! I'm trying to keep moving because I definitely lock up when I don't. I think that why it's making it hard to sleep. I just can't fathom how it hurts this much to do…
  • I know I'm petty AF but I have moved back to my home town and know I'm going to be running into people from back in the day, including Ex's, and I can't stand the idea of them seeing me fat haha
  • You're not really going to lose a significant amount in that time, but if you cut carbs you can probably lose some water weight. For me, if I cut carbs, I have a noticeably flatter tummy within a week or so due to losing some bloat.
  • Greetings! As of this week, I am "not on a school night" - drinking Friday and Saturday only unless there's an event (ie a dinner out with friends). Mid-week drinking causes me poor sleep, poor decisions and laziness.
  • The study was done in 1969 in the USA. The summary above actually misrepresents it, the point of the study was to show that enriching bread with various vitamins etc provided significant benefits. It wasn't about generally finding a single source food.
  • There was the guy over here in Australia who basically only ate potatoes for a year, but it wasn't part of a study, only a self guided thing. I love spuds, but I think I'd lose my mind.
  • MFP settings can be fine, but I adjusted mine for personal taste - I'm not a big carb eater but I love protein, so I set to 40% protein, and 30/30 carbs and fat. Having to hit the 50% carbs that MFP set made me miserable.
  • That's wonderful, I honestly believe that maintaining is harder than losing, and you're already training yourself! Go you!!
  • I don't cheat. I make a decision whether something which exceeds my calories is worth slowing my progress for. Sometimes it's a good decision and I'm not sorry, sometimes it's a bad decision and i regret it. But it's a decision. It's not cheating on anything.
  • Honestly, I don't think I have any better or worse chance of getting it close to home versus overseas - my concerns with overseas travel is more the practicalities, like what if I get it and get too sick to be travelling, spend whole holiday in hospital, somehow don't have coverage (as careful as I am about insurance), get…
  • Our of curiosity, what are the current isolation requirements in everyone's part of the world at the moment? Here in Victoria, Australia (and I think the rest of the country but I won't swear up to it), they've done away with mandatory isolation and the only restrictions on what you can do if positive is not visit aged and…
  • Because the database is largely user added, and for a variety of reasons (info not on packet, they're not interested in that data) members often don't add values for vitamins and minerals. I note the green checked entries for both red and green grapes show vitamin C values. MFP is largely useless for tracking vitamin and…
  • Oh yeah, you're right. Agreed then, if someone is going to give you specific macros, they should also be giving you guidance on meeting them.
  • Is this what MFP has set for you? The calorie goal is where you're aiming to reach each days, and the macros are adjustable to your tastes and goals. Personally, I'm much happier at 40% protein and 30% each fat and carbs because I find carbs don't fill me up, and fat is tasty. If this is what MFP has set (and not a plan…