nooshi713 Member


  • 2 scrambled eggs, a cold brew coffee, one half grapefruit, and one oatmeal lactation cookie.
  • There is nothing wrong with carbs. Some of the healthiest foods on the planet are carbs and we need them for fiber, vitamins, and energy. I eat vegetarian a lot of the time so tend to eat many carbs. When im trying to increase protein and decrease carbs somewhat I eat some of the following meals: Omelette with veggies…
  • Tom Yum soup, the broth based one.
    in Thai Food Comment by nooshi713 July 2023
  • I’m 5’ and don’t lose weight eating more than 1200-1250. My maintenance is about 1450 with about 40 lbs to lose. It is so slow as well, about 2 lbs a month. When I was at a lower weight I maintained at around 1200, and that was being active.
  • Despite some doctors’ willingness to prescribe it, it is not safe. I don’t recommend it at all.
  • I’m short and also find it hard to fit 3 full meals in especially if I have any kind of snack or want one meal to be heartier. Sometimes I do skip breakfast or have a late lunch and skip dinner, or skip lunch and have just breakfast and dinner. I do need a lot of caffeine to suppress my appetite though.
  • Shakshuka Egg bites Greek yogurt or cottage cheese Protein shakes (don’t need blender)
  • I’m married and so are the majority of my friends. I believe in God and that marriage and being faithful are what God wants. It does seem like a lot of people nowadays don’t value it anymore though. People are into instant gratification and being lazy.
  • As a medical provider, I see diverticulitis in ER regularly. I would NEVER diagnose it for the first time without imaging. Even if CT scan shows “thickened sigmoid colon with inflammatory stranding” which is very suggestive, we still recommend follow up colonoscopy because that thickening of bowel could be a mass instead…
  • I can have a bit of tunnel vision and I’m not the best with technology. I’m just happy you pointed out the feature so I can try it out now. Thank you.
  • 10 lbs is about one dress size for me. I would guess I lose an inch of waist for every 10 lbs of weight. At my heaviest weight of 150 lbs, I have a waist of 30” and dress size 10-12. At my lighter weight of 120 lbs, I have a waist size of 27” and a dress size of 4.
  • Oh, I do have that! Thank you. Found it. I was looking for the words “Track Your Exercise” and I’m not very tech savvy. I’m going to try this. Thanks again.
  • Thanks. I went to try to do this. There is no “Track Your Exercise” or anything similar in my Fitbit dashboard. I’m using the app on my iPhone.
  • I have not tried to map my walk. Not sure how I would do this. I am 5’ tall and my steps are shorter than average. If I had to guess my walking speed it would be 3 mph. Usually when I’m walking I’m pushing the stroller so my arm isn’t swinging. I’m doing housework or working at the hospital otherwise. I’m up and down.
  • If you’re having fevers a few weeks out from surgery and antibiotics are not helping for this UTI, then you need a CT scan to rule out a post-operative abscess. This is a rare complication after surgery. Please go get checked again.
  • I finally switched to the little hip device that came with my Fitbit and obtained some data with it. With the same daily routine, my hip counter clocks me at 10,000+ steps every day. When I wear it as a watch I’m getting 5,000-6000 a day. Maybe my arm isn’t swinging and counting the steps properly? Not sure. It is a…
  • If your sleep apnea is moderate to severe, your doctor is right that even a large weight loss won’t cure or eliminate it, but it can help. But, you will still have to wear the CPAP machine or other alternative. Untreated sleep apnea increases the risk of all kinds of serious problems. The weigh loss will help some though,…
  • I love reading about all of your suggestions for pasta recipes. Mmm pasta. I don’t feel pasta is that bad. In Greece and Italy they eat pasta and are some of the healthiest people…… I agree that portion sizes are probably the main problem here. Also, the added cream and too much cheese. Our favorite pasta is with red…
  • If you stick with a red sauce, the calories are much lower than with a cream based or pesto sauce.
  • Your heart rate is not a reliable indicator of calorie burn. On a beta blocker, your heart rate will be slower. It does not mean your workout are less productive.
  • Hmmm I might try that just to see. Thanks.
  • No, with my zip the calories seemed pretty accurate but MyFitnessPal seems to overestimate my needs slightly. I found that I burn a bit less than expected for activity, size, weight, etc. I have a feeling that is because my muscle mass is not the greatest. Not sure though. I only noticed this sudden change when changing…
  • Thanks for your input. I did buy a device that allows me to wear the new fitbit on the hip as well. I’m going to try it and see if anything changes.
  • I’m Pescetarian for ethical reasons, but eat mostly vegetarian. I follow the principles of the Mediterranean diet for health. I’m counting calories in an effort to lose weight.
  • Steamed broccoli, asparagus, or cauliflower. I sometimes make veggies in the oven drizzled with olive oil and herbs or even with tomatoes and feta or Parmesan.
  • Oh yeah, for sure! Scary how much drugs can damage the heart and other things.
  • Wow, scary. I have suffered from migraines for years and doctors have offered it to me before. Never took it. I’m a PA myself but don’t typically prescribe this so am not the most familiar with it. Every medication insert tends to have a long list of potential side effects so it is hard to know what to expect. Thanks for…
  • What side effects have you experienced from Topamax?
  • Thanks for the advice. The pellets are based on iron but they have not worked. I have reapplied but I think these snails are too small to eat the pellets. I will try the traps.