Absolutely August!
Here we are...it's August, the dog days of summer, the fall season coming up fast...time to put it into gear and make some serious changes that are keepers! Wake up with determination, fall asleep with satisfaction.
September 2017 - 100 Mile Monthly Walking Challenge
Grab your tennies...get into something comfortable and head out the door. Walk for your health. That is what this challenge is about. Along the way, set other goals to compliment your love of getting out there and moving. What do you want to look back at with a sense of accomplishment when September comes to a close? Make…
February 2017 - 100 Mile Walking Challenge
2/1 1.8 2/2 3.73
March miles!
I'm in ... Peddling now ... Making the most out of March !
December 2015 Week #2 12/8 - 12/14
Good time to gather ourselves and remember we do not want to start from the beginning come January 2016!. Keep the focus and remember it is a HoliDAY and not a HoliMONTH. Eating healthy makes you want to move more...moving more makes you want to continue to eat healthy. Have a great week, gang! Week #1 29.72 12/08 - 5.08
November 2015 - 22nd to 30th
Week 1 28.25 miles Week 2 29.57 miles Week 3 30.41 miles Nov 22 6.56 miles Lots of steps yesterday...market and the mall plus my usual...today...uh, pretty much rest day. Have a great last week of November...happy Pre Thanksgiving to all of you.
October 2015 - Week 3- Oct 15th to Oct 21st
And here we go into the second half of October...the year just picks up speed as we race to the finish line. Let's stay together as we finish off these last couple of months and have a great start to the new year.
October 2015 - Week 2- Oct 8th to Oct 14th
And here we go into the second week of October. Challenges get a bit more tough...just walk into Trader Joes and they are into Pumpkin overload...anything you can think of Pumpkin is there. Sticking to my basics should keep me out of trouble. Have a great 2nd week, everyone. Week 1 = 25.95 10/8 - 4.36 miles
100 Miles in May 2015 (May 1 - 7)
Morning Walkers...I ended up with 135.5 in April. Looking forward to making this month better. Have a great day everyone...let's push ourselves. Summer is around the corner.
April 2015 Week 3 April 15 - 21
Have a good week #3 gang...keep those feetzzzz moving!
100 Mile Monthly Walking Challenge March 8 - 14
"Welcome march Told to be the month of spring, in other word soon summer. So lets get out there moving :) Log your progress as often as you like, any way you like! For help see the thread 'Recording Progress'."