Diving into December!
One month...one month to make a difference. I'm in.
Gratitude...it's what does a body good...especially this November!
This month, the focus is on gratitude. It makes the day better. Waking up to what you think will be a not-so-great-a-day can change if only we focused on what we have to be grateful for. With Veterans Day and Thanksgiving all wrapped into one month...these two holidays are truly the most important in my mind. Without our…
Oh My Goodness, It's October!
Three, three months to go...time to put up or shut up...lots can be achieved in the last three months of the year. Let's make some noise, eh?
Suddenly September!
Indeed! And suddenly it's A new day, a new week, a new month! Fall is in the air...planning for an amazing season of cooler temps and cozy meals. Bring on the soups, stews and everything Enjoy each and every day, mates...it goes all too fast. Make those food choices align with your wanted the very best health for yourself…
It's the Dog Days of Perfect time to take advantage of all the Summer Produce and get a boost of all that deliciousness!
Magical May!
Time to make our own magic by putting our health first. I witnessed both of my parents get progressively unwell as they aged...especially my mom. She had the big three...type 2 diabetes, congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. All brought about by diet. She died at 73 and it was not pretty. My dad had the ravages…
Accountable April!
Let's do this gang. Post menus to be accountable. Keeps us honest. Helps each other. Success in numbers.
Meaningful, Motivating March!
Make the Most out of March! We are in charge of our own health!
Fabulous February!
It's Fabulous February, where we (mainly ME) get to right the wrongs that somehow happened in January... Good luck everyone...we get an extra day this year to FIX FEBRUARY!
We made it! 2024 gang and we all seem to be on the right path. How fabulous is that! I had my sick time at the end of 2023 and I am so ready to get into exercising this month. My gym should be opening any day now...it's five minutes from my home. I signed up way back in May 2023 with a reduced rate. The one thing I am…
Navigating November!
Time to revisit the reason* for this group...I know I need it! "WELCOME! This group is for anyone aiming to eat a more plant-based, nutritarian diet. Our sources of guidance and inspiration include Joel Fuhrman (Eat to Live, End of Dieting), John A. McDougall, Neal Barnard, Caldwell Esselstyn, Rip Esselstyn (Engine2),…
Optimistic October!
NO! NO! NO! Do not let the start of the "eating season" scare you! We have made it to the last third of the year and we all have so many proud moments and accomplishments that the next three months will be a breeze! I am feeling positive about the next three months...I do know I need to push harder to make more meals all…
Suddenly September!
Now what? No time like the present. Put one foot in front of the other and make it happen. August ended with a great discussion about there is no trying...there is just doing. LET'S DO SEPTEMBER! I'm in!
Accountable August!
Accountable August? What the heck does that mean? Tell us what your definition is.
Jump Into June!
Here we are...entering the Summer months...perfect time for whole food, plant-based diets...so many fresh fruits and veggies to choose from. Farmer's markets all over the place. Make good use of the abundance all around you. Everyone is going to want to Jump into June!
Motivated May!
Join us as make our way through a whole food plant-based diet. Some do it for health, others do it for the animals or the environment. And some do it for all three. Whatever the reason, we do agree that eating more plants is a positive force in our lives.
Fearless February!
Fearless February! What fears are you going to knock down this month? <3 Conquering our fears in order to make our lives better. <3 Being ok with being uncomfortable when we are staying away from food and drink that seem to derail us. <3 Trying new activities out of our comfort zone. <3 Sticking to your plan when out with…
Jaw-Dropping January!
Firsts! First day of the week! First day of the month! First day of the year! Time to reflect a bit and decide who you want to be. Then make those changes and make it happen. As my pals TALKING TO DOCS* say, you are in charge of your own health. I do not believe it is necessary to swoop down and try to do it all on day…
Seriously September!
Alrighty then, September is upon us...time to get serious! No one wants to go into the holidays without a GAME PLAN. Here's the place to ask questions, get ideas, focus and make it happen! Then, as we enter the NEW YEAR (it happens in a blink of an eye), we have set ourselves up for SUCCESS! The stress factor had been…
It's All About August!
Join us this month as we do the impossible...eat healthy (WFPB-Vegan) in an unhealthy world. It takes a bit of commitment and know-how...but doing it TOGETHER makes the impossible, POSSIBLE!
"May" all your whole food, plant based goals be realized!
Persistence makes all the difference. Never give up! Keep trying until you hit the right combination. We eat plants. It's that simple. We also eat whole foods. That is definitely a goal of mine this month! Ditch the processed stuff...stick to whole foods. Come join us wherever you are on your journey. You do not have to be…
You'd be a fool not to join us in April!
We eat plants...we share daily menus, recipes and what's going on in our lives...the good, the bad and the ugly! But mostly the good! We are a grateful bunch...so why not join us! is an amazing month to make the commitment to eat more plants...everything is starting to bloom...the summer months will soon be here with an…
Mindful March!
Time to revisit the ground rules to keep us going in the right direction...and it does not have to be an all or nothing proposition. Small Changes/Big Results I think this is true because things begin to snow ball. Once we see we can make small changes easily and they do make a difference...then we tend to gather momentum…
We made it to another December, where things can get out of hand very quickly, if we let it! Our decision making each day will be important as we enter a new year in less than a month. Don't let this be a Christmas. Give yourself the gift of waking up each day, full of life, knowing you made thoughtful decisions. Lots of…
Knocking Out November!
Join us as we turn the tables on ! Notorious as the season for eating...we plan on wreaking havoc with this practice and use everything we have learned to make this the healthiest ever. We want to enter the next month we a great attitude and end the year on a high note. The place to start is here...KNOCKING OUT !
Opportune October!
It's Opportune ! The best time of year to put blinders on and focus on what truly matters...our health! And a big part of our health depends on what we put into our bodies. This group believes that a whole food, plant based diet is key to good health! Please join us here and share the habits you are developing in making…
Seriously September!
What a perfect time to get serious, eh? The last 1/3 of the year...the approaching seasonis a favorite of so many... ! Let's jump into this new month with determination...and a PLAN! Set up a working plan and execute it...be ready for when the motivation fails (and it will...it is so dang fickle)...be your own best…
Anything Is Possible April!
where anything is possible! We meet here as much as we can to celebrate each day and share our plant based journey with each other. Plants are nature's way of keeping us healthy. We each have our own reasons for going this route. Support is one of the keys to keeping us in this lane. Join us as we maneuver an April like…
Dashing Through December!
Seriously September!
Where does the time go...brings to mind, Time Keeps On Slipping Into The Future. New Week, New Month...I am so ready to just make something happen. Something. Seriously! In the kitchen...making fresh juices...prepped my lunch for work. My problem area is still when I get home from work...I just seem to screw up at that…