Do You Use %MHR Or %HRR For Your Heart Rate Training?
I have been using %MHR for going on 3 years now, and it got to the point that when I'm in zone 3, it hardly feels like I am even exercising. Yesterday I set my Garmin fenix 5x to use %HRR, and did a 6 mile trail power walk/run, and now zone 3 feels more in line with what zone 3 should feel like. For those who do not know…
I started feeling a little shortness of breath over the past few weeks. A little more than normal when doing cardio, but still a noticeable amount. Sunday I went to do a more intense power walk on some hilly trails and got seriously out of breath on the uphill parts. I normally do those parts with just moderate huffing and…
What Zone Do You Do Cardio In?
I have a motto... If you ain't huffing and puffing and sweating... you ain't doing it right. I like to stay in zone 4 (80 - 90 % of MHR) and zone 5 (90 - 100 % of MHR) on my intense workouts, and have been known to be in zone 5 for up to an hour total during these workouts. I have read that it is not recommended to stay in…
I Think I Fixed My Heart
A little background, A few years ago or so I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. I tried to control it with diet and was hospitalized several times (two of which I had sepsis). The infections kept coming back worse and I was told I had to have a section of my colon removed. I was obese and at a very poor fitness level at…
Trail Running
I tried trail running this past weekend, and it was AWESOME!!! The trails, the mud, the rocks, the roots, the hills up & down. I even hit my max heart rate at one point and was in zone 5 for over 50 minutes total. Here is the workout... movescount.com/moves/move144277527 And I went back the next day and walked the same…
What Have You Done In 2016 For Your Fitness, And What Do You Plan To Do In 2017?
I started adding jog intervals into my power walks. Started with 30 second jog/2 minute walk intervals for 3 miles. My goal was to be able to run 5k non-stop. Last Sunday I ran 5 miles non-stop just to see if I could do it. I normally run 3 miles non-stop now during a 7.5 mile jog/power walk. I would like to be able to jog…
Hoka One One
Anyone ever try shoes from this company? OMFG it's like running on freaking grass!!! Since I started running these are my go to shoes. I got 4 pairs of them now. Clayton Clifton Bondi 4 Bondi 5 I have several pair of high end running shoes, but these Hoka One One's are the best for road running IMO. Great for old people…
I'm 59 Years Old And...
I started adding jog intervals into my power walks about 4 months ago. Started with 30 second intervals, then 1 minute, then 1.5 minutes. I started getting bored with timing it so I just started trying to run more distance each time. It's been about 4 months since I could only jog for 30 seconds, and Sunday, I jogged 5…
Jog Intervals In my Power Walks
A couple months ago I started adding jog intervals into my power walks, because I was having trouble getting my heart rate up just power walking. At first I could only jog for about 30 seconds at a very slow pace, so I started with a 30 second jog/2 minute power walk interval. I gradually worked up to a 2 minute jog/2…
Good Workout Today
Did a 5 mile jog/power walk today. 2 minute jog interval, 2 minute power walk interval. Stayed in zone 4 & 5 most of the time and got a training effect of 5 (max). I wanted this to be just a regular workout because I was still kind of recovering from my last extreme workout, but I have a habit of pushing it a little too…
Who Thinks Healthy Weight Is Related To Fitness Level?
I spent the last year and a half improving my fitness level. When I first started I could barely walk a mile at a slow pace without having to lay down for an hour and feeling like I was going to die. So far I have lost over 50 lbs. I never really changed my diet aside from learning how to eat a little smarter and ball…
My Story
my name is Bob Calvanese. I am 58 years old, 5' 9" tall, and weighed 225 lbs. when I decided to start losing weight. I served two terms in the US Army from 1983 to 1989, and received two honorable discharges for my service. While serving my second term I had the opportunity to attend a Master Fitness Trainer course. It is…
New Approach To Weight Management From Polar
I love the approach Polar takes with their fitness watches. They don't base your daily goal by steps alone like the other fitness trackers do. They count all activity towards your daily goal. For example, if I did a 3 mile walk and got 6,000 steps (toward my 10,000 step goal setting), and did a 10 mile bike ride (no steps…
Todays Walk
here is the walk I did today at Tyler State Park... Tyler State Park Walk 7.4 miles at a 4.4 mph pace on hilly trails. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah Baby... :) Well... not too bad for an old guy anyway.
I Am Officially At A Healthy Weight
58 year old male, 5' 9", 168 lbs. so I am officially at the top end of my healthy weight range now. I still want to get to 150 lbs. because that's about right in the middle (128 to 169). It took almost a year but I made it, and if I can do it, anybody can do it.
Thank you Walking
For turning me from this... To this...
Theory About Cravings
I have a theory that a craving is your body telling you that it needs something that is contained in the food that you are craving. I know it sounds strange, and I don't know how, but its just a theory I have.
Anyone seen the movie "Wild". It is such an inspiring movie to me. For her to walk the entire PCT on her own is amazing. I would love to do that and reflect on my life. I love walking too... :)
What Are Your Goals, And What Is Your Game Plan?
My goals are to get to a good fitness level, get to a healthy body weight, and train myself to maintain it without the need to weigh and measure everything I eat. my game plan is to do cardio every day, do muscular 3 times a week, and train myself to eat right without weighing and measuring. I am a 58 year old male, 5' 9"…
Why Do People Set Mini Goals?
just wondering. Why not just set your goal to somewhere in the middle of your healthy weight range?
Have Not Been Logging My Food For 2 Weeks And Still Losing
2 weeks ago I was within 22 lbs. of my goal, so I decided that it was time to start training myself to eat without logging my food, so that is what I did. Today I weigh 2 lbs. less than I did 2 weeks ago, and I only have 20 lbs. left to reach my goal weight. Actually, I have reached my initial goal weight (170), but…
For All You Fitness Walkers
If you are a fitness walker like me, you know how important a good pair of shoes are. There is nothing worse than being half way through a five mile walk when your feet and shins start killing you, and no matter which way you go you still have two and a half miles to walk. Every step is a nightmare, but you just pain your…
Walkers... How Fast Is Fast?
The fastest average speed I have gotten up to so far is 4.3 mph on a 4.5 mile walk. Is that fast for a 5'9" 58 year old 175 lb. dude? I would like to know how fast other people walk. Please include height, age, weight. thanks,