Stripper name
Your stripper name is the color of your underwear and the last thing you ate... So please quote this so i can have a laugh today lolol
Biggest gym pet peeves..
Ive got a few... But would like to hear yours!
What does success mean to you?
Whats your opinion on steroids?
So i was working with this dude that goes regularly to my gym. Hes around 5'5 140 some pounds ripped as hell. . benching 315, squatting 405 for reps! Im around 5 9" weighing 168ish looking to reach those numbers. I always looked up to him bc of how strong he is!! But then he told me hes been on roids for years and idk i…
Summer shredding
Who else is trying to cut? What are your goals? Im 169 trying to get to 165 or possibly 160. Im more focused on physique rather than strength. But i will try to keep my strength as much as i can.. Lets motivate each other!!!
I work out because...
(Insert your reason here)
Fit bit aria wifi scale
Ive been wanting this scale for a while. Its pricey. $130 i believe. Does anyone have it? Is the money worth it?
Music motivates me. I need new music to listen to. Drop your spotify name so i can add you and listen to your playlists :)
Quest to get shredded
From jersey. Looking for motivation and making new friends. Feel free to add. Lets do this
Knee pain
Ive been having this issue due to squatting heavy i believe. How do you guys cope with this? Ps: i havent been squatting for about a week and it still kind of bothers me.
Whos your favorite fitness youtuber? Mine is Christian guzman. He offers tons of knowledge and motivation.
Building up my bench
Currently weighing 173 and my max is 300. Would love to hit 315 for 5 reps. Any tips would be appreciated!
Favorite quote?
Whats your favorite fitness quote? This one is mine ... The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential, it’s impossible to turn back. The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and…
Refeed vs cheat meal?
Do you guys know the difference? Just curious. Which one do you do?
Im not blessed with perfect skin. I get a breakout here and there. Sometimes i breakout a lot. Im just curious what products you guys use or recommend?
Would you buy this?
One thing ive learned
Been lifitng for 3 years straight. One thing ive learned is to NOT compare myself to others. Those guys squatting 405 or benching 315 etc have been training for tons of years. Use it as motivation. Track your macros, bust your butt and you'll reach your goals
Losing weight but....
Is it really worth it? Sure im getting shredded but my energy levels are very low, weight seems to be getting heavier and heavier and not to mention all kinds of knee pain and back pain... is it even worth it?
Uh oh...
She's amazing and im paralyzed with fear.. Anyone else go thru this? Lol -___-
What's the best way to get over someone ? Blah
first tattoo
Im getting my first tattoo this summer. Praying hands in my chest or back. What was your first tattoo?
where you from?
Anyone from new Jersey? State your area code!
Rome wasn't built in a day. .
When it comes to building muscle or losing fat, slow and steady wins the race!
Rome wasn't built in a day. .
When it comes to building muscle or losing fat, slow and steady wins the race!
I LOVE quest bars. My favorite is white chocolate raspberry. With 8g fat, 23g carbs , 20 g protein and 17 g fiber it's my favorite on the go snack! What's your favorite quest bar??
How do you add pictures in comments? !!
Just curious. .does anyone else on here have a YOLO day? Meaning a day where you don't count ANY macros! I try to do one at least once a month. Its awesome! !
how do i look for people on this app?
Not sure how srs
iworkout playlist !
Just curious what songs pump u up at the gym . Need a new Playlist