I just ate an entire box of cereal
I don’t know what the hell I just did. Sat down to have a bowl of cereal with some milk/protein powder. Poured out a cup of cereal, and everything. After finishing the first cup I just downed the entire box. Pretty sure I just had a 2000 calorie meal. I feel sick to my stomach and stupid. Tips/advice welcome thanks. Also…
Stats January: 6’0 170lb Never measured body fat but by that pic I included definitely under 12% Stats now (September): 6’0 206lb Not sure about b.f. Really proud of the strength and muscle I gained, but I get pretty embarrassed without a shirt on, something that wasn’t a problem for me before. Is this just part of bulking…
When/should I increase my calories
Hey guys! I’m on a lean bulk right now and my weights been stalling for two weeks now and my lifts and the gym have plateaued as well. Would it be safe to increase my calories 200+ right now? Should I weight another two weeks? Current Stats: 6’.5inch 180lb First year lifting 13% BF Currently at 3,000 calories I started at:…
Ideal Body Fat to begin bulking/Stop bulking
Stats: 21yo 6’0 175lb Hey guys. I’m honestly have trouble assessing my bf percentage. I got out of a cut a month ago and I definitely have a lot of mass to add to my frame. My question is: is there a bf percent range I should try to remain in while I bulk. My aim is to gain 3lb-4lb a month.. I’m 175lb and I wanted to reach…
Stats: 6’0 176lb ~13% bf 21year old Workout 6-7days a week I’m currently bulking at 3200 calories. 1-2nights out of the week I end up overeating by a good meal (600-800 calories). This usually happens if I eat all my calories earlier in the day and have none left by night. When this happens, should I just move forward, or…
Need to take two weeks off lifting- tips to not lose mass
I'm having surgery to fix a deviated septum, and the doctor says I shouldn't exercise for at least a couple weeks, and refrain from doing intensive exercise that'll increase by blood pressure for at least three weeks, to make sure I don't get a nose bleed and prolong healing. I've been on a bulk for a couple months now and…
Horrible bulk/cut cycle, advice would be great
So I really started getting into body building about last summer. I am a tall guy and I was sick of being scrony so I just wanted to put on some mass. Stats from last summer: 6'0 165lb I focused on bulking, but I definitely just got into the dirty bulk mindset and put on a lot of body fat. 7 months in I ended putting on an…
Journey to 195
Stats: Male 6'0 170lbs 9%>body fat Goal: 185lbs 8%> lean body mass My plan is to bulk up from 170lb to 195lb then cut back down to 185lb. So far I've been gaining about 2lbs a month and making gains. My question is, should I continue this pace or speed it up? At this rate, I won't hit 195 for another 12 months... which is…
I'm a college student and I was with some friends last night and ended up getting high. I usually don't like to just bc it really lowers my inhibitions, but anyway I did. So i just started off eating one bowl of cereal and all of a sudden it became 5 and my thought process was "well since your already down this deep might…
Hey guys So this is the first time I'm bulking and I just want a good solid number of calories to stick to. Stats: Male 20 years old 6 foot 0 inches 165lbs I don't know my body fat percentage but I my goals is to reach 180lbs of lean muscle. I've been eating about 2,800 calories the past week and I do feel like it's…