Emotional eating success stories...?
Hi, I am having trouble at the moment getting back into the healthy eating & losing weight at the moment. It would be great to read some success stories... Thanks :)
Anyone aiming to lose at least 70lbs...(5st)?
Hi, I have got myself into a really bad habit. Emotional eating but over the year it has just got worse & worse. I'm wanting to lose 5st at least to take me back to my 10st. I have moments when I can eat anything sugary/fatty & carry on. Is anyone else like this? I'd love some MyFitnessPals for friends for motivation…
Day 1 - Sugar Rush....
Hey, It's 2:30am (UK) & I can't sleep so I thought I would introduce myself.... I'm 24 & foods always been in my life a little to much! When I was a teenager I thought I was way to fat (now I look back I wasn't at all!), I had ever so slight (don't even know whether to class it or not but made myself sick to lose weight.…
Wanting to start...Where do I begin?
Hi, I am wanting to start doing workouts at home but I honestly don't know where to begin. I found lots of pics (on Pinterest) with workouts but I don't know what half of them are like donkey kicks, mountain climbers, lunges, butlers etc. Do you know a good basic website/book? Thanks
Any good books to read??
Hi, What books have you read that have helped you when losing weight?
My Diary...
Day 2 - Horticulture Volunteering... Today went really well. I volunteer every Thursday at a horticulture. All day I am working with food but healthy fruits & vegetables. It helps me see food differently. It helps me, I suppose mindfully see food. It is a mental health charity so I also get support with how I am with food.…
On the go ideas?
Hi, my mum is constantly on the go, very busy with work & is training for a marathon. She has a very small appetite & will easily go a day with a few crackers & nuts. I'm wanting to make her some on the go meals/snacks. Any ideas? Thanks
On the go snacks for a marathon
Hi, my mum is constantly on the go, very busy with work & is training for a marathon. She has a very small appetite & will easily go a day with a few crackers & nuts. I'm wanting to make her some on the go meals/snacks. Any ideas? Thanks
What are your must do's....
Hi, What are your top must do/have when it comes to losing weight e.g. A walk before a dinner, weighing food the night before, having a green tea etc....
Beck Diet Solution....anyone?
Hi, I am using Beck Diet Solution book with My fitness pal. I was just wondering if anyone else uses it?
The Beck Diet Solution
Hi Does anyone do this or has tried it? I've just started just wanting some reviews :)
Recognising Hunger/Full
Hi, I never feel full or hungry. I had a tough year and food was the first thing I went for & alot of it. Alot of advice when dieting is only eat when your hungry & stop when your full...I don't recognise either. A women gave me advice (it's what she did) to basically starve myself, she did it for 4days...It doesn't sound…
Repetitive Emotional Eating...
Hi, I'm stuck with trying to lose weight. I set out a healthy week food plan which I stick to however I also emotional eat which is usually anything unhealthy & alot all at once. I suffer from severe depression so I usually eat lots when I am having a bad day which is usually every day. I know food isn't helping but all I…
Vegan/dairy free meal ideas please :)
Hi, I have epilepsy, I have tried many medications which always end up with severe side effects & also brain surgery but still have regular seizures. As my neurologists have discovered I have more seizures coming from the centre of my brain, it is to dangerous to have centre surgery so I am back to trying out different…
Protein & Fibre....
Hi Any ideas of good protein & fibre snacks? Thanks
My #walk1000miles..
I am counting how many miles I walk my dog through out the year. January so far started off well then the last two weeks hasn't been a lot of walking. They third week I had a cluster of seizures then the fourth week I've somehow damaged my leg meaning there hasn't been a lot of walking. Fingers crossed February goes a bit…
Protein & Fibre Snack Ideas...?
Hi Any ideas of good protein & fibre snacks? Thanks
Strengthen leg ideas/advice
Hi, I started a New Years Resolutions which is Walk1000Miles. I have been doing 2.74miles a day. My right lower leg is aching alot, can't walk on it properly. My right knee is also hurting which I have dislocated 5 times before. Can anyone reccomend anything to help? Thanks :)
Eating the emotions....
Hey, I as the title says Im an emotional eater especially if I am upset/annoyed or bored. I am really struggling with keeping to calories & learning how to keep my thoughts under control. Would be great for all advice whether its books, websites etc. Anybody else like this? Looking for friends aswell to keep me on track.…
Low Gi...
Hi, Does anyone do or has tried the Low Gi diet? I am thinking of trying it more for my health side of things. But would love to hear what you think of it?
Slimming World
Hi, is anyone on slimming world? Id love some motivation & inspiration :)
70lbs+ to lose
Hey, I'm 24yrs & from the UK. My goal this year is to lose at least 70lbs would love to have some friends for motivation & support :)
I've Comfort ate one to many biscuits! Open diary
Hi, I'm 24yr, UK. I am trying to lose 5st (69lb) this year. Last year was a tricky year & food was the first thing I went to for help...the consequences...I have put on about 3-4st. I would eat anything I knew wasn't healthy but was sugary and tasty. I am wanting a healthy fresh start. I have a fitbit & I'm also doing the…
New Years Resolution Idea....
Hey, I found this & have decided to do it for my Resolution. I thought I'd share it if anyone else fancies doing it :) x
#walk1000milea in 2017
Hey, Anyone taking part in this? I just came across it today and thought I'd give it a go :)