Beets anyone??
Hello! So, I really love the taste of beets. I have always loved canned picked beets, and now I love store bought beet chips. I am trying my best to eat plant based and make everything myself so I can try to “eat clean.” I have asked a vegan friend of mine for her best beet preparation, and she doesn’t like beets! I made…
2/3 Check-In
Happy Saturday! Anyone going to be facing a lot of temptations tomorrow?? My Saturday night check-in... Nutrition: 9 Water: 65.8oz Today was an odd and very busy day for me. I really only ate 2 big meals and I had to guesstimate calories for both, poke bowl for lunch and dinner at my neighbor’s house. I think I was well…
2/2 Check-In
Hey guys, how are you all holding up? I’m feeling really discouraged and frustrated with my current plateau. My last plateau was at 142, but at the time I just wanted to lose weight in general I had less specific goals and no timeline for completing them. Now I’ve been stuck at 131 and I feel like my body plays games with…
2/1 Check-In
Hooray for Fit February!! It’s a short month, let’s crush it! My 2/1 check in... Nutrition: 10 Water: 115.6oz I hoping to be at least slightly ok with my progress photo tomorrow morning. Tomorrow also marks exact 4 months since I made a real commitment to lose weight, and I look forward to tracking the progress onto my…
1/31 Check-In
Happy hump day! We are halfway through this week and saying bye bye to January already! My day... Nutrition: 7 Water: 49.8oz at the moment but still counting My nutrition all day was on point, but I promised my husband a cheat dinner tonight lol. 1 slice of pizza my heart pesto pizza + 1 tablespoon of ranch. Did I still…
1/30 Check-In
Hey guys! So happy to see more activity in this group :smiley: My day... Nutrition: 7 Water: 91.6oz I have been stuck on the scale at the same weight for the 3rd day this morning so I set a goal for myself to eat more often today and to try to hit my recommended 1000 calories minimum to try to shake up my body’s routine.…
1/28 Check-In
It’s late but Sundays are a busy day/night in my house :wink: does ANYONE want to share how their nutrition went today?? How much water they drank?? Anyone??? My Sunday... Nutrition: 10 Water: 88oz I went to brunch with friends today and was the only one on a diet. I drank 3 pint glasses of water and ate a bunless,…
1/27 Check-In
Happy Saturday! How is everyone doing, how was your nutrition today? How much water did you drink? My check-in today... Nutrition: 9 - I made great choices in what I ate and stayed under my calorie goal, but a friend came over today and we talked for hours, I forgot to eat from 9am until 2:30pm! Then I ate periodically…
1/24 Check-In
How was your nutrition today? How much water did you drink? Anyone starting to get worried about sticking to their healthy habits once the weekend hits?? For me today... Nutrition: 10! Water: 81.8oz I’m proud of myself for making it past the hump of the work week and sticking to my better habits. I look forward to taking…
1/26 Check-In
Hey everyone how was the end of your week? How was your nutrition today? How much water did you drink? Any steps you are taking to stay on track this weekend? My day... Nutrition: 10! Water: 115.6oz! I am feeling more comfortable in my clothes today, but taking my first progress photo this morning was an eye opening…
1/25 Check-In
Hey fitness friends :smile: ! How was your nutrition today? How much water did you drink? It was a rainy day here today and drinking so much water made me extra cold, but I surprised myself and I’m looking forward to Friday! For me today... Nutrition: 10! Two days in a row! Water: 81.8oz again woohoo! No exercise yet this…
Daily Check-In
Hello everyone! I don’t know about you guys, but I am SO ready to start posting at the end of each day how my nutrition has been. I have found that rating my nutrition and talking about my challenges or successes daily with people who are on the same weight loss journey is crucial for my success and drives me to make the…