Place Names - First word starts with end of previous word(s)
Examples include cities, states, countries, provinces, regions, rivers, mountains, lakes... you get the idea. Reply to the prior post with a place name whose first letter is the same as with the last letter in the prior post's place name. For example, one proper reply to 'Memphis, Tennessee' would be 'Eagle Mountain'.…
A-Z Organizations (business, charity, govt. agency, etc.)
Another A-Z category, this time with names of organizations. Same as other discussions like this, I'll start with an organization name beginning with the letter 'A', someone replies with an organization name beginning with 'B', and we go on through the alphabet until we get to 'Z', then start over. So here we go! Thought…
Place names - Start with last two letters of previous
I'm not sure how this will work out, but it's been fun with other topics, so why not try it for place names? Come up with the name of a city, country, province, region, geological feature (mountain, river, etc.), or whatever a place is called, in which the name starts with the last two letters of the previous post's entry.…
drop/add 2 words - keep 1 word
Variation on the 3-word edition of drop/add a word. In this version keep one of the words from the previous post's phrase and change two of the words. Should be interesting to give the next poster a bit more freedom and see what you do with it! Have fun! So to start us off... Stay with me
Where the heck are the Fun and Games posts?
Ask or answer (or both) what page the most recent posts are currently on for a specific Fun and Games discussion. Most of the forum discussions are currently displaying multiple blank pages at the end. So what page has the last non-blank page with a post on it? Might as well make a game of it! 😄 Provide the page number or…
Emoji wrong answers
Provide a humorous wrong description of the meaning of the emoji posted by the previous poster that still sorta fits, then post another emoji for the next poster to describe wrongly in their reply. No other rules aside from the standard rules of conduct for discussions, and keep it reasonably wholesome and SFW. You can use…
Why am I getting a flood of outdated emails?
I typically get four or five emails a day for reactions to things on my News Feed. This week I've been getting dozens of email messages, mostly for things that were on my News Feed weeks ago. Anybody know what's going on? Am I the sole "lucky" recipient of this behavior? Should I start playing the lottery and betting at…
Show post HH:MM time beyond current day
Replies on prior days do not display the time posted. Please extend the display of HH:MM along with the date to at least the most recent prior day. Granted, for items posted a week or more in the past, the hour and minute are not very useful. But it can be helpful to know the time for posts made in the prior day,…
Auto-check the checkbox for food/exercise changes
When a user edits the quantity value in the 'Add Food' (or exercise) entry page (in the list of Recent, Frequent, etc.), automatically set the checkbox to 'checked' for that line item. Setting the checkbox automatically, presumes the user wants to add the item to their log (i.e. we are assuming they're not editing the…
I'm feeling sad because...
I think the topic is self-explanatory for the most part. Write whatever you're feeling and want to share. If there's an upside feel free to add that. We can all use a little brightness and encouragement to go along with the down times. So to start... Because I've got nothing better to do early Saturday morning than post on…
Better visibility of 'post under review' notices
On mobiles the notice for a post being delayed until it has been reviewed is not very noticeable. It is small and appears at the bottom of the screen. Making it more visible (like move to top or red color or something else to provide high contrast) will help it be noticed by posting users, and cut down on duplicate posts…
What's on your dinner plate?
Show a picture of your loaded-up dinner plate, and tell us what's on it (not all pictures are worth a thousand, or even a dozen words). If you want to, let us know why you chose the items, and give a calorie estimate and how that fits into your daily eating plan (or how it doesn't fit if you're eating off-plan). If there's…
Spoiler support for media links
In the old interface I could put the [spoiler][/spoiler] tags around a media URL or pasted image and it would be inside a spoiler so that display of the media/image could be toggled on/off. I used this occasionally, and noted that a number of other users did as well. The new interface provides a spoiler paragraph type, but…
Alert/Warning when not replying to the latest post in a discussion
This mainly impacts the 'Fun and Games' discussions, where users are playing games in which their new post is usually based on the most recent prior post. In other forums it probably doesn't matter as much. The problem this would help solve occurs when a user is replying and they aren't on the last page of the current…
Bloody sock after running
Got back from my morning run (actually a walk/run -- I'm slowly working up to running the full distance), and saw that I had a bloody patch on the sock from my left foot. Didn't notice any discomfort during the exercise, and after washing the toe (middle toe) I could see no broken skin or residual bleeding. The only thing…
Productive exercise
Anyone else find it way too boring riding a stationary bike, walking a treadmill, or doing anything that is exercise but seems to do nothing to make the world better? True, getting the exercise will help make me and you better, which is a good thing and does actually improve the world a bit, but I find it drudgery to do…