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Spoiler support for media links

s1im62 Posts: 32,064 Member

In the old interface I could put the [spoiler][/spoiler] tags around a media URL or pasted image and it would be inside a spoiler so that display of the media/image could be toggled on/off. I used this occasionally, and noted that a number of other users did as well.

The new interface provides a spoiler paragraph type, but it doesn't seem to support putting media or images inside the spoiler. Would be nice to have this feature back!

If the feature will work for media/images and I'm just not doing things right, then maybe a 'How-To' for the new interface features would be good to provide, so users like me can learn the right way to utilize the features in the new interface.

2 votes

Completed · Last Updated

We have currently switched back to BBCode for editing posts until expanded features can be added to the newer posting editor.


  • Betty
    Betty Posts: 8,897 MFP Staff

    Hi @s1im62 We do love a good spoiler around photos and were unaware that was not working as expected. We will be filing this a bug fix with our forum provider.

  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 32,064 Member
    edited November 2021



  • Betty
    Betty Posts: 8,897 MFP Staff
    So... images in spoilers is not supported in the new posting editor at this time, but they have heard our feedback about what is lacking.

    However, we were able to revert back to BBCode for the time being!!!

    We will eventually need to transition to their new editor for posting as BBCode will no longer be supported if things start to break, but we have given them ample amounts of feedback about what is missing from the new editor in hopes we can make it work for us before embracing the newness.

    This should fix the issue with not being able to add images to spoilers, the line spacing issues, the option to change color is back and quotes will go back to normal.
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