Struggling to eat all my calories.
Hey all. Thanks for reading. I had an illness about a month ago and lost my appetite to the point where just looking at food made me feel ill. I have since recovered; but my appetite has not! although I can now eat, it's more a case of forcing myself for health sake rather than I feel hungry. I have spread my food over 6…
Gaining boobies back after weight loss?
Ive always been quite proud of my rather large bosom, and since losing weight they seem to have suffered more than I'd have liked. lol.. So the other day I was thinking, If your boobs are the first thing to go when losing weight, are they also the first thing to return if you gain? I then made a plan to lose about 10-15lbs…
Overcoming your weakness
I was just wondering, What is everyone's weakness when it comes to eating stuff you know you shouldn't be? And how do you overcome the cravings :embarassed: I usually tend to eat as lot more and eat a lot more of the wrong stuff when my partner is away, or when I am in physical pain. Unfortunately this week both of those…
Liqorice root!
Me and my boyfriend were in an old fashioned English sweetshop the other day, knowing hat I couldnt have anything I was quite depressed, but I spotted a jar of liqorice roots and just had to buy one. I figured, they are sweet, take a long time to eat so they keep you busy and complely natural, so it cant have much calories…
Breathing problems?
Im naturally quite a lazy person, but finally decided to do something to up my energy levels and yesterday I started doing the C25K. By the third jogging session I was really struggling. My body itself was fine, I was all geared up and everything, my body wanted to jog and keep jogging! My lungs sang a different song, I…
Old habits die hard
My biggest problem all my life has been absent-minded eating. I could have my mind on something and be half way through eating some kind of snack before I even knew Id picked it up in the first place. I dont have to be hungry, either. I just wander into the kitchen, grab something and eat it, half way through im like..…
Went swimming fo the first time in 12 years!
I absolutaly LOVED swimming when I was younger, I used to be the fastest and most promising swimmer in my class. Of course as the yers went by and I gained weight and eventually I got to the point where I was so embarrassed to even think of seeing myself in a swimming costume that I tried to convince myself that I hated…
Made the change
Today I have just gone through my cupboard and got rid of all of my unhealthy junk and replaced it with healthier alternatives. Ive gotten loads of brown rice and pasta, brown bread, loads of beans and pulses, tinned fruit and veg (as well as fresh, of course, the tinns are just there as a backup!) and loooads of tinned…
Hopefully this diet will last more than a week
Heya all. It was only by coincidence I managed to find this site so go me! hes a quick rundown My names Kimmy Im 21 Live in York, England I weigh 211 lbs (hopefully not for long) ad Im 5 foot 6 inches tall. I enjoy cooking, especially baking which has more than contributed to my current state. So now I bake a lot but…