Is it worth me hiring a personal trainer?
I was approached at the gym today by a personal trainer who asked if I would be interested in a session, to which I replied no. This is purely for monetary reasons as I already pay £30 for the gym each month. He said he could do a free first session to see how I feel and do a session once a month to help make a plan and…
Last hurdles.
Hi, about three years ago I was 172lbs, and realised I needed to lose weight. I made an effort over a few months to get down to 144lbs, then lost another 20lbs and now fluctuate between 124 and 128lbs. Ideally i'd like to lose another half a stone or so for vanity reasons but am sturggling with the motivation. I think in…
So what do you do at the gym??
My work friend and I signed up to the gym two weeks ago. We had a free personal training session where we focused on using some of the weights machines and worked on our legs and abs a bit, which was interesting to see how the machines worked. After that I went to a body attack class and some zumba classes because I…
I'm back for round 2
Two years ago, i lost 3 stone using myfitnesspal, by exercising and eating well. I got from a top weight of 172lbs to 128lbs which i have maintained for the last 2 years. I am relatively happy with my weight and size, but have joined a gym with a friend from work to lose the last 5lbs, and to get my fitness levels up. Is…
Quick meals for at work
I am on my way to wok shortly and have packed yet another sandwich for my dinner... I work in a supermarket, and am often on my feet all day, stacking shelves, lifting and power walking around. this is not an average supermarket, i work at one of the discount retailers who make their money by only having 4 or 5 people to…
Anyone else disappointed when they reached their goal weight
Hi I'm 5ft 4 and I have weighed in at 115lbs for the last few days (my goal), and have lost nearly 3 stone from my starting weight (158lbs). Despite reaching my goal weight, which i didn't really think would happen anyway, I don't feel very happy with the results. I am frustrated I didn't take any before pictures to show…
Please read this: sore hips
For a while I have experienced sore hips after sitting down for a while then standing up. This pain usually lasts the first few steps i take then goes away, but the first few steps I take after standing up usually leave me hobbling around somewhat til it goes away. I'm not sure why this would be happening, but the only…
Bloating worry :S
I have my Christmas work do early this year as we can't have time off in December due to the store being so busy, so we are all going for a meal and a night out on Sunday this week. I've lost quite a bit of weight and bought a dress to show off my new figure, however I'm quite worried I'll get bloated (I suffer from IBS)…
Mother issues...
I am working 4pm-11pm tonight then have 6 days holiday off from work. I m visiting my boyfriend for 3 of these days and sorting out my belongings for the other 3 as we are hoping to move out in a few weeks once the paperwork for a flat has been sorted out. I am finding things hard (especially now I am so close to moving…
Need a kick up the bum...
I know I need to start the 30DS. I have lost 2 stone already, firstly by working my butt off at the gym for 6 weeks, then actually changing my diet and eating proper portions for another 6 weeks, and starting a new physically demanding job. Now I've been doing all of this together for 4 weeks, I have gone down by a couple…
Starting 30DS soon, tips?
I started a new physically demanding job three weeks ago now, been putting off starting the 30DS til now because my body has needed time to adjust from a sedentary lifestyle to one including lots of heavy lifting and things. Now I feel a lot better body wise, and was hoping to start the 30DS soon (maybe even tomor, eek!)…
New routine help?
I started my new job two weeks ago working at a supermarket, one where you are expected to do everything in the store and continually lift heavy boxes for the whole of your shift. I did 20hours the first week, 30 last week and am averaging 30 this week. On sunday i worked 11.5 hours with two 15 minute breaks, monday i…
NSV for me :)
After feeling pretty sad saying goodbye to my lovely boyfriend for another week or not seeing each other, i came home to be told that my weight loss was really starting to show a lot more by my Stepdad. After the last few weeks of my family being generally unsupportive of my weight loss, this is definitely a NSV for me,…
Wondering about logging...
I have started work stacking shelves in a supermarket in the last week. I've only done 20hours this week, but i have 30 hours next week and hoping to get up to full time within a month or so. I have to get a bus into town then walk 1.1 miles to work every time and back, so 2.2 miles each day i work. Then on top of that I…
Having a down day :(
Let me tell you this first, I started trying to lose weight a few months ago and have already gone from 158 to 136 pounds. I feel rather proud of myself but find it hard as I don't have great support at home. After graduating from University, I've been looking for a job for months and months and finally started this…
General complain... Although general I've felt I've done quite well so far and can tell a difference, I've had a bad today today. For the first time since joining and checking in ym calories and exercise I've gone over my calorie limit, (totally didn't realise how many calories a jacket potato and turkey drumsticks had in…
Just when I was getting rather frustrated, my Mum points out that our scales are wrong! Since living at home again for the last two weeks I haven't hardly lost any weight (or so I thought) and was the same and sometimes heavier than I was when living at University. Really couldn't understand why I wasn't losing weight when…
Exercises at home???
I used to go to the gym but have cancelled my subscription because I can't afford it. I have a work out DVD that I intend to start using a few times a week and it also says how many calories you are meant to be burning too so i can add that online to keep track. I was wondering if anyone else had any ideas for at home…
Just joined- need help!
In June I finally got round to the scary task of weighing myself after a year or so of not doing it and found that I was 11st4, classed at overweight fr my height (5ft 4) and realized I needed to do something about it! I went to the gym on average 4 times a week and tried to cut back a lot of crisps/chocolate but was…