GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Recovery Protein XR
wondering if anyone has used this product and how it worked? i used one awhile back,but forgot the name. I work out a good bit and need something to help with sore muscles and to repair.
Eating to live..not living to eat...with challenge
Hello all, First let me say I am not perfect,but give it all I have in me. This topic really means alot to me because I have been a southern cook all my life and own a company that cooks for others.Coming from the south the word BUTTER and BACON fat was comforting. After years of being out of shape and killing my body I…
96 pounds gone...need advice please
Im am happy and proud of the change in my life,but could use some advise. I had the diet and exercise all figured out,but felt I was looking hollow with no shape. I decided I wanted to start muscle building. No body loves a stick right? =) I have about 14 pounds to be at the BMI I need. so when I redid my goal my calorie…
Am I getting to skinny
I hope the photo works...I took the new one today. some people say I am looking sick. For my BMI and large frame I just got into the upper healthy BMI. I really would like to be in the middle and that is like 130-125. The lowest is 108 and I know I don't want to be that small.I do want to look healthy ....I feel…
My story at a second chance at life....photos
It has taken me sometime to able to tell my story because it is full of pain....something I never dreamed I would go through. It is crazy how in a year your world can turn upside down,but I have decided if my story can help someone else it is worth it. hen my life started to change if others looked at it they would say the…
Need help on some good vvorkout dvds
I am on vveek 2 of the shred and love it. I am vvondering vvhat to do next? Im sure you all have done some that vvorked for you....so please give me ideas and your results. I need a Booty one also.
Excuses are like booty's vve all have one
Let me start by saying this I vvouldn't post this if I hadn't been there myself...You knovv the old saying about vvalking a mile in your shoes? I can promise one thing if it be death,accidents,divorce you name I have been there and felt like I couldn't go on. Excuses and negative came from my mouth. I am so thankful that…
hovv to really knovv calories burned..monitor used?
I am vvorking out alot,but tired of guessing true calories burned. I need to find out the exact amount. VVhat monitor do you use?
30 day shred cal burn HELP
I am on day seven of the shred and love the results. I really didn't find this exact exercise to knovv vvhat I am burning so I have been logging in circuit training. I think like 183 cal for level one,but move up to level tvvo sat. I am 151 pounds can anyone help me? southern sister(Brenda)…
Help for more exercise
First of all this is my story http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/350547-my-story-at-a-second-chance-at-life-photos Im am very proud of the thing I have accomplished. I am trying to shed the last pounds. I have been doing the 30 shred video and love the results. I try and jog also,but some days I can't. Me knees are…
Does the Shake weight really work?
At this time I am using free weights and they work fine,but while shopping yesterday I came across the Shake weight at a very good price. Do they work?
Why can't I see me as others do? HELP
I know I am new to the site and if some of you see my photo and say she looks fine to me...my story didn't start here though. Just over a year ago I was a big hunk of a woman. After three accidents and a surgery I found myself in a wheel chair. Right after that my husband of 28 years left me....I say all that to get to…
New to the site ,love it and excited to meet new friends
I would just like to say hello to a NEW world of friends. I am so happy my daughter introduced me to the site. I maybe new to the site,but not to the challenge of weight loss and eating right.I have lost over 80 lbs and find the last ones are the hardest to shed. I look forward to using the site and meeting new friends…