I have never been overly active or fit
Could use some suggestions???? Even as a child I was not big on sports and fitness... I played softball (left field and pitcher), bowling, and volley ball. I did not like to ride a bike I preferred to walk and could walk for miles! EWWWW this has made it even harder in adult life to enjoy sports and fitness. For the most…
This is probably a stupid question
I hear people say that they feel better after they start eating right. I feel more sleepy. I have not added a lot of extra activity yet and it has not been busy days either. I thought maybe the weather, but still have to question if it can be the diet.
Changing calorie goals
I started last Monday night. I just weighed myself tonight. (And will again in the morning because there was a 4 lb difference last week from Monday night to Tuesday morning.) Anyway from Monday night's weigh-in and this week's weigh-in I have lost 10 lbs. Is it that my calories are too low? I have it set at a 2 lb a week…
Is it wrong to be excited over the little things???
I have only been on here since Monday night. Since then I have consistantly been under my target. I THINK my sugar is the only thing I have been over in other than protein and fiber which I was told is not a bad thing. Water has always been a battle for me and the last two days I have done that. The one I didn't think…
Trying to comprehend!!
I have followed Weight Watchers and always lost on it. Followed Jenny Craig until I realized I absolutely could not tolerate the food:sick: and lost weight on it. Actually lost weight on every diet I tried but Atkin's which I gained weight. Would do things over and over. By the third day on all of them I already started…
Wii Just Dance 2.....
Anyone know how to count the calories??? I have notice something about the "sweat points"??? Any help would be appreciated!
Trying to set mini goals....
First off, I usually only set goals I KNOW I can push to reach. When it comes to weight loss, I have failed SOOOOOO many times it is hard for me to set goals because I don't want to miss the goal. Being goal oriented is EASY in areas where you have confidence. Maybe it is just too early to set mini goals. Anyway, for now…
Don't shoot me please!
I will be less of a pain and more of a help when I learn things better. I just put a recipe in the data base and the numbers just did not look right to me. Some of you are more knowledgable in the goods and bads so maybe you can tell if it is right without the trouble of putting it in the database to see if I did something…
I am sure this has probably been asked before
Anyway, I would like to know what are some things you pack for lunch?? I am a hairstylist so I need something that can be ready in just a few minutes. I got the prepackaged stuff for this week. I just get tired of pita sandwiches (or any sandwich) over and over which is what I typically do when I am trying to watch what I…
Here to help if can
I would like to take the time to thank all of you who have helped with any questions I have already posted since signing on Monday night. I should be here for a long haul so if there is anyway I might be able to help someone I do check in daily. I don't have all the answers, but with my years with WW I might have some…
How often do you weigh in???
The scale is NOT my friend. I do not like getting on it, nor does it like me getting on it. I signed on here Monday night (weighed), then weighed again Tuesday morning just to see the difference in night/day weights. (Like my morning numbers better than night!) For smiles and giggles I got on again this morning. Don't feel…
egg question
In the data base it has scrambled egg as 140 calories. I use a med egg, water not milk and I microwave so I use no additional fats. Is there really 5 fats to an egg? ( I am shocked because I always thought it was only 70 calories also.)
I had tilapia for the first time tonight. Really liked it. I do not care for salmon but not sure why not because I like salmon patties. Anyway, just wondered if anyone has suggestions on other good fish choices to try and maybe best way to prepare it since I am used to fried fish or loaded in butter. (And I did not like…
Still new to this... protein count
My protein count is really high today. Never watched that before on any diet plan. Is that something super important to watch?
Changing food choices....natural peanut butter
I did my grocery shopping today. I hope the bill gets less as I start filling the pantry with the better foods. But anyway, before I go out there and try the natural peanut butter over my tradition normal jar. Can anyone tell me if there is a taste difference to expect? I tried FF Mayo and it just tastes too rubbery to me.…
Been searching through the site...
I just joined last night. I have already had questions answered that have been most helpful. I just went back to home and noticed it told me I needed to eat over 2200 calories. OMG.... IF I start making healthier eating changes as a lifestyle commitment, I would be eating all day long!!!! Do I NEED to eat this many…
mixed views on exercise calories....
Does anyone care to please clarify? Will it hinder the loss success if you do not eat those added calories. I would think you would want to burn more than you take in. Grant it. I have my setting at a 2 lb a week loss so maybe that matters. Any pros/cons? Is it just personal preferrance? Thanks for input.
Could use some suggestings..... this area is one of my bigger obstacles. I rarely eat breakfast :( . If I do, it is usually nothing close to healthy. I can only handle eggs occassionally as I prefer them sunny side up. (scrambled tastes too bland) and I can't get past the texture of oatmeal. So, with that said, the two…
Toning bands
Anyone use these? Any ideas on good exercises using them? Okay. I have to admit, I am a book of excuses. I don't think I am alone, but seems until one is ready to take on the challenge the only challenge faced is looking for a way to succeed without effort. (unfortunately this goes in more aspects of life than weight…
Just signed up
I was referred to this site by a few people. I finally decided to visit. I hope to stay through the journey. (and this time not give up just by looking at the mountain.)