Toning bands

cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone use these? Any ideas on good exercises using them?

Okay. I have to admit, I am a book of excuses. I don't think I am alone, but seems until one is ready to take on the challenge the only challenge faced is looking for a way to succeed without effort. (unfortunately this goes in more aspects of life than weight loss). I am a hairstylist and I am right at 300 lbs. :( When I come home the last thing I feel like doing is working out. I have a stabilizer ball, 5 lb weight ball, the toning band, and exercise dvds. So it is not lack of exercising aids. It is just that it is a chore to workout. I need to change my mindset on that. It was suggested to start with the band as it would be less strain until down some pounds. It was also suggested to do "push-ups" on the wall instead of the floor. I just signed on here tonight. I am hoping this is the first step towards a new me. My goal is to be down 75 pounds by May when I participate in Relay for Life. And I have no time limit on the remaining 75 lbs as long and the numbers continue to go downward.

Any suggestions on getting started with some sort of fitness or exercise would be most appreciated. Good luck to those who are making lifestyle changes.


  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Even though you are on your feet all day, doing hair - try going for a walk. Get a Walkman, crank the tunes & hit the pavement. That is my plan once I can walk again.
  • sherrykygar
    sherrykygar Posts: 4 Member
    I used the toning bands after having a car wreck and was bed ridden for 6 weeks. They helped me keep muscle tone and could do them laying down!! After my rehab I continued to use them since the was no impact on my ankles and feet like walking or doing excercise tapes. I then did water arobics and swimming for the low impact aspect and kept toned. Hope this helps, if I could get more I would use them again.
  • I know swimming and water aerobics is the one thing I ENJOY doing. Getting too chilly for the lake, so I am going to have to suck up the $$ and join a pool for the winter so I can be successful! Invest in myself :) It's about time. Good luck!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    They work fine. Try googling them, lots of things you can use them for. If you will forgive my being a bit abrupt, I mean no ill will. But, really how badly do you want to do this? You make excuses and are tired. I understand all of that, but you have to make YOUR health and well being a priority for you. I understand the 300lbs thing, been there, I started in the mid 330-340 range. I am now in the low 270s. You CAN do this, if you want it bad enough. Catch yourself making excuses, and counter them with reasons to do what you need to do. It's not a race, but before anything can happen, you first have to start. Keep moving forward. You deserve your best efforts.
    Good luck!
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    Thanks for all the input so far. This is why I signed on here. I was told it was a great site. I KNOW I need to throw out the excuse book. (and really need to work harder than just the "easy" things) I am tired of being told I have a "pretty face". I have learned to accept that was all I was ever going to be.

    TDGee, no forgiveness needed. You are 100% correct. I am fighting all the negatives I have been told all these years. Stupid as it is going to sound my first step in change was joining this site. Its full of proof it can be done. I reaching set goals!!! Have been referred to as an "over-acheiver". But my goals are set in areas I have confidence. Time for a little bit of "The Little Engine That Could" and doing what I REALLY would like to do.....prove the ones wrong who were barriers saying I can't. Thank you!
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