I want to move on!
Hello everybody! I'm back after being away from all fitness related stuff from about 6 months. I was in a really destructive relationship with somebody and unfortunately I started losing sight of my personal goals in life. It was until we broke up that I realized what kind of jerk he was and how not worthy of my time and…
Too much cardio!
Hello everybody! I’m in need of some advice, I was following a workout program with really good results, now that I finally reached the goal I was looking forward, I started working as a dance instructor again! My problem is that now because of my job I do a ton of cardio and barely have any energy left for strength…
New cardio workout question
Hello everybody! I've been working out 6 days a week, 4 days weight training 2 days of cardio, I was initially doing 30 to 40 min of cardio. But for Valentines my husband got me a new workout. Which is very high intensitiy and lasts for an hour. I can barely finish it! It is so much fun, the problem is that afterwards I…
What keeps you motivated?
This week I have been all over the place emotionally. I’m like 2 pounds away from my goal weight, but I’m having some issues feeling motivated lately. It’s just that I really miss my old lifestyle in which I never really care what I ate, cause my work as a dancer was more than enough to keep me in shape, cause I kept…
Keep or exchange
Hello everybody! I need your opinion ! I got these super sexy pair of jeans for my birthday, but after trying them on, I discovered that even if the make my butt look good, they give me a little muffin top :( I am 3 to 5 lbs away from my goal, and I’m not sure if they will fit or not. I’m starting to fit in old jeans that…
Weight training questions
Hello guys! Ok, I have lots of questions, I hope you don't find me too annoying lol I've been weight training for 3 months, with great results, I know I have to keep challenging myself, and I've been increasing weight. I started with 3 lb dumbbells and now I'm working with 8 lbs. It is hard for me to work with them right…
Your inspiration
Hello! What athlete or famous person inspires you to keep going? My favorite athlete is Yelena Isinbayeva! I think she is very athletic but femenine at the same time :)
Cereal Bars
Hello guys! Does anybody here makes their own cereal bars? I love them! but some of the comercial ones are way to sugary and processed, I want to try and make some cause I like how handy they are some times when I'm on the go. Any recipes you recomend me? Thanks in advance!
Feeling super anxious…
Feeling super anxious… My family is coming to visit, and my bro already told me all the places he wants to go eat to. I’m terrified ‘cause I really want to be with them, but he always makes super unhealthy choices, I have a strong willpower and I don’t eat anything I’m not supposed to, but that doesn’t mean at all that I…
Question for guys
Hello guys! I am in a fitness program in which I do weight lifting for 4 days a week (upper body some days, lower others), and I've been noticing really good results in half the time I did before. Since I started weight training, my husband got really annoying! He keeps telling me I'm going to be huge! or that I'll have…
Cooking Tilapia
Hello guys! I'm looking for some suggestions on how to cook Tilapia from frozen, last time I did, I ended up overcooking and wasn't very good. Thnanks in advance!