Hashimoto's - new territory for me
I was just (today) diagnosed with Hashi's. I have had hypoT forever but just got a new endo willing to dig a little deeper. Is there anything different I should do? I read somewhere that a gluten free diet helps with the symptoms. Does anyone find this to be true. Any insight, advice, etc. would be appreciated! I am happy…
Ideas for schooling/lesson area needed
I am trying to get some ideas on how to set up my riding area to make it more "user friendly" for giving lessons. I have about 5 acres and one section is in a nice area that would be perfect for an arena but I dont really have the monetary means to till up the grass, put in fencing, etc. Not only that, I dont really want…
LC and Gluten Free
Are on of you doing LC and Gluten Free? My Dr. is hinting that this may be the best route for me due to health issues, etc. Most everything I eat is GF anyway but I do LOVE my LC tortillas. For those of you that are following both... did you find it super hard to switch to GF? Once you were past the first few weeks, was it…
HypoT and other info - great website
I found this site accidentally and really enjoyed his articles on HypoT. Many of them made me do the mental forehead slap thing where I though to myself "Oh my goodness, that makes so much sense". Thought some of you might enjoy reading as well. http://chriskresser.com/thyroid
Low Carb Chia Patties - Recipe (they are yummy!!!)
I found the recipe for these off some other random website that I cant find now (of course). These are really good!!!! I have tried some different variations but this is the original recipe: Cheesey Garlic Chia Patties 1/4 Water 1 egg 1 tsp baking powder 1/4 chia seeds 1/4 cup shredded cheese (I use colby jack) 1/4 tsp…
How do you recover after falling off the LC wagon??
It's been a rough week... or two and I admit that I fell off the wagon. It started with not logging like I should and ended with cupcakes and panini sandwiches. I dont just eat LC for weight loss but also because my health issues demand it. The problem is that I am an emotional eater and when I feel bad or sad, I want…
Coconut Oil
Yes, another post about coconut oil.... I like the kind that doesnt have a flavor but the unrefined, virgin kind is so nasty that I cant stand to eat it, especially by itself. I was doing ok with it and taking it regularly but something happened and now I cant even stand to smell it. So, my question is... if I am going to…
Another iron on the fire
So last time I went to the Dr. my cortisol levels were high. I went in for a follow up on my abdominal and pelvic scans and they discovered a HUGE cyst (maybe fibroid) on my left ovary. The cyst is almost as big as my ovary. Now, I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago. I had/have all the symptoms including multiple…
Adrenal supplements???
Is there an adrenal and/or hypoT supplement that I can get OTC? I am desperate at this point. I feel like I am going crazy. I am so tired all the time and because of that, I am in a bad mood, have bad headaches, can't remember a damn thing. I see my regular dr. on Thursday and hoping she can help me although nit getting my…
High Cortisol Levels????
Ok, so I had a bunch of bloodwork and other tests done. My cortisol levels were checked and are apparently high. The normal range is 2.3 - 11.9 and my level was 26.1. This was a late afternoon result. How can I have too much cortisol and be HYPO? So... now what? My PCP asked if I wanted to go see a different endo. What the…
Post on the Nutrition forum
Not sure if this will work. I found this on the Food and Nutrition forum here on MFP. If it doesnt work then search for it. The title of the thread is "for all you low carbers out there" http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i428/eKittyCouture/Blog Graphics/03194e30.jpg
Gluten and HypoT
So how many of you that are HypoT also have an issue with gluten and/or have gone gluten free with beneficial results?
Update to "Stupid endo"
My endo put me on a diet pill. I decided that in order to give it a fair shake, I would try it out for a month. Well, I havent lost any weight, my eating habits havent changed, I am still following my plan and exercising, but no weight loss. More energy... but no weight loss. Anyway, went to my PCP to see if she would help…
Interesting Link involves low carb or "clean eating"
I know that many of us with hypoT, other Thyroid issues, and adrenal problems have discussed many of the nutrients that this lady in the video talks about. I found it interesting that this woman refers to these nutrients (Vit B, Selenium, Sulphur, COQ10) and many of us are taking these to help ease many of our symptoms.…
What tests should I ask for??
I posted this in the wrong forum earlier.... So... I looked up which tests I should ask for on STTM. I was also thinking of asking for allergy tests for Gluten, etc. What other tests should I ask for? Not sure she will give them to me but its worth a shot.
Help! Quick! Dr. appt this afternoon!!!
So... I looked up which tests I should ask for on STTM. I was also thinking of asking for allergy tests for Gluten, etc. What other tests should I ask for? Not sure she will give them to me but its worth a shot.
Interesting Link involves low carb or "clean eating"
This is a link my husband showed to me because of the various health issues/symptoms I face everyday. Now mind you, I dont buy into EVERYTHING this lady has to say but for those of use that have chosen to limit carbs for one reason or another, I thought this was some very interesting info. The video is kinda long but it…
The Dr. I wanted to see rejected me!
I am having some sort of an emotional breakdown at the moment. About a month ago, I researched Endo's in the area to find out which one would be good for hypoT issues. My current Endo's answer was to put me on an amphetamine based diet pill. Anyway, I have waited for a month to find out when I could get an appt with the…
Saturday ride - fun times!
Well, Saturday morning was lovely. It was uncharacteristically cool for an August morning in the great state of Texas. My 7 y/o daughter (J) and I saddled up our horses and set out for a nice ride to the edge of the lake and back. It's about a 2 hour ride, maybe a little less. I am still learning the trails out there so I…
RIding this weekend?
Who is riding this weekend? We are actually supposed to have better weather. Only a high of 92 predicted for Saturday so I am taking my daughter trail riding at Bob Jones park in the morning when it is still cool. Then Saturday night we are going to the Coliseum to watch an NRHA championship freestyle reining.
The "in between", what tests to ask for and more..
I am between endos right now. I fired my other one and now waiting for my new one to review my med records and call me with an appointment. In the mean time.... I feel like HELL. I am so freakin tired. I am taking all of my meds, vitamins, etc., eating like I should be on most days. I WANT to get up early and exercise but…
30 Day Shred Question
I am seriously out of shape. I am ALWAYS tired. I want to start working out and I have read that a lot of people have success with 30 DS. I want to try but dont want to waste my money if I wont be able to do it at all. Any of you start it even though you were a beginner at exercise or any of you seriously out of shape and…
Stupid Endo!!!
Stupid Endocrinologist!!! I tell him I feel like crap. He says my labs are normal. The low end of normal but normal. I ask if he can up my HypoT meds to bring me to the high end of normal. He says no, then I would be too high. I ask him what about my symptoms? He asks if I want to go back on Levo( vs. Armour). I tell him…
Websites for low carbers
My mom is wanting to try low carb since WW isnt working for her. I am trying to help her get started. I have a few favorite websites that I have sent her way. What are your favorite low carb websites?? It can be anything - medical info, recipes, facts, etc. Thanks!
Your favorite low carb dessert is....
I have a horrible sweet tooth so I am looking for good dessert (or sweet snack) recipes to calm the cravings without killing my daily intake goals. What is your favorite low carb dessert? The easier, the better...... I have made a low card berry tart... it was ok. Family wouldnt eat it, but it was pretty I have made low…
6 Months of MFP and 30 very stubborn pounds lost.
Today marks my 175th day on MFP and today I hit the 30lbs lost milestone. I started back in Feb. and I lost 25 lbs almost instantly, I think it only took me 2 1/2 months. I mean the pounds dropped of FAST!! Then all of a sudden, the scale wouldnt budge for almost 4 months - no losses!!!! Ugh! Talk about frustrating... I…
Endocrinologist/Thyroid Specialist in Ft Worth/Dallas
I know that the members of this board are scattered across the globe. Do any of you know a good endo or thyroid specialist in Dallas/Ft Worth area? Or within 100 miles or so? I am looking to replace my current one. Thanks!
Phendimetrazine (Bontril) anyone tried or have info?
My Endo just gave me a rx for phendimetrazine. I am leery of taking it mostly because of the other meds that I am on but I was wondering if anyone out there has used it. What were most bothersome side effects? Pros? Cons? A very long time ago I took phentermine and it worked great but it gave me horrible headaches and made…
Low Carb Rant
I get so TIRED of people telling me "You dont have to eat that way, you know?" and saying things like "I eat ice cream and cake and pasta and I lost 50lbs!!"...... Well whoopty do for you! I WISH that was the case for me (or many people like me). I love the "ITs all about calories in vs calories out, you just have to work…
Question about meds before labs and other stuff
I know that I shouldnt take my Armour before labs but when should I stop? My labs are at 10am on Friday. Should I just not take them Friday morning or should I forego Thursdays dose as well? I typically take it around 6am every morning. Is there anything else I shouldnt take before the labs? Metformin, Vitamin B, Selenium,…