Finding a doctor
It may have been addressed before, but I don't know how to search. Anyone have any thoughts on how to find a doctor in your area that is ok/good with keto. TIA
Whole30 Success
Finished my first ever Whole30 and feel great! Lost 12 pounds in the process. Now working on where to go from here. Plan to stay grain free, added sugar free, limited dairy (really missed butter in my coffee and cheese), and red wine only. Had a free night last night, ate breaded shrimp and a biscuit at redlobster and had…
And Again
Vaca is over, time to get real. I've managed to gain again, feeling lousy about it, and workouts have been nil. I'm starting with cutting back/out grains and added sugar. Hope to get my energy back and start feeling good again. Would like to lose a full 10 by the time school starts back up in mid-August. Need to find a…
Just because it's the holidays...
Been away for a while, it's been quite a year. In the last year every time I've thought I was getting ahead, I allowed something else to set me back. Now it's Thanksgiving, then Christmas, and more excuses. Not quite at my all time high, but slowly getting closer. I am exercising, fairly regularly although I've hit a few…
waterd, good or bad
I had gut issues, which is part of the reason we went paleo. Gut was slow and a little backed up. Paleo has helped to some extent, but recently, it's helped more than I would prefer. Its to the point that i am hurrying to the bathrrom, and a good time of the day it is just watery poo. It occurred me today, is my gut…
Good Tea or Bad Tea?
Are flavored teas an ok thing to do on Paleo? I know that most likely the types of tea I like are not paleo, can't imagine cavemen drinking Egyptian Licorice or Kava Stress Relief. Looking at the ingredients though, it's all natural herbs. But if tastes good, and sweet, even though I add nothing to it, is it telling my…
Back on the wagon
After months of eating poorly, and an absolutely horrid weekend, and a massive weight gain, the time has come to do something, again. I realize that I am a near 50 year old female, and that I don't need to have the body of a 20 year old. I do, however, wish I had worked out more as a younger woman. Oh well. In one month…
High Intensity Training at Planet Fitness
So the dh and I did HIT at home, based on the book by Ellington Darden. Let me say I am 49yo, have had some back issues, so did not push as hard as I could have out of fear. I did, however love the results I was getting. We lifted free weights for about 6 months, plus I was training for my first half marathon. (Lesson…
How are you gauging body fat?
Reading a lot of these posts, people are talking about their body fat. How are you gauging this? Just by an online calculator? My body fat doesn't matter THAT much to me, but I am curious. I eat paleo, pretty strict, run @ 4 days a week, and do some core and body weight exercises. I can see a difference, but again, would…
What do I eat when I'm out of town?
Going out of town for training next week, and staying in a hotel. They have continental breakfast, bagels, fruit and such. For lunch I'll be eating in a chow hall that does have a salad bar, but not always paleo type meat (breaded, fillings, fried), and there is usually lunch meat (coated with preservatives and sugar).…