High Intensity Training at Planet Fitness

So the dh and I did HIT at home, based on the book by Ellington Darden. Let me say I am 49yo, have had some back issues, so did not push as hard as I could have out of fear. I did, however love the results I was getting. We lifted free weights for about 6 months, plus I was training for my first half marathon. (Lesson learned, one or the other. Too hard on the knees). We stopped lifting around Thanksgiving and haven't been able to get back into it for whatever reason.

I'm tired of waiting to start again. I enjoy exercise of all sorts, it's always been something I enjoy. Him, not so much.

I've joined Planet Fitness, couldn't resist the $10/month. Went last Friday and walked on the treadmill for 30 min, then did 12 min abs. Wow, amazed at what 2 months of not working out regularly will do to a 49yo female. Today I went and had a fitness trainer show me the equipment. He explained to me how we use low weights, high reps, numerous sets. Of course, this is what the little lad had been taught, and he was not what I would describe as a model of fitness. Not fat, just not built to his potential.

Enough of that... Now, my question, anybody do HIT, not HIIT, at PF on machines? Need to set up a routine, and they just have so many machines.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • HIT is HIT - if you know what it is why do you need advice on how to do it on machines.