Finally Fifty!
It seems like I've been on a plateau for the last month, hovering between 47 and 49 pounds lost, but today... 50 pounds down! Mirii
Water Retention and some things that cause it
So. Doc put me on antibiotics this week to avoid (not get rid of) an infection. For the first time in weeks, I plateaued, even though I have been very good overall. Then I found this, which explains a few things: http://www.water-retention.net/causes-of-water-retention/</link> (feh obviously I have a thing or two to learn…
Finally! 199.6. *glows* Mirii
He said what?
Yesterday I went to my doc because of a reaction I got from taking Crestor (cholesterol meds). When he came into the examining room, his eyes bugged out, which is unusual for him, not to mention funny to watch. After he recovered himself, he said "It's just that there's so much less of you! You look really good!" Then he…
Hi all I think I understand the up sides pretty well. What are the down sides of the George Foreman style of countertop grills? Are any better than the others? I'm looking for something durable and good at its job (obviously). Mirii
Have you ever played the Zombie game? Let me give you example: Q. What does the plumber zombie say? A. Draaaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnnsssssss. Q. What does the airline stewardess zombie say? A. Plaaaaannnnnnnnnnneeeesssssss. Lots of fun! Mirii
I "Knees" Some Advice Please
All right, confession time, but I bet some of you have been there. After several months of regular walkies (45 mins 4x per week), I decided to join the gym, and there I found a wonderful thing, the Nu-Step recumbent cross-trainer. The upright version makes me dizzy, to which my doctor said "Well, don't use it then!". The…
Gloria Vanderbilt Likes My Butt!
I'm not even close to my goal yet, but when I dropped off my old clothes at Value Village today, I thought I'd go shopping (part of my birthday present to myself). All in all, I bought 26 tops of various sorts, mostly for work, but I happened to find a size 18p Gloria Vanderbilt black jeans that look like they've never…
Cholesterol and Dieting
Here's an interesting article http://www.cbc.ca/consumer/story/2010/08/03/weight-loss-low-carb-cholesterol.html?ref=rss&loomia_si=t0:a16:g2:r2:c0.0357805:b36264818 Low carb ftw! Mirii
What Happened On My Birthday
Hi all Yesterday was my birthday. What I have to celebrate is that since January, I'm down 38 lbs. Thanks to ToM it's not 40 lb. BUT I now weigh at 51 what I weighed at 21 and that's definitely something to celebrate. Mind you, I was not a skinny kid :laugh: I definitely didn't eat healthy by my new "normal" standards, but…
I lost 66 pounds of...
CLOTHES! Today is "Out with the Old" Day for that stuff from oh so six months ago, so goodwill is going to get 3 bags full :) Mirii