Cholesterol and Dieting



  • PJRiner
    PJRiner Posts: 58
    Awesome article, thanks! Low carbs beats every diet. We have become a high carb-laden society. I have begun to believe that the key to obesity is all about carbs and overindulgence. If we all cut out excessive sugar (which comes in many different unnatural forms), the starchy whites; rice, pasta, bread and taters then we all would feel so much better and lighter. I am trying to lose weight and am def off high carbs. Eat good carbs only, there are plenty out there. We need balance and yes we need a little fat intake or else we will need colonics...LOL
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I think also the important thing this study provides is that you can lose weight with a variety of methods. It's really the preference of the individual as to what works for them.

    What I like about this study, as a low-carber, is that it provides some defense when I get the infamous "but OMG your cholesterol must be crazy high" line. No, it's not. It's IN LINE. Now, move along and bother someone else.