Anyone done BMR/RMR test in Houston area?
I'm really wanting to get this done and know definitively what my resting burn is. Anyone know where to do this in Houston, preferably north Houston? Or know of a gym chain that has these machines?
Sports Hernia, bye-bye exercise...
Just wondering if anyone out there has ever had this? I just got diagnosed with it by a sports medicine doc & now I"m doing 6 weeks of physical therapy. He says no more P90X, no more basketball, no more running, at least for 6 weeks. The gloomy part of this is that if the PT doesn't do it, there's only a few surgeons in…
SelecTech or Powerblocks, advice?
So for Christmas I'm getting one of these. I'm going to be able to use them for my P90X workouts (2nd round). Any advice on which to go with? I know the Bowflex SelecTech costs more, but as far as I can tell they work a little more smoothly & have more positive reviews. Any feedback from mfp-ers?
My sweat's smelling like ammonia???
A question for the experts out there. I'm heavily involved in the P90X routine (2nd round). After a tough workout I've got a distinctive ammonia smelling sweat going. I notice it and so does my wife. I've done a little reading but still have some questions around it. Could this be symptomactic of Ketosis? I wouldn't think…
Should I just eat more? Anyone?
So I'm in the middle of my 2nd round of P90X. I already lost 'enough' weight over the last year (about 25 lbs) for someone my size (5'7" & 37 yrs old). I'm currently trying to gain some lean mass back. I realize this is a difficult process and I may have to just accept that I'll be gaining some fat as well. So I've…
WOO-HOO! P90X Done (pics)
So I finally finished my first round of P90X. I really had my doubts when I set out that I'd be able to fit it into my already busy schedule, but my DW & I stuck it out. Overall I think it worked well. Granted, I didn't take the nutrition side of it serious for the first few weeks. By the 2nd & 3rd month I was eating much…
After P90X, what?
So those of who are P90X grads, what do you do after a whole round? I'm in week 11, have done the program pretty much exactly, and am now contemplating what to do after. I know in theory I could just start it over & never stop. But in all honesty my wife & I made this 3 month commitment and have had to sacrifice some very…
Anyone use rings?
Does anyone else out there do ring training (like Olympic still rings)? I did it a lot in college and totally fell in love with it. It was the funnest time I ever had doing an upper body workout. And it didn't take long to get good definition. So after I "fell" out of shape later in life, I decided to order some off the…
So what would you do?
So here I've been watching my nutrition pretty close. I've made lots of improvements and overcome peer pressure & some friendly razzing with my 'healthy' food choices when we go out to eat, etc. Here's my latest predicament though. I've been chosen (assigned) to be a judge at a bake-off for my church. It's just me and two…
Hey Fitness Experts...
Does it make much of a difference if a workout is before or after a big meal? I don't mean right after; I realize that could make you sick. Sometimes I will splurge on a meal but offset it with a harder workout. But I'm wondering if that extra long workout should take place before the splurge of after (within 12 hours)? As…
Does anyone know...
Does MFP's calories burned take into account your inputted weight? I know that as you lose weight your exercise becomes easier and you're burning less calories. So as long as I'm keeping my inputted weight up to date, does the calories burned adjust?
Splurged Sat night & still lost 1lb, know why???
So I went to Chili's Saturday & had a juicy steak, loaded mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli & garlic bread along with the chips & salsa. And DANG was it good. :tongue: I did not starve myself earlier in the day - was basically on par for my daily budget of calories. But after the dinner I was definitely over. I did not…
Am I right? I can't possibly be the only one. I'm tired of hearing people say that men prefer these 'stick figure' shaped women that the fashion industry, & Hollywood, likes to grind out! I don't prefer them. I don't think most guys prefer them. Frankly, I think the Nicole Ritchie or Cameron Diaz or even the Nicole Kidman…
Question for fitness experts
I've always done running just to keep myself in shape and to help me enjoy sports more. I play a lot of basketball, racquetball, & some other things. But no matter how comfortable I get with running I won't normally allow myself to go longer than about 4.5 miles, except for an occasional 10K race when I feel like it. This…
New scale w/ body fat analyzer $22
This is the one I use & I love it. It's easy to use and pretty accurate, I think. It's normally around $50 so I thought it might be of interest to some out there. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012Q6M6M
Plain water really necessary?
OK, my question: Is 8 glasses of straight water per day really necessary? I'm of the thought that most any liquid (excluding carbonation, caffeine, alcohol, etc) is really just water with something else in it, and thus gives you your hydration. In fact, I know that the original study done over 50 years ago that originally…
Anyone had to $pend on new wardrobe?
So have any of the 'big losers' had to spend a bunch of $$$ on new clothes yet? I'm only at the point where I've had to add an extra hole on my belt. :happy: In fact, for a long time I've kept some of the clothes that used to fit me over 5 years ago thinking I'd eventually lose the extra weight. Now it's starting to…
What's best about MFP?
I'm pretty new here, and am wondering if anyone else had some less than great experiences with similar sites before finding this one. I'm sticking with MFP because it seems it has such a large database of food items and easy to use functionality that it makes it very easy to keep up with all the inputing we end up doing. I…
OK, I guess it's time to publicly commit
I joined this site just a few weeks ago - and have been so pleased with it. I made my first goal a little too low and reached it pretty quick, so I'm committing to more. I want to finally get rid of the pot gut that my whole family is cursed with. I've got to hand it to y'all. I'm impressed with the many success stories…