I have a friend who is a distributor for myitworks .com just curious as to everyone's opinions. I'm debating it to supplement my diet and exercise regimen to help shrink BA k my waist
Ive been way hi what I eat and am down 12 lbs.... Hooray but lately I eat something and in turn feel so full that I feel like I could vomit like the other night a hotdog that was it is it normal or not
Body for life
I just became aware of this and would love to know more I'm too late to get in this round but I can in April 9 th but I would like to know what kind of eating and exercises it is
Pre workout
WhAtt kind of supplements do you guys used find that I'm dragging by the time I go to the gym which has to be at night. But I need a boost to keep me pumped for going Pre work out supplement advice and post workout thanks I was all motivated lost 11 lbs felt great but got in a slump
Are there any good podcasts to listen to while working out..
Flat Tummy
What would help to get my mommy tummy into a no tummy I'm goign to start excersizing hardcore but want to target my stomach most of all
Rush Fit DVD's
Has anyone tried them I'm trying to find a tape I like. Zumbas alright, insanity is alright, I'm big into UFC and one by George St Pierre woudl be awesome just seeing what other people thought
Need SOme motivation!
I'm in some dire need of motivation. I took a semester off school to get fit! I'm tired of being this way and thought I would just spend some time for myself! I need budget friendly, family friendly ideas. I'm getting a gym membership this Friday and plan on every night going for atleast an hour and doing some tapes on top…
Do any of you use a fitbit and is it worth it or is there another good resource?
Whats better to buy the New exhilierate DVDS or the old ones?
Waist Trimming Belt
Do they really work? I'm really wanting to trim my mid section and I do various exercises but I need something more.
Question for 3rd shift workers
So I usually don't work 3rd shifts. Well Sunday I got up around 8am I got a two hour nap around 2-4 pm but from there I went to work at 11 pm was supposed to be 7:30 am but I ended up staying and getting over time. I stayed til 1 pm. So I'm kind of lost on how to track my food. I tracked Sunday til midnight and all of…
I started school today and I am taking stairs instead of the elevators could i log that as excersize I do about 60 stairs 3-4 times a day. Also with a heavy book bag or do i have to change my lifestyle activity level?
Diet = Heartburn
So now that I'm really trying to maintain calories and not eat past 6 I frequently well every night get heart burn about nine thirty at night. How can I help this? I'm not eating spicy food or anything.
Hot and Humid question
Lately it is has been really hot and humid and I've still been managing my walks and runs i combine them so I don't get heat exhaustion. So heres the question since its hot and humid do you necessarilly (sp?) lose more calories. Someone told me you loose them in double to try and make up for the heat but I didn't know. I…
Heart Rate monitors
Tell me about htem I'm looking into getting one. Do I just get the watch do I need the chest clip. What brands are good ones what brands are not. I looked on ebay and a watch was $1.00!!! I dont think that it is a good deal but I need the down right low down of these!
Just Joined
I'm excited to find a free community! I have a twenty lb goal!