Las Vegas Rock and Roll-December 2, 2012 my first 1/2
I've been running (again) since January, and in March a friend asked if I would want to consider the Vegas Rock and Roll- so I began training for the 1/2. I've lost a total of 24 pounds since Christmas 2011, survived two running injuries and manage to have three months where I ran 100 miles each. I had set a lofty goal of…
Bronchitis and my 1/2 is in 43 days.
I've been working all year, starting from less than 5 miles in a week to 100 miles in August and September, and boom I was hit with Bronchitis, I've only run 4 times this month and my 1/2 marathon is in 43 days. I'm feeling a little down because I've worked so hard and although I know I should be back in the 'run' of…
Injury 7 weeks ago, and rest heart rate has increased
I tried to google this, but can't seem to find any answers. I do have a Dr. appt today for my hip injury and will ask the Dr. but I was wondering if anyone here has ideas. I started running in January and by May I was regularly running 30 miles a week, I fell (and hard) and suffered a hip injury (trochanteric bursistis) I…
Trochanteric Bursitis, I've got it.
It turns out that I am suffering from Trochanteric Bursitis, the prognosis is good and I'm not super stressed, but am a little dissapointed. I fell a few weeks ago on my right side (hard) and the Dr. advised me to take it down a notch, and I did! However, I have apparently been babying my right side, and put quite a bit of…
New Shoes and calf pain.
I was wearing Brooks Adrenaline (last two years, but the same mileage on them last year, as I did in the first 5 months this year on teh second pair). They went from feeling like heaven to feeling like two bricks, so I went in to get new shoes and was fitted and went through the whole video process again, and now I'm…
Has anyone run the Rock and Roll 1/2 in Vegas?
I just registered for the Rock and Roll 1/2 marathon in Las Vegas (December 2), I'm just wondering what the course is like... is it flat, hilly, mixed. Running in Vegas in December late at night, is it cold? still warm? Anyone have information and experience on the course?
Running Downhill and Hill debate with my husband.
I've been running without pain since February and I started in January. I was running 6 miles and it is a route I've run repeatedly with now problems, this run and many of my others have hills. I normally just run short steps down the hill because I always felt like my ankles would give out. It turns out that my 'wisdom'…
PR for 10 miles today. I feel so happy.
10 days ago I post about running my first 10 miles in 2 hours (1:58:52) (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/588222-10-miles-in-2-hours-my-goal-is-13-1-in-2-hours-what-next) and about my desire to finish a half marathon in 2 hours. I have until the end of the year before I'm entering one, but may try one mid summer if…
10 miles in 2 hours, my goal is 13.1 in 2 hours what next.
Yesterday I ran 10 miles and it took me 2 hours, which considering I started in January... I feel pretty good about it. I really want to run a half marathon in 2 hours -2 hours 5 minutes (which I know may be slow for some, but it is my first racing goal.) Any recommendations. My current plan based LOOSELY on a million and…
Out of Curiousity, What is your resting heart rate
I have been someone obsessed with my resting heart rate and now working to get my recovery heart rate recorded. If you know what yours is and or was do you mind sharing. Your resting heart rate before implementing exercise program (mine was 72) Your resting heart rate after exercising for a few months (today mine was 62) I…
Have you heard of the PWH diet?
I've been losing weight and it is starting to show, and someone asked me if I was doing the HCG diet and I said, "No, I'm on the 'PWH.". This persons said they'd never heard of it. I just told them it means, PLAIN-WORKING-HARD. I thought it was kind of funny, but they were a bit offended. Doesn't anyone else get asked if…