I need serious advice
Hello all- I need some serious advice about a guy I met at a dating auction a few months back. We went out once, but he ended up nearly standing me up before a planned second date because he " lost his phone." I used that excuse to basically say I just wanted to be friends and left it at that. However, there were other…
"Friending" a date on FB.
So last week I met a new guy at a dating auction . I bidded on him and won! After the fact we talked for a while, and he said I should call when I wanted go out. (Hmmm). Well he texted me repeatedly that night when I got home including 430 in the AM on Sunday. I woke up this morning to a friend request on FB and a text…
He disappears then comes back....
What do you do?
Hey Guys: Would you lie about being a virgin?
A man told me he was a virgin and was waiting for the right one...Then two weeks later he said he lied......Would a man really lie about being a virgin or what?
Going on dates while dating another....
So I got asked out by this guy today while out at the market...However, I am currently dating another man. I'm usually not the one to be into more than more person at a time, so I'm not sure if I should go out with this guy. My fears is if the guy I've been seeing finds out somehow. We are not technically together, but I…
Dating Dilemnia
Sooo...I got asked by a guy I met at my gym today. Coincidentally he is the same guy my friend has a crush. I had no idea who he was prior to meeting him. However, I put 2+2 together while talking to him, and now I have no clue what to do. We exchanged numbers, and I don't know if anything will happen, if anything. I…
How do you forget about a gym crush?
Sooo...I've had a gym crush since earlier this year. However, I think I saw a ring on his finger for the first time this past week..Darn! lol..I'm hoping my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I doubt it :( How do you get over a gym crush ladies and gentlemen?
Saturday Night Date Story/ies
Soooo..I went on a date with a guy I met at a nightclub a few weeks ago. He invited me to go to a festival with him, but when I get there, even though he said he would pay, he was already inside the festivals WITH HIS FRIENDS/Co-workers..Like OMG? He doesn't even really introduce me to anyone. We stay there for a hour or…
Insanity-Upper Body Weight Training yay or nay?
I just started Insanity today. I was looking at the Deluxe additions, and I am wondering if its worth buying the upper body weight DVD. If so, how in the heck did you fit it into the schedule of Insanity?
What is your spring/summer workout plan??
I am just checking to see what people have in mind for their workout routine for the next two seasons. I plan to start Insanity this Monday and be done by mid-June. I was initally planning to do Jillian No more trouble zones and bob harper, but I am getting tired of the cardio I do at the gym, and I REALLY want to stay on…
Getting compliments at the gym
This morning after my Body Pump class two older regulars stopped me and one said ," You look wonderful!" I was so happy even though I don't expect people to do that. This is probably the 4 th time its happened in the past 3 months even though I only have really lost 7 lbs during that time. I just had to share. It really…
Friday night
Homebody or party animal?
Weight Loss and Dating
Did anyone become more open to dating or going out with other men/women once they lost weight?
Online dating: Married vs single
Has anyone ever dated someone online but was concerned they were married or in a relationship? I met a doctor on Match.com very recently, but I have found it very odd that he only calls right after work and says he goes to bed at 9 pm. Like seriously? What guy doesn't have time to talk to a new woman for 5 minutes? Today…