loving this one - I did 1 x full round (220) reps last year so am hoping to beat it this year.
Thoughts? I think some kind of ladder / 1RM
I'm thinking about getting me some Metcons as I'm over having to swap out shoes between wodding and lifting. I currently use Reebok Lifters for lifting and Nano 4's which I love. Does anyone use Metcons and do they do the job for everything CF?
We seem very quiet here - what's everyone up to?
Fun on-line crossfit comp for the boys & the girls
See below links for this 2016 on line comp. We did it last year, competing against teams all over the world. It really was heaps of fun and this year they are running one for the boys also. This is for beginner & intermediate - all ages competitors. 1 WOD a week for 3 weeks - all scaleable.…
Gironda's 8x8 Method
Has anyone done this programme? I am considering it but am unsure if I should attempt at 60% of my 1RM. Thanks
Gironda's 8x8 Method
Has anyone done this programme? I am considering it but am unsure if I should attempt at 60% of my 1RM. Thanks
Gironda's 8x8 Method
Has anyone done this programme? I am considering it but am unsure if I should be doing this at my 60% 1rm?
DU's .. breathing
Hey all - I manage around 25 to 30 du's a time but I find I hold my breath so I can't sustain this for a long time. We are doing Annie tomorrow and want to nail it under 8 mins for a personal best. What is your suggestion for breathing? I reckon I could smash out 50 at a time if only I got my breath under control. Cheers
WOD Inspirations
I've been asked to start running our Crossfit Lite classes on a Sunday - which is basically Crossfit without the weight. Any suggestions on good web sites to get programming inspiration? It will be mostly circuit / EMOM and Tabata style.
Partner WODs
Hit me with your favourite partner WODs.
Online Ladies Only Partner Comp
Me and a friend have just signed up for the below - it's an on line competition so anyone in the world can enter. 3 WODs over 3 weeks - you have a week in which to complete each WOD with your partner and its geared towards beginners/intermediates. Only US$25 per team to enter and it looks like so much fun! Ladies .... take…
Where are we all from? Short Bio
Seeing as we are all fairly regular contributors to this page let's get to know each other a little better - keep it short & sweet. I'll start: Wendy 42 yrs young 1 x 7 y/o son & 3 teenage step daughters & a supportive but sometimes nonplussed husband who just cannot fathom the joy I find in CF :) Live in Auckland, New…
coaching .. thoughts?
So ... I inadvertently having been running our Smash Out Sunday bootcamp classes. It's an informal 1.5hr session that any member can come to and do your own thing - practice whatever skill you like. We are lucky in that we have 2 x large rooms so I've used one room to do bootcamp type classes with whoever wants to join in.…
Creatine for the ladies
I've been doing some research on creatine and am very interested in trying it to prolong my endurance & assist my lifting. I Olympic lift & Crossfit. I can't seem to find much info on females using it though. Is anyone here using it? What does it / has it done for you? Is it worthwhile? Thanks
Creatine for the ladies
I've been doing some research on creatine and am very interested in trying it to prolong my endurance & assist my lifting. I Olympic lift & Crossfit. I can't seem to find much info on females using it though. Is anyone here using it? What does it / has it done for you? Is it worthwhile? Thanks
Cortisone injections
So after many months of physio, modifying my WOD's and taking anti inflammatories it is becoming apparent my bursitis around my shoulder is not healing. I modify and have avoided anything overhead to no avail. Next step is a cortisone injection so I can target the inflammation and hopefully start healing. Has anyone had…
Archilles issue - from DU's
So a month or so ago I did Annie 2 days in a row and hurt my archilles to the point where I can't run and definately can't skip. I haven't torn or anything, it just really hurts when I run/skip. Normal walking and other CF excersises are fine. I've iced, seen a physio who strapped and rested but it's still playing up. Has…
Good article
Bio Genesis BioComplete Supplement
Hi - I have just started using the above. Am not feeling any benefits when working out though. Anyone else using this supplement?
On Line Judges Course
Has anyone done this? I'd like to do it as I want to be available to our members to judge for the Open. How long does it take, is it difficult and is it pretty self explanatory? Also, can you start it and then stop & continue later? Thanks
Eat to perform - my numbers
Anyone here successfully doing Eat To Perform? Am thinking about adopting it but after being semi-paleo (which by the way does not agree with me, it makes me fat) I am not sure my numbers fit. I wonder if someone could check and offer feedback? Using the ETP calculator, they are (TEDEE - 10%) as I wish to lose some body…
Open 2015
Was anyone else excited to read that they are introducing a scaled level for the 2015 CF Open??
new web site
http://wodwell.com/wods Good site!
I'm interested to hear how other boxes do their programming or how you perceive their programming to be. Ours seems to have no consistent 'plan'. I hear of other boxes having heavy weeks and then not so heavy weeks. We sometimes have weeks of doing pull ups every day. I try & go 5 x days a week & am not sure this makes for…
Weight training & Cardio on the same day
Quick question, on the days where my programme has me doing both cardio & weights on the same day, is it better to do the cardio 1st (but therefore tiring my body) or to do the cardio last (which can sometimes lead to skipping it because I am tired). Is there a rule?
5:2 intermittent fasting
Hi all - anyone doing the above while still maintaining their current training schedule? If so, have you seen good results? Thanks
Krissy Mae Cagney - custom made Macros
Hi - has anyone used Krissy Mae Cagney to create their custom macros? I am struggling to work out how to do it myself. If you have, did you find it useful? I can't seem to contact her through her web site. Thanks
Pistol Squats
Ok - so I've blown out my shoulder and am now doing only lower body movements until I'm healed. My coach has my practicing pistol squats and am really struggling with them. I find it easier to attempt them without holding on to a wall strangely enough but just cannot get the depth - is this a flexibility issue and if so,…
CrossFit = Acne
Hi all, now that I crossfit 4 x days a week my skin, in particular my upper back & neck is becoming really spotty. I use non perfumed, medicated soap, eat pretty clean, drink lots of water and shower straight after a WOD but it's not helping. Can anyone suggest something I can use - it's really getting me down. Thanks