I have my Fitbit linked to MFP. Do I also need to log my exercise or is the Fitbit handling that? For example, Zumba class.
My 6 year old is interested in working out with me. I'm just starting out again. Are there any beginners DVDs that would be a good option for a 6 year old?
I finished up week 1 yesterday. I really really really hate that cardio dvd. I feel like I am going to die! I did not do kickstart, so I was only working out once a day. I lost 3.8 lbs last week! Woohoo! Almost made it into the 150s!
I don't have a heart rate monitor (yet), so I'm at a loss as to how to figure my calories burned. Any ideas? Any suggestions for a good, budget friendly HR monitor?
With my DHs current schedule and an almost 2 year old at home, I don't have the time for 2 work outs a day right now. I'm planning to jump in tonight with week 1, but no kick start. Am I crazy to skip it?
I wasn't expecting it since I didn't get a shipment notification until Tuesday. Got home yesterday and it was waiting on my front porch. I'm having some medical tests done next week, and my Doc has advised me to wait on starting until after the tests are over. My day 1 will be April 16! Anyone with me? I'm also writing…
I just ordered Body Revolution today. I'm so excited to get it! I'm curious as to how much fish/shellfish is included in the kickstart diet. I'm allergic to both, so I will need to hunt for alternatives.